use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens}; use syn::{ parse::{Parse, ParseStream}, spanned::Spanned, }; #[cfg(no_std)] use alloc::format; #[cfg(not(no_std))] use std::format; use std::borrow::Cow; use crate::attrs::{ExportInfo, ExportScope, ExportedParams}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Hash)] pub enum FnNamespaceAccess { Unset, Global, Internal, } impl Default for FnNamespaceAccess { fn default() -> Self { Self::Unset } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Hash)] pub enum Index { Get, Set, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum Property { Get(syn::Ident), Set(syn::Ident), } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum FnSpecialAccess { None, Index(Index), Property(Property), } impl Default for FnSpecialAccess { fn default() -> FnSpecialAccess { FnSpecialAccess::None } } impl FnSpecialAccess { pub fn get_fn_name(&self) -> Option<(String, String, Span)> { match self { FnSpecialAccess::None => None, FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Get(ref g)) => { Some((format!("{FN_GET}{g}"), g.to_string(), g.span())) } FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Set(ref s)) => { Some((format!("{FN_SET}{s}"), s.to_string(), s.span())) } FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Get) => Some(( FN_IDX_GET.to_string(), "index_get".to_string(), Span::call_site(), )), FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Set) => Some(( FN_IDX_SET.to_string(), "index_set".to_string(), Span::call_site(), )), } } } pub fn flatten_type_groups(ty: &syn::Type) -> &syn::Type { match ty { syn::Type::Group(syn::TypeGroup { ref elem, .. }) | syn::Type::Paren(syn::TypeParen { ref elem, .. }) => flatten_type_groups(elem.as_ref()), _ => ty, } } pub fn print_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> String { ty.to_token_stream() .to_string() .replace(" , ", ", ") .replace("& ", "&") .replace(" :: ", "::") .replace(" ( ", "(") .replace(" ) ", ")") .replace(" < ", "<") .replace(" > ", ">") } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct ExportedFnParams { pub name: Vec, pub return_raw: Option, pub pure: Option, pub skip: bool, pub special: FnSpecialAccess, pub namespace: FnNamespaceAccess, pub span: Option, } pub const FN_GET: &str = "get$"; pub const FN_SET: &str = "set$"; pub const FN_IDX_GET: &str = "index$get$"; pub const FN_IDX_SET: &str = "index$set$"; impl Parse for ExportedFnParams { fn parse(args: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { if args.is_empty() { return Ok(ExportedFnParams::default()); } let info = crate::attrs::parse_attr_items(args)?; Self::from_info(info) } } impl ExportedParams for ExportedFnParams { fn parse_stream(args: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { Self::parse(args) } fn no_attrs() -> Self { Default::default() } fn from_info(info: crate::attrs::ExportInfo) -> syn::Result { let ExportInfo { item_span: span, items: attrs, } = info; let mut name = Vec::new(); let mut return_raw = None; let mut pure = None; let mut skip = false; let mut namespace = FnNamespaceAccess::Unset; let mut special = FnSpecialAccess::None; for attr in attrs { let crate::attrs::AttrItem { key, value, span: item_span, } = attr; match (key.to_string().as_ref(), value) { ("get", None) | ("set", None) | ("name", None) => { return Err(syn::Error::new(key.span(), "requires value")) } ("name", Some(s)) if s.value() == FN_IDX_GET => { return Err(syn::Error::new( item_span, "use attribute 'index_get' instead", )) } ("name", Some(s)) if s.value() == FN_IDX_SET => { return Err(syn::Error::new( item_span, "use attribute 'index_set' instead", )) } ("name", Some(s)) if s.value().starts_with(FN_GET) => { return Err(syn::Error::new( item_span, format!( "use attribute 'getter = \"{}\"' instead", &s.value()[FN_GET.len()..] ), )) } ("name", Some(s)) if s.value().starts_with(FN_SET) => { return Err(syn::Error::new( item_span, format!