Better printing.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,28 +10,45 @@ use std::{
/// Pretty-print source line.
fn print_source(lines: &[String], pos: Position, offset: usize) {
let line_no = if lines.len() > 1 {
if pos.is_none() {
} else {
format!("{}: ", pos.line().unwrap())
} else {
// Print error position
fn print_source(lines: &[String], pos: Position, offset: usize, window: (usize, usize)) {
if pos.is_none() {
// No position
} else {
// Specific position - print line text
println!("{}{}", line_no, lines[pos.line().unwrap() - 1]);
// Display position marker
let line = pos.line().unwrap() - 1;
let start = if line >= window.0 { line - window.0 } else { 0 };
let end = usize::min(line + window.1, lines.len() - 1);
let line_no_len = format!("{}", end).len();
// Print error position
if start >= end {
println!("{}: {}", start + 1, lines[start]);
if let Some(pos) = pos.position() {
println!("{0:>1$}", "^", line_no.len() + pos + offset);
println!("{0:>1$}", "^", pos + offset + line_no_len + 2);
} else {
for n in start..=end {
let marker = if n == line { "> " } else { " " };
"{0}{1}{2:>3$}{5}│ {0}{4}{5}",
if n == line { "\x1b[33m" } else { "" },
n + 1,
if n == line { "\x1b[39m" } else { "" },
if n == line {
if let Some(pos) = pos.position() {
let shift = offset + line_no_len + marker.len() + 2;
println!("{0:>1$}{2:>3$}", "│ ", shift, "\x1b[36m^\x1b[39m", pos + 10);
@ -40,7 +57,8 @@ fn print_current_source(
context: &mut rhai::EvalContext,
source: Option<&str>,
pos: Position,
lines: &Vec<String>,
lines: &[String],
window: (usize, usize),
) {
let current_source = &mut *context
@ -58,7 +76,7 @@ fn print_current_source(
println!("{} @ {:?}", src, pos);
} else {
// Print the current source line
print_source(lines, pos, 0);
print_source(lines, pos, 0, window);
@ -101,12 +119,13 @@ fn print_debug_help() {
println!("quit, q, exit, kill => quit");
println!("scope => print the scope");
println!("print, p => print all variables de-duplicated");
println!("print/p this => print the `this` pointer");
println!("print/p this => print the 'this' pointer");
println!("print/p <variable> => print the current value of a variable");
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
println!("imports => print all imported modules");
println!("node => print the current AST node");
println!("list, l => print the current source line");
println!("list/l <line#> => print a source line");
println!("backtrace, bt => print the current call-stack");
println!("info break, i b => print all break-points");
println!("enable/en <bp#> => enable a break-point");
@ -123,17 +142,19 @@ fn print_debug_help() {
"break/b <func> <#args> => set a new break-point for a function call with #args arguments"
println!("throw [message] => throw an exception (message optional)");
println!("throw => throw a runtime exception");
println!("throw <message...> => throw an exception with string data");
println!("throw <#> => throw an exception with numeric data");
println!("run, r => restart the script evaluation from beginning");
println!("step, s => go to the next expression, diving into functions");
println!("over => go to the next expression, skipping oer functions");
println!("over, o => go to the next expression, skipping oer functions");
println!("next, n, <Enter> => go to the next statement, skipping over functions");
println!("finish, f => continue until the end of the current function call");
println!("continue, c => continue normal execution");
/// Display the scope.
/// Display the current scope.
fn print_scope(scope: &Scope, dedup: bool) {
let flattened_clone;
let scope = if dedup {
@ -170,26 +191,17 @@ fn print_scope(scope: &Scope, dedup: bool) {
fn main() {
let title = format!("Rhai Debugger (version {})", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
println!("{}", title);
println!("{0:=<1$}", "", title.len());
// Initialize scripting engine
let mut engine = Engine::new();
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))]
let mut script = String::new();
let main_ast;
// Load init scripts
// Load script to debug.
