/// Macro to cast an identifier or expression to another type with type checks. /// /// Runs _code_ if _variable_ or _expression_ is of type _type_, otherwise run _fallback_. /// /// # Syntax /// /// * `reify!(`_variable_ or _expression_`,|`_temp-variable_`: `_type_`|` _code_`,` `||` _fallback_ `)` /// * `reify!(`_variable_ or _expression_`,|`_temp-variable_`: `_type_`|` _code_ `)` /// * `reify!(`_variable_ or _expression_ `=>` `Option<`_type_`>` `)` /// * `reify!(`_variable_ or _expression_ `=>` _type_ `)` macro_rules! reify { ($old:ident, |$new:ident : $t:ty| $code:expr, || $fallback:expr) => {{ #[allow(clippy::redundant_else)] if std::any::TypeId::of::<$t>() == std::any::Any::type_id(&$old) { // SAFETY: This is safe because we already checked to make sure the two types // are actually the same. let $new: $t = unsafe { std::mem::transmute_copy(&std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new($old)) }; $code } else { $fallback } }}; ($old:expr, |$new:ident : $t:ty| $code:expr, || $fallback:expr) => {{ let old = $old; reify!(old, |$new: $t| $code, || $fallback) }}; ($old:ident, |$new:ident : $t:ty| $code:expr) => { reify!($old, |$new: $t| $code, || ()) }; ($old:expr, |$new:ident : $t:ty| $code:expr) => { reify!($old, |$new: $t| $code, || ()) }; ($old:ident => Option<$t:ty>) => { reify!($old, |v: $t| Some(v), || None) }; ($old:expr => Option<$t:ty>) => { reify!($old, |v: $t| Some(v), || None) }; ($old:ident => $t:ty) => { reify!($old, |v: $t| v, || unreachable!()) }; ($old:expr => $t:ty) => { reify!($old, |v: $t| v, || unreachable!()) }; }