( "use attribute 'setter = \"{}\"' instead", &s.value()[FN_SET.len()..] ), )) } ("name", Some(s)) => name.push(s.value()), ("index_get", Some(s)) | ("index_set", Some(s)) | ("return_raw", Some(s)) | ("pure", Some(s)) | ("skip", Some(s)) | ("global", Some(s)) | ("internal", Some(s)) => { return Err(syn::Error::new(s.span(), "extraneous value")) } ("pure", None) => pure = Some(item_span), ("return_raw", None) => return_raw = Some(item_span), ("skip", None) => skip = true, ("global", None) => match namespace { FnNamespaceAccess::Unset => namespace = FnNamespaceAccess::Global, FnNamespaceAccess::Global => (), FnNamespaceAccess::Internal => { return Err(syn::Error::new( key.span(), "namespace is already set to 'internal'", )) } }, ("internal", None) => match namespace { FnNamespaceAccess::Unset => namespace = FnNamespaceAccess::Internal, FnNamespaceAccess::Internal => (), FnNamespaceAccess::Global => { return Err(syn::Error::new( key.span(), "namespace is already set to 'global'", )) } }, ("get", Some(s)) => { special = match special { FnSpecialAccess::None => FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Get( syn::Ident::new(&s.value(), s.span()), )), _ => return Err(syn::Error::new(item_span.span(), "conflicting getter")), } } ("set", Some(s)) => { special = match special { FnSpecialAccess::None => FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Set( syn::Ident::new(&s.value(), s.span()), )), _ => return Err(syn::Error::new(item_span.span(), "conflicting setter")), } } ("index_get", None) => { special = match special { FnSpecialAccess::None => FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Get), _ => { return Err(syn::Error::new(item_span.span(), "conflicting index_get")) } } } ("index_set", None) => { special = match special { FnSpecialAccess::None => FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Set), _ => { return Err(syn::Error::new(item_span.span(), "conflicting index_set")) } } } (attr, ..) => { return Err(syn::Error::new( key.span(), format!("unknown attribute '{attr}'"), )) } } } Ok(ExportedFnParams { name, return_raw, pure, skip, special, namespace, span: Some(span), }) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ExportedFn { entire_span: Span, signature: syn::Signature, visibility: syn::Visibility, pass_context: bool, mut_receiver: bool, params: ExportedFnParams, cfg_attrs: Vec, #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] comments: Vec, } impl Parse for ExportedFn { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { let fn_all: syn::ItemFn = input.parse()?; let entire_span = fn_all.span(); let str_type_path = syn::parse2::(quote! { str }).unwrap(); let context_type_path1 = syn::parse2::(quote! { NativeCallContext }).unwrap(); let context_type_path2 = syn::parse2::(quote! { rhai::NativeCallContext }).unwrap(); let mut pass_context = false; let cfg_attrs = crate::attrs::collect_cfg_attr(&fn_all.attrs); let visibility = fn_all.vis; // Determine if the function requires a call context if let Some(syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { ref ty, .. })) = fn_all.sig.inputs.first() { match flatten_type_groups(ty.as_ref()) { syn::Type::Path(p) if p.path == context_type_path1 || p.path == context_type_path2 => { pass_context = true; } _ => {} } } let skip_slots = if pass_context { 1 } else { 0 }; // Determine whether function generates a special calling convention for a mutable receiver. let mut_receiver = match fn_all.sig.inputs.iter().nth(skip_slots) { Some(syn::FnArg::Receiver(syn::Receiver { reference: Some(_), .. })) => true, Some(syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { ref ty, .. })) => { match flatten_type_groups(ty.as_ref()) { syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { mutability: Some(_), .. }) => true, syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { mutability: None, ref elem, .. }) => match flatten_type_groups(elem.as_ref()) { syn::Type::Path(ref p) if p.path == str_type_path => false, _ => { return Err(syn::Error::new( ty.span(), "references from Rhai in this position must be mutable", )) } }, _ => false, } } _ => false, }; // All arguments after the first must be moved except for &str. for arg in fn_all.sig.inputs.iter().skip(skip_slots + 1) { let ty = match arg { syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { ref ty, .. }) => ty, _ => panic!("internal error: receiver argument outside of first position!?"), }; let is_ok = match flatten_type_groups(ty.as_ref()) { syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { mutability: Some(_), .. }) => false, syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { mutability: None, ref elem, .. }) => { matches!