//! Module which defines the function registration mechanism. #![allow(non_snake_case)] use super::call::FnCallArgs; use super::callable_function::CallableFunction; use super::native::{FnAny, SendSync}; use crate::tokenizer::Position; use crate::types::dynamic::{DynamicWriteLock, Variant}; use crate::{reify, Dynamic, NativeCallContext, RhaiResultOf, ERR}; #[cfg(feature = "no_std")] use std::prelude::v1::*; use std::{any::TypeId, mem}; // These types are used to build a unique _marker_ tuple type for each combination // of function parameter types in order to make each trait implementation unique. // That is because stable Rust currently does not allow distinguishing implementations // based purely on parameter types of traits (`Fn`, `FnOnce` and `FnMut`). // // For example: // // `NativeFunction<(Mut, B, Ref), R>` // // will have the function prototype constraint to: // // `FN: (&mut A, B, &C) -> R` // // These types are not actually used anywhere. pub struct Mut(T); //pub struct Ref(T); /// Dereference into DynamicWriteLock #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn by_ref(data: &mut Dynamic) -> DynamicWriteLock { // Directly cast the &mut Dynamic into DynamicWriteLock to access the underlying data. data.write_lock::().expect("checked") } /// Dereference into value. #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn by_value(data: &mut Dynamic) -> T { if TypeId::of::() == TypeId::of::<&str>() { // If T is `&str`, data must be `ImmutableString`, so map directly to it data.flatten_in_place(); let ref_str = data.as_str_ref().expect("&str"); // # Safety // // We already checked that `T` is `&str`, so it is safe to cast here. return unsafe { std::mem::transmute_copy::<_, T>(&ref_str) }; } if TypeId::of::() == TypeId::of::() { // If T is `String`, data must be `ImmutableString`, so map directly to it return reify!(mem::take(data).into_string().expect("`ImmutableString`") => T); } // We consume the argument and then replace it with () - the argument is not supposed to be used again. // This way, we avoid having to clone the argument again, because it is already a clone when passed here. return mem::take(data).cast::(); } /// Trait to register custom Rust functions. pub trait RegisterNativeFunction { /// Convert this function into a [`CallableFunction`]. #[must_use] fn into_callable_function(self) -> CallableFunction; /// Get the type ID's of this function's parameters. #[must_use] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]>; /// _(metadata)_ Get the type names of this function's parameters. /// Exported under the `metadata` feature only. #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[must_use] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]>; /// _(metadata)_ Get the type ID of this function's return value. /// Exported under the `metadata` feature only. #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[must_use] fn return_type() -> TypeId; /// _(metadata)_ Get the type name of this function's return value. /// Exported under the `metadata` feature only. #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[must_use] fn return_type_name() -> &'static str; } const EXPECT_ARGS: &str = "arguments"; macro_rules! check_constant { ($ctx:ident, $args:ident) => { #[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_object"), not(feature = "no_index")))] { let args_len = $args.len(); if args_len > 0 && $args[0].is_read_only() { let deny = match $ctx.fn_name() { #[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))] f if args_len == 2 && f.starts_with(crate::engine::FN_SET) => true, #[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))] crate::engine::FN_IDX_SET if args_len == 3 => true, _ => false, }; if deny { return Err( ERR::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(String::new(), Position::NONE).into(), ); } } } }; } macro_rules! def_register { () => { def_register!