Use the Low-Level API to Register a Rust Function ================================================ {{#include ../}} When a native Rust function is registered with an `Engine` using the `Engine::register_XXX` API, Rhai transparently converts all function arguments from [`Dynamic`] into the correct types before calling the function. For more power and flexibility, there is a _low-level_ API to work directly with [`Dynamic`] values without the conversions. Raw Function Registration ------------------------- The `Engine::register_raw_fn` method is marked _volatile_, meaning that it may be changed without warning. If this is acceptable, then using this method to register a Rust function opens up more opportunities. In particular, a reference to the current `Engine` instance is passed as an argument so the Rust function can also use `Engine` facilities (like evaluating a script). ```rust engine.register_raw_fn( "increment_by", // function name &[ // a slice containing parameter types std::any::TypeId::of::(), // type of first parameter std::any::TypeId::of::() // type of second parameter ], |engine: &Engine, lib: &Module, args: &mut [&mut Dynamic]| { // fixed function signature // Arguments are guaranteed to be correct in number and of the correct types. // But remember this is Rust, so you can keep only one mutable reference at any one time! // Therefore, get a '&mut' reference to the first argument _last_. // Alternatively, use `args.split_at_mut(1)` etc. to split the slice first. let y: i64 = *args[1].downcast_ref::() // get a reference to the second argument .unwrap(); // then copying it because it is a primary type let y: i64 = std::mem::take(args[1]).cast::(); // alternatively, directly 'consume' it let x: &mut i64 = args[0].downcast_mut::() // get a '&mut' reference to the .unwrap(); // first argument *x += y; // perform the action Ok(().into()) // must be 'Result>' } ); // The above is the same as (in fact, internally they are equivalent): engine.register_fn("increment_by", |x: &mut i64, y: i64| x += y); ``` Shortcuts --------- As usual with Rhai, there are shortcuts. For functions of zero to four parameters, which should be the majority, use one of the `Engine::register_raw_fn_n` (where `n = 0..4`) methods: ```rust // Specify parameter types as generics engine.register_raw_fn_2::( "increment_by", |engine: &Engine, lib: &Module, args: &mut [&mut Dynamic]| { ... } ); ``` Closure Signature ----------------- The closure passed to `Engine::register_raw_fn` takes the following form: `Fn(engine: &Engine, lib: &Module, args: &mut [&mut Dynamic]) -> Result> + 'static` where: * `engine` - a reference to the current [`Engine`], with all configurations and settings. * `lib` - a reference to the current collection of script-defined functions, as a [`Module`]. * `args` - a reference to a slice containing `&mut` references to [`Dynamic`] values. The slice is guaranteed to contain enough arguments _of the correct types_. Remember, in Rhai, all arguments _except_ the _first_ one are always passed by _value_ (i.e. cloned). Therefore, it is unnecessary to ever mutate any argument except the first one, as all mutations will be on the cloned copy. Extract Arguments ----------------- To extract an argument from the `args` parameter (`&mut [&mut Dynamic]`), use the following: | Argument type | Access (`n` = argument position) | Result | | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | [Primary type][standard types] | `args[n].clone().cast::()` | Copy of value. | | Custom type | `args[n].downcast_ref::().unwrap()` | Immutable reference to value. | | Custom type (consumed) | `mem::take(args[n]).cast::()` | The _consumed_ value.
The original value becomes `()`. | | `this` object | `args[0].downcast_mut::().unwrap()` | Mutable reference to value. | When there is a mutable reference to the `this` object (i.e. the first argument), there can be no other immutable references to `args`, otherwise the Rust borrow checker will complain. Hold Multiple References ------------------------ In order to access a value argument that is expensive to clone _while_ holding a mutable reference to the first argument, either _consume_ that argument via `mem::take` as above, or use `args.split_at` to partition the slice: ```rust // Partition the slice let (first, rest) = args.split_at_mut(1); // Mutable reference to the first parameter let this_ptr = first[0].downcast_mut::().unwrap(); // Immutable reference to the second value parameter // This can be mutable but there is no point because the parameter is passed by value let value = rest[0].downcast_ref::().unwrap(); ```