(flatten_type_groups(elem.as_ref()), syn::Type::Path(ref p) if p.path == str_type_path) } syn::Type::Verbatim(..) => false, _ => true, }; if !is_ok { return Err(syn::Error::new( ty.span(), "function parameters other than the first one cannot be passed by reference", )); } } // Check return type. if let syn::ReturnType::Type(.., ref ret_type) = fn_all.sig.output { match flatten_type_groups(ret_type.as_ref()) { syn::Type::Ptr(..) => { return Err(syn::Error::new( fn_all.sig.output.span(), "Rhai functions cannot return pointers", )) } syn::Type::Reference(..) => { return Err(syn::Error::new( fn_all.sig.output.span(), "Rhai functions cannot return references", )) } _ => {} } } Ok(ExportedFn { entire_span, signature: fn_all.sig, visibility, pass_context, mut_receiver, params: Default::default(), cfg_attrs, #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] comments: Vec::new(), }) } } impl ExportedFn { #![allow(unused)] pub fn params(&self) -> &ExportedFnParams { &self.params } pub fn cfg_attrs(&self) -> &[syn::Attribute] { &self.cfg_attrs } pub fn update_scope(&mut self, parent_scope: &ExportScope) { let keep = match (self.params.skip, parent_scope) { (true, ..) => false, (.., ExportScope::PubOnly) => self.is_public(), (.., ExportScope::Prefix(s)) =>, (.., ExportScope::All) => true, }; self.params.skip = !keep; } pub fn skipped(&self) -> bool { self.params.skip } pub fn pass_context(&self) -> bool { self.pass_context } pub fn signature(&self) -> &syn::Signature { &self.signature } pub fn mutable_receiver(&self) -> bool { self.mut_receiver } pub fn is_public(&self) -> bool { !matches!(self.visibility, syn::Visibility::Inherited) } pub fn span(&self) -> &Span { &self.entire_span } pub fn name(&self) -> &syn::Ident { &self.signature.ident } pub fn exported_names(&self) -> Vec { let mut literals: Vec<_> = self .params .name .iter() .map(|s| syn::LitStr::new(s, Span::call_site())) .collect(); if let Some((s, _, span)) = self.params.special.get_fn_name() { literals.push(syn::LitStr::new(&s, span)); } if literals.is_empty() { literals.push(syn::LitStr::new( &self.signature.ident.to_string(), self.signature.ident.span(), )); } literals } pub fn exported_name(&self) -> Cow { self.params .name .last() .map_or_else(|| self.signature.ident.to_string().into(), |s| s.into()) } pub fn arg_list(&self) -> impl Iterator { let skip = if self.pass_context { 1 } else { 0 }; self.signature.inputs.iter().skip(skip) } pub fn arg_count(&self) -> usize { let skip = if self.pass_context { 1 } else { 0 }; self.signature.inputs.len() - skip } pub fn return_type(&self) -> Option<&syn::Type> { match self.signature.output { syn::ReturnType::Type(.., ref ret_type) => Some(flatten_type_groups(ret_type)), _ => None, } } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] pub fn comments(&self) -> &[String] { &self.comments } #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] pub fn set_comments(&mut self, comments: Vec) { self.comments = comments } pub fn set_cfg_attrs(&mut self, cfg_attrs: Vec) { self.cfg_attrs = cfg_attrs } pub fn set_params(&mut self, mut params: ExportedFnParams) -> syn::Result<()> { // Several issues are checked here to avoid issues with diagnostics caused by raising them later. // // 1a. Do not allow non-returning raw functions. // if params.return_raw.is_some() && self.return_type().is_none() { return Err(syn::Error::new( params.return_raw.unwrap(), "functions marked with 'return_raw' must return Result>", )); } // 1b. Do not allow non-method pure functions. // if params.pure.is_some() && !self.mutable_receiver() { return Err(syn::Error::new( params.pure.unwrap(), "'pure' is not necessary on functions without a &mut first parameter", )); } match params.special { // 2a. Property getters must take only the subject as an argument. FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Get(..)) if self.arg_count() != 1 => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.inputs.span(), "property getter requires exactly 1 parameter", )) } // 2b. Property getters must return a value. FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Get(..)) if self.return_type().is_none() => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.span(), "property getter must return a value", )) } // 3a. Property setters must take the subject and a new value as arguments. FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Set(..)) if self.arg_count() != 2 => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.inputs.span(), "property setter requires exactly 2 parameters", )) } // 3b. Non-raw property setters must return nothing. FnSpecialAccess::Property(Property::Set(..)) if params.return_raw.is_none() && self.return_type().is_some() => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.output.span(), "property setter cannot return any value", )) } // 4a. Index getters must take the subject and the accessed "index" as arguments. FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Get) if self.arg_count() != 2 => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.inputs.span(), "index getter requires exactly 2 parameters", )) } // 4b. Index getters must return a value. FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Get) if self.return_type().is_none() => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.span(), "index getter must return a value", )) } // 5a. Index setters must take the subject, "index", and new value as arguments. FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Set) if self.arg_count() != 3 => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.inputs.span(), "index setter requires exactly 3 parameters", )) } // 5b. Non-raw index setters must return nothing. FnSpecialAccess::Index(Index::Set) if params.return_raw.is_none() && self.return_type().is_some() => { return Err(syn::Error::new( self.signature.output.span(), "index setter cannot return any value", )) } _ => {} } self.params = params; Ok(()) } pub fn generate(self) -> TokenStream { let name: syn::Ident = syn::Ident::new(&format!("rhai_fn_{}",,; let impl_block = self.generate_impl("Token"); let dyn_result_fn_block = self.generate_dynamic_fn(); let vis = self.visibility; quote! { #[automatically_derived] #vis mod #name { use super::*; #[doc(hidden)] pub struct Token(); #impl_block #dyn_result_fn_block } } } pub fn generate_dynamic_fn(&self) -> TokenStream { let name =; let mut dynamic_signature = self.signature.clone(); dynamic_signature.ident = syn::Ident::new("dynamic_result_fn", Span::call_site()); dynamic_signature.output = syn::parse2::(quote! { -> RhaiResult }) .unwrap(); let arguments: Vec<_> = dynamic_signature .inputs .iter() .filter_map(|fn_arg| match fn_arg { syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { ref pat, .. }) => match pat.as_ref() { syn::Pat::Ident(ref ident) => Some(ident.ident.clone()), _ => None, }, _ => None, }) .collect(); let return_span = self .return_type() .map(|r| r.span()) .unwrap_or_else(Span::call_site) .resolved_at(Span::call_site()); if self.params.return_raw.is_some() { quote_spanned! { return_span => #[allow(unused)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline(always)] pub #dynamic_signature { #name(#(#arguments),*).map(Dynamic::from) } } } else { quote_spanned! { return_span => #[allow(unused)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline(always)] pub #dynamic_signature { Ok(Dynamic::from(#name(#(#arguments),*))) } } } } pub fn generate_impl(&self, on_type_name: &str) -> TokenStream { let sig_name =; let arg_count = self.arg_count(); let is_method_call = self.mutable_receiver(); let is_pure = !self.mutable_receiver() || self.params().pure.is_some(); let mut unpack_statements = Vec::new(); let mut unpack_exprs = Vec::new(); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] let mut input_type_names = Vec::new(); let mut input_type_exprs = Vec::new(); let return_type = self .return_type() .map(print_type) .unwrap_or_else(|| "()".to_string()); let skip_first_arg; if self.pass_context { unpack_exprs.push(syn::parse2::(quote! { context }).unwrap()); } // Handle the first argument separately if the function has a "method like" receiver if is_method_call { skip_first_arg = true; let first_arg = self.arg_list().next().unwrap(); let var = syn::Ident::new("arg0", Span::call_site()); match first_arg { syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { pat, ty, .. }) => { #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] let arg_name = format!("{}: {}", pat.to_token_stream(), print_type(ty)); let arg_type = match flatten_type_groups(ty.as_ref()) { syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { ref elem, .. }) => elem.as_ref(), p => p, }; let downcast_span = quote_spanned!