(imp from_pure :); }; (imp $abi:ident : $($par:ident => $arg:expr => $mark:ty => $param:ty => $let:stmt => $clone:expr),*) => { // ^ function ABI type // ^ function parameter generic type name (A, B, C etc.) // ^ call argument(like A, *B, &mut C etc) // ^ function parameter marker type (A, Ref or Mut) // ^ function parameter actual type (A, &B or &mut C) // ^ argument let statement impl< FN: Fn($($param),*) -> RET + SendSync + 'static, $($par: Variant + Clone,)* RET: Variant + Clone > RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), ()> for FN { #[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type_name() -> &'static str { std::any::type_name::() } #[inline(always)] fn into_callable_function(self) -> CallableFunction { CallableFunction::$abi(Box::new(move |ctx: NativeCallContext, args: &mut FnCallArgs| { // The arguments are assumed to be of the correct number and types! check_constant!(ctx, args); let mut _drain = args.iter_mut(); $($let $par = ($clone)(_drain.next().expect(EXPECT_ARGS)); )* // Call the function with each argument value let r = self($($arg),*); // Map the result Ok(Dynamic::from(r)) }) as Box) } } impl< FN: for<'a> Fn(NativeCallContext<'a>, $($param),*) -> RET + SendSync + 'static, $($par: Variant + Clone,)* RET: Variant + Clone > RegisterNativeFunction<(NativeCallContext<'static>, $($mark,)*), ()> for FN { #[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type_name() -> &'static str { std::any::type_name::() } #[inline(always)] fn into_callable_function(self) -> CallableFunction { CallableFunction::$abi(Box::new(move |ctx: NativeCallContext, args: &mut FnCallArgs| { // The arguments are assumed to be of the correct number and types! check_constant!(ctx, args); let mut _drain = args.iter_mut(); $($let $par = ($clone)(_drain.next().expect(EXPECT_ARGS)); )* // Call the function with each argument value let r = self(ctx, $($arg),*); // Map the result Ok(Dynamic::from(r)) }) as Box) } } impl< FN: Fn($($param),*) -> RhaiResultOf + SendSync + 'static, $($par: Variant + Clone,)* RET: Variant + Clone > RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), RhaiResultOf> for FN { #[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::>() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type_name() -> &'static str { std::any::type_name::>() } #[inline(always)] fn into_callable_function(self) -> CallableFunction { CallableFunction::$abi(Box::new(move |ctx: NativeCallContext, args: &mut FnCallArgs| { // The arguments are assumed to be of the correct number and types! check_constant!(ctx, args); let mut _drain = args.iter_mut(); $($let $par = ($clone)(_drain.next().expect(EXPECT_ARGS)); )* // Call the function with each argument value self($($arg),*).map(Dynamic::from) }) as Box) } } impl< FN: for<'a> Fn(NativeCallContext<'a>, $($param),*) -> RhaiResultOf + SendSync + 'static, $($par: Variant + Clone,)* RET: Variant + Clone > RegisterNativeFunction<(NativeCallContext<'static>, $($mark,)*), RhaiResultOf> for FN { #[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::>() } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type_name() -> &'static str { std::any::type_name::>() } #[inline(always)] fn into_callable_function(self) -> CallableFunction { CallableFunction::$abi(Box::new(move |ctx: NativeCallContext, args: &mut FnCallArgs| { // The arguments are assumed to be of the correct number and types! check_constant!(ctx, args); let mut _drain = args.iter_mut(); $($let $par = ($clone)(_drain.next().expect(EXPECT_ARGS)); )* // Call the function with each argument value self(ctx, $($arg),*).map(Dynamic::from) }) as Box) } } //def_register!(imp_pop $($par => $mark => $param),*); }; ($p0:ident $(, $p:ident)*) => { def_register!(imp from_pure : $p0 => $p0 => $p0 => $p0 => let $p0 => by_value $(, $p => $p => $p => $p => let $p => by_value)*); def_register!(imp from_method : $p0 => &mut $p0 => Mut<$p0> => &mut $p0 => let mut $p0 => by_ref $(, $p => $p => $p => $p => let $p => by_value)*); // ^ CallableFunction constructor // ^ first parameter passed through // ^ others passed by value (by_value) // Currently does not support first argument which is a reference, as there will be // conflicting implementations since &T: Any and T: Any cannot be distinguished //def_register!(imp $p0 => Ref<$p0> => &$p0 => by_ref $(, $p => $p => $p => by_value)*); def_register!($($p),*); }; } def_register!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V);