Anonymous Functions =================== {{#include ../}} Sometimes it gets tedious to define separate functions only to dispatch them via single [function pointers]. This scenario is especially common when simulating object-oriented programming ([OOP]). ```rust // Define object let obj = #{ data: 42, increment: Fn("inc_obj"), // use function pointers to decrement: Fn("dec_obj"), // refer to method functions print: Fn("print_obj") }; // Define method functions one-by-one fn inc_obj(x) { += x; } fn dec_obj(x) { -= x; } fn print_obj() { print(; } ``` The above can be replaced by using _anonymous functions_ which have the same syntax as Rust's closures (but they are **NOT** real closures, merely syntactic sugar): ```rust let obj = #{ data: 42, increment: |x| += x, // one-liner decrement: |x| -= x, print_obj: || { print(; } // full function body }; ``` The anonymous functions will be hoisted into separate functions in the global namespace. The above is equivalent to: ```rust let obj = #{ data: 42, increment: Fn("anon_fn_1000"), decrement: Fn("anon_fn_1001"), print: Fn("anon_fn_1002") }; fn anon_fn_1000(x) { += x; } fn anon_fn_1001(x) { -= x; } fn anon_fn_1002() { print; } ``` WARNING - NOT Real Closures -------------------------- Remember: anonymous functions, though having the same syntax as Rust _closures_, are themselves **not** real closures. In particular, they capture their execution environment via [automatic currying][capture], unless the [`no_closure`] feature is turned on.