use crate::plugin::*; use crate::types::dynamic::Variant; use crate::{def_package, EvalAltResult, ExclusiveRange, InclusiveRange, INT}; use std::iter::{ExactSizeIterator, FusedIterator}; use std::ops::{Range, RangeInclusive}; #[cfg(feature = "no_std")] use std::prelude::v1::*; #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] use num_traits::{CheckedAdd as Add, CheckedSub as Sub}; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] use std::ops::{Add, Sub}; // Range iterator with step #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] struct StepRange(T, T, T) where T: Variant + Copy + PartialOrd + Add + Sub; impl StepRange where T: Variant + Copy + PartialOrd + Add + Sub, { pub fn new(from: T, to: T, step: T) -> Result> { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if let Some(r) = from.checked_add(&step) { if r == from { return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorInFunctionCall( "range".to_string(), String::new(), EvalAltResult::ErrorArithmetic( "step value cannot be zero".to_string(), crate::Position::NONE, ) .into(), crate::Position::NONE, ) .into()); } } Ok(Self(from, to, step)) } } impl Iterator for StepRange where T: Variant + Copy + PartialOrd + Add + Sub, { type Item = T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.0 == self.1 { None } else if self.0 < self.1 { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] let diff1 = self.1.checked_sub(&self.0)?; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] let diff1 = self.1 - self.0; let v = self.0; #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] let n = self.0.checked_add(&self.2)?; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] let n = self.0 + self.2; #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] let diff2 = self.1.checked_sub(&n)?; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] let diff2 = self.1 - n; if diff2 >= diff1 { None } else { self.0 = if n >= self.1 { self.1 } else { n }; Some(v) } } else { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] let diff1 = self.0.checked_sub(&self.1)?; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] let diff1 = self.0 - self.1; let v = self.0; #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] let n = self.0.checked_add(&self.2)?; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] let n = self.0 + self.2; #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] let diff2 = n.checked_sub(&self.1)?; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] let diff2 = n - self.1; if diff2 >= diff1 { None } else { self.0 = if n <= self.1 { self.1 } else { n }; Some(v) } } } } impl FusedIterator for StepRange where T: Variant + Copy + PartialOrd + Add + Sub { } // Bit-field iterator with step #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] struct BitRange(INT, INT, usize); const BITS: usize = std::mem::size_of::() * 8; impl BitRange { pub fn new(value: INT, from: INT, len: INT) -> Result> { let from = if from >= 0 { let offset = from as usize; #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if offset >= BITS { return Err( EvalAltResult::ErrorBitFieldBounds(BITS, from, crate::Position::NONE).into(), ); } offset } else { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if let Some(abs_from) = from.checked_abs() { if (abs_from as usize) > BITS { return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorBitFieldBounds( BITS, from, crate::Position::NONE, ) .into()); } BITS - (abs_from as usize) } else { return Err( EvalAltResult::ErrorBitFieldBounds(BITS, from, crate::Position::NONE).into(), ); } #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] { BITS - (from.abs() as usize) } }; let len = if len < 0 { 0 } else if from + (len as usize) > BITS { BITS - from } else { len as usize }; Ok(Self(value, 1 << from, len)) } } impl Iterator for BitRange { type Item = bool; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let Self(value, mask, len) = *self; if len == 0 { None } else { let r = (value & mask) != 0; self.1 <<= 1; self.2 -= 1; Some(r) } } #[inline(always)] fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { (self.2, Some(self.2)) } } impl FusedIterator for BitRange {} impl ExactSizeIterator for BitRange { #[inline(always)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.2 } } // String iterator over characters #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] struct CharsStream(Vec, usize); impl CharsStream { pub fn new(string: &str, from: INT, len: INT) -> Self { if len <= 0 { return Self(Vec::new(), 0); } if from >= 0 { return Self( string .chars() .skip(from as usize) .take(len as usize) .collect(), 0, ); } #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] return if let Some(abs_from) = from.checked_abs() { let num_chars = string.chars().count(); let offset = if num_chars < (abs_from as usize) { 0 } else { num_chars - (abs_from as usize) }; Self(string.chars().skip(offset).take(len as usize).collect(), 0) } else { Self(string.chars().skip(0).take(len as usize).collect(), 0) }; #[cfg(feature = "unchecked")] return Self( string .chars() .skip(from as usize) .take(len as usize) .collect(), 0, ); } } impl Iterator for CharsStream { type Item = char; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.1 >= self.0.len() { None } else { let ch = self.0[self.1]; self.1 += 1; Some(ch) } } #[inline] fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { let remaining = self.0.len() - self.1; (remaining, Some(remaining)) } } impl FusedIterator for CharsStream {} impl ExactSizeIterator for CharsStream { #[inline] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.0.len() - self.1 } } macro_rules! reg_range { ($lib:ident | $x:expr => $( $y:ty ),*) => { $( $lib.set_iterator::>(); $lib.set_iterator::>(); let _hash = $lib.set_native_fn($x, |from: $y, to: $y| Ok(; #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] $lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &[ concat!("from: ", stringify!($y)), concat!("to: ", stringify!($y)), concat!("Iterator") ]); )* }; ($lib:ident | step $x:expr => $( $y:ty ),*) => { $( $lib.set_iterator::>(); let _hash = $lib.set_native_fn($x, |from: $y, to: $y, step: $y| StepRange::new(from, to, step)); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] $lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &[ concat!("from: ", stringify!($y)), concat!("to: ", stringify!($y)), concat!("step: ", stringify!($y)), concat!("Iterator") ]); )* }; } def_package!(crate:BasicIteratorPackage:"Basic range iterators.", lib, { lib.standard = true; reg_range!(lib | "range" => INT); #[cfg(not(feature = "only_i32"))] #[cfg(not(feature = "only_i64"))] { reg_range!(lib | "range" => i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64); #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] reg_range!(lib | "range" => i128, u128); } reg_range!(lib | step "range" => INT); #[cfg(not(feature = "only_i32"))] #[cfg(not(feature = "only_i64"))] { reg_range!(lib | step "range" => i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64); #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] reg_range!(lib | step "range" => i128, u128); } #[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))] { use crate::FLOAT; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] struct StepFloatRange(FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT); impl StepFloatRange { pub fn new(from: FLOAT, to: FLOAT, step: FLOAT) -> Result> { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if step == 0.0 { return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorInFunctionCall("range".to_string(), "".to_string(), EvalAltResult::ErrorArithmetic("step value cannot be zero".to_string(), crate::Position::NONE).into(), crate::Position::NONE, ).into()); } Ok(Self(from, to, step)) } } impl Iterator for StepFloatRange { type Item = FLOAT; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.0 == self.1 { None } else if self.0 < self.1 { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if self.2 < 0.0 { return None; } let v = self.0; let n = self.0 + self.2; self.0 = if n >= self.1 { self.1 } else { n }; Some(v) } else { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if self.2 > 0.0 { return None; } let v = self.0; let n = self.0 + self.2; self.0 = if n <= self.1 { self.1 } else { n }; Some(v) } } } impl FusedIterator for StepFloatRange {} lib.set_iterator::(); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("range", StepFloatRange::new); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["from: FLOAT", "to: FLOAT", "step: FLOAT", "Iterator"]); } #[cfg(feature = "decimal")] { use rust_decimal::Decimal; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] struct StepDecimalRange(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal); impl StepDecimalRange { pub fn new(from: Decimal, to: Decimal, step: Decimal) -> Result> { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if step.is_zero() { return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorInFunctionCall("range".to_string(), "".to_string(), EvalAltResult::ErrorArithmetic("step value cannot be zero".to_string(), crate::Position::NONE).into(), crate::Position::NONE, ).into()); } Ok(Self(from, to, step)) } } impl Iterator for StepDecimalRange { type Item = Decimal; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.0 == self.1 { None } else if self.0 < self.1 { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if self.2.is_sign_negative() { return None; } let v = self.0; let n = self.0 + self.2; self.0 = if n >= self.1 { self.1 } else { n }; Some(v) } else { #[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))] if self.2.is_sign_positive() { return None; } let v = self.0; let n = self.0 + self.2; self.0 = if n <= self.1 { self.1 } else { n }; Some(v) } } } impl FusedIterator for StepDecimalRange {} lib.set_iterator::(); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("range", StepDecimalRange::new); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["from: Decimal", "to: Decimal", "step: Decimal", "Iterator"]); } // Register string iterator lib.set_iterator::(); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("chars", |string, range: ExclusiveRange| { let from = INT::max(range.start, 0); let to = INT::max(range.end, from); Ok(CharsStream::new(string, from, to - from)) }); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["string: &str", "range: Range", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("chars", |string, range: InclusiveRange| { let from = INT::max(*range.start(), 0); let to = INT::max(*range.end(), from - 1); Ok(CharsStream::new(string, from, to-from + 1)) }); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["string: &str", "range: RangeInclusive", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("chars", |string, from, len| Ok(CharsStream::new(string, from, len))); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["string: &str", "from: INT", "len: INT", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("chars", |string, from| Ok(CharsStream::new(string, from, INT::MAX))); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["string: &str", "from: INT", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("chars", |string| Ok(CharsStream::new(string, 0, INT::MAX))); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["string: &str", "Iterator"]); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] { let _hash = lib.set_getter_fn("chars", |string: &mut ImmutableString| Ok(CharsStream::new(string, 0, INT::MAX))); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["string: &mut ImmutableString", "Iterator"]); } // Register bit-field iterator lib.set_iterator::(); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("bits", |value, range: ExclusiveRange| { let from = INT::max(range.start, 0); let to = INT::max(range.end, from); BitRange::new(value, from, to - from) }); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["value: INT", "range: Range", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("bits", |value, range: InclusiveRange| { let from = INT::max(*range.start(), 0); let to = INT::max(*range.end(), from - 1); BitRange::new(value, from, to - from + 1) }); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["value: INT", "range: RangeInclusive", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("bits", BitRange::new); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["value: INT", "from: INT", "len: INT", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("bits", |value, from| BitRange::new(value, from, INT::MAX)); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["value: INT", "from: INT", "Iterator"]); let _hash = lib.set_native_fn("bits", |value| BitRange::new(value, 0, INT::MAX) ); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["value: INT", "Iterator"]); #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] { let _hash = lib.set_getter_fn("bits", |value: &mut INT| BitRange::new(*value, 0, INT::MAX) ); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] lib.update_fn_metadata(_hash, &["value: &mut INT", "range: Range", "Iterator"]); } combine_with_exported_module!(lib, "range", range_functions); }); #[export_module] mod range_functions { #[rhai_fn(get = "start", name = "start", pure)] pub fn start(range: &mut ExclusiveRange) -> INT { range.start } #[rhai_fn(get = "end", name = "end", pure)] pub fn end(range: &mut ExclusiveRange) -> INT { range.end } #[rhai_fn(get = "is_inclusive", name = "is_inclusive", pure)] pub fn is_inclusive(range: &mut ExclusiveRange) -> bool { let _range = range; false } #[rhai_fn(get = "is_exclusive", name = "is_exclusive", pure)] pub fn is_exclusive(range: &mut ExclusiveRange) -> bool { let _range = range; true } #[rhai_fn(get = "start", name = "start", pure)] pub fn start_inclusive(range: &mut InclusiveRange) -> INT { *range.start() } #[rhai_fn(get = "end", name = "end", pure)] pub fn end_inclusive(range: &mut InclusiveRange) -> INT { *range.end() } #[rhai_fn(get = "is_inclusive", name = "is_inclusive", pure)] pub fn is_inclusive_inclusive(range: &mut InclusiveRange) -> bool { let _range = range; true } #[rhai_fn(get = "is_exclusive", name = "is_exclusive", pure)] pub fn is_exclusive_inclusive(range: &mut InclusiveRange) -> bool { let _range = range; false } }