(arg_type.span() => &mut args[0usize].write_lock::<#arg_type>().unwrap() ); unpack_statements.push( syn::parse2::(quote! { let #var = #downcast_span; }) .unwrap(), ); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] input_type_names.push(arg_name); input_type_exprs.push( syn::parse2::(quote_spanned!(arg_type.span() => TypeId::of::<#arg_type>() )) .unwrap(), ); } syn::FnArg::Receiver(..) => todo!("true self parameters not implemented yet"), } unpack_exprs.push(syn::parse2::(quote! { #var }).unwrap()); } else { skip_first_arg = false; } // Handle the rest of the arguments, which all are passed by value. // // The only exception is strings, which need to be downcast to ImmutableString to enable a // zero-copy conversion to &str by reference, or a cloned String. let str_type_path = syn::parse2::(quote! { str }).unwrap(); let string_type_path = syn::parse2::(quote! { String }).unwrap(); for (i, arg) in self.arg_list().enumerate().skip(skip_first_arg as usize) { let var = syn::Ident::new(&format!("arg{i}"), Span::call_site()); let is_string; let is_ref; match arg { syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { pat, ty, .. }) => { #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] let arg_name = format!("{}: {}", pat.to_token_stream(), print_type(ty)); let arg_type = ty.as_ref(); let downcast_span = match flatten_type_groups(arg_type) { syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { mutability: None, ref elem, .. }) => match flatten_type_groups(elem.as_ref()) { syn::Type::Path(ref p) if p.path == str_type_path => { is_string = true; is_ref = true; quote_spanned!(arg_type.span().resolved_at(Span::call_site()) => mem::take(args[#i]).into_immutable_string().unwrap() ) } _ => panic!("internal error: why wasn't this found earlier!?"), }, syn::Type::Path(ref p) if p.path == string_type_path => { is_string = true; is_ref = false; quote_spanned!(arg_type.span().resolved_at(Span::call_site()) => mem::take(args[#i]).into_string().unwrap() ) } _ => { is_string = false; is_ref = false; quote_spanned!(arg_type.span().resolved_at(Span::call_site()) => mem::take(args[#i]).cast::<#arg_type>() ) } }; unpack_statements.push( syn::parse2::(quote! { let #var = #downcast_span; }) .unwrap(), ); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] input_type_names.push(arg_name); if !is_string { input_type_exprs.push( syn::parse2::(quote_spanned!(arg_type.span() => TypeId::of::<#arg_type>() )) .unwrap(), ); } else { input_type_exprs.push( syn::parse2::(quote_spanned!(arg_type.span() => TypeId::of::() )) .unwrap(), ); } } syn::FnArg::Receiver(..) => panic!("internal error: how did this happen!?"), } if !is_ref { unpack_exprs.push(syn::parse2::(quote! { #var }).unwrap()); } else { unpack_exprs.push(syn::parse2::(quote! { &#var }).unwrap()); } } // In method calls, the first argument will need to be mutably borrowed. Because Rust marks // that as needing to borrow the entire array, all of the previous argument unpacking via // clone needs to happen first. if is_method_call { let arg0 = unpack_statements.remove(0); unpack_statements.push(arg0); } // Handle "raw returns", aka cases where the result is a dynamic or an error. // // This allows skipping the Dynamic::from wrap. let return_span = self .return_type() .map(|r| r.span()) .unwrap_or_else(Span::call_site) .resolved_at(Span::call_site()); let return_expr = if self.params.return_raw.is_none() { quote_spanned! { return_span => Ok(Dynamic::from(#sig_name(#(#unpack_exprs),*))) } } else { quote_spanned! { return_span => #sig_name(#(#unpack_exprs),*).map(Dynamic::from) } }; let type_name = syn::Ident::new(on_type_name, Span::call_site()); #[cfg(feature = "metadata")] let param_names = quote! { pub const PARAM_NAMES: &'static [&'static str] = &[#(#input_type_names,)* #return_type]; }; #[cfg(not(feature = "metadata"))] let param_names = quote! {}; let cfg_attrs: Vec<_> = self .cfg_attrs() .iter() .map(syn::Attribute::to_token_stream) .collect(); quote! { #(#cfg_attrs)* #[doc(hidden)] impl #type_name { #param_names #[inline(always)] pub fn param_types() -> [TypeId; #arg_count] { [#(#input_type_exprs),*] } } #(#cfg_attrs)* impl PluginFunction for #type_name { #[inline(always)] fn call(&self, context: NativeCallContext, args: &mut [&mut Dynamic]) -> RhaiResult { #(#unpack_statements)* #return_expr } #[inline(always)] fn is_method_call(&self) -> bool { #is_method_call } #[inline(always)] fn is_pure(&self) -> bool { #is_pure } } } } }