fn load_script(engine: &Engine) -> (rhai::AST, String) {
if let Some(filename) = env::args().skip(1).next() {
let mut contents = String::new();
let filename = match Path::new(&filename).canonicalize() {
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error script file path: {}\n{}", filename, err);
"\x1b[31mError script file path: {}\n{}\x1b[39m",
filename, err
Ok(f) => {
@ -203,7 +215,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut f = match File::open(&filename) {
Err(err) => {
"Error reading script file: {}\n{}",
"\x1b[31mError reading script file: {}\n{}\x1b[39m",
@ -212,7 +224,7 @@ fn main() {
Ok(f) => f,
if let Err(err) = f.read_to_string(&mut script) {
if let Err(err) = f.read_to_string(&mut contents) {
"Error reading script file: {}\n{}",
@ -221,40 +233,43 @@ fn main() {
let script = if script.starts_with("#!") {
let script = if contents.starts_with("#!") {
// Skip shebang
} else {
main_ast = match engine
let ast = match engine
Err(err) => {
print_error(&script, *err);
print_error(script, *err);
Ok(ast) => ast,
println!("Script '{}' loaded.", filename.to_string_lossy());
(ast, contents)
} else {
eprintln!("No script file specified.");
eprintln!("\x1b[31mNo script file specified.\x1b[39m");
// Hook up debugger
let lines: Vec<_> = script.trim().split('\n').map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
// Store the current source in the debugger state
|| "".into(),
// Main debugging interface
move |context, event, node, source, pos| {
// Main callback for debugging.
fn debug_callback(
context: &mut rhai::EvalContext,
event: DebuggerEvent,
node: rhai::ASTNode,
source: Option<&str>,
pos: Position,
lines: &[String],
) -> Result<DebuggerCommand, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
// Check event
match event {
DebuggerEvent::Step => (),
DebuggerEvent::BreakPoint(n) => {
@ -300,13 +315,14 @@ fn main() {
// Print current source line
print_current_source(context, source, pos, &lines);
print_current_source(context, source, pos, lines, (0, 0));
// Read stdin for commands
let mut input = String::new();
loop {
print!("rhai-dbg> ");
stdout().flush().expect("couldn't flush stdout");
@ -319,12 +335,12 @@ fn main() {
["help" | "h", ..] => print_debug_help(),
["help" | "h"] => print_debug_help(),
["exit" | "quit" | "q" | "kill", ..] => {
println!("Script terminated. Bye!");
["node", ..] => {
["node"] => {
if pos.is_none() {
println!("{:?}", node);
} else if let Some(source) = source {
@ -334,21 +350,30 @@ fn main() {
["list" | "l", ..] => print_current_source(context, source, pos, &lines),
["continue" | "c", ..] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::Continue),
["finish" | "f", ..] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::FunctionExit),
[] | ["step" | "s", ..] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::StepInto),
["over", ..] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::StepOver),
["next" | "n", ..] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::Next),
["scope", ..] => print_scope(context.scope(), false),
["list" | "l"] => print_current_source(context, source, pos, &lines, (3, 6)),
["list" | "l", n] if n.parse::<usize>().is_ok() => {
let num = n.parse::<usize>().unwrap();
if num <= 0 || num > lines.len() {
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid line: {}\x1b[39m", num);
} else {
let pos = Position::new(num as u16, 0);
print_current_source(context, source, pos, &lines, (3, 6));
["continue" | "c"] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::Continue),
["finish" | "f"] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::FunctionExit),
[] | ["step" | "s"] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::StepInto),
["over" | "o"] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::StepOver),
["next" | "n"] => break Ok(DebuggerCommand::Next),
["scope"] => print_scope(context.scope(), false),
["print" | "p", "this"] => {
if let Some(value) = context.this_ptr() {
println!("=> {:?}", value);
} else {
println!("`this` pointer is unbound.");
println!("'this' pointer is unbound.");
["print" | "p", var_name, ..] => {
["print" | "p", var_name] => {
if let Some(value) = context.scope().get_value::<Dynamic>(var_name) {
println!("=> {:?}", value);
} else {
@ -362,7 +387,7 @@ fn main() {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
["imports", ..] => {
["imports"] => {
for (i, (name, module)) in context
@ -379,7 +404,7 @@ fn main() {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
["backtrace" | "bt", ..] => {
["backtrace" | "bt"] => {
for frame in context
@ -390,7 +415,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("{}", frame)
["info", "break", ..] | ["i", "b", ..] => Iterator::for_each(
["info" | "i", "break" | "b"] => Iterator::for_each(
@ -402,12 +427,12 @@ fn main() {
rhai::debugger::BreakPoint::AtPosition { pos, .. } => {
let line_num = format!("[{}] line ", i + 1);
print!("{}", line_num);
print_source(&lines, *pos, line_num.len());
print_source(&lines, *pos, line_num.len(), (0, 0));
_ => println!("[{}] {}", i + 1, bp),
["enable" | "en", n, ..] => {
["enable" | "en", n] => {
if let Ok(n) = n.parse::<usize>() {
let range = 1..=context
@ -424,13 +449,13 @@ fn main() {
println!("Break-point #{} enabled.", n)
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid break-point: {}", n);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid break-point: {}\x1b[39m", n);
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid break-point: '{}'", n);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid break-point: '{}'\x1b[39m", n);
["disable" | "dis", n, ..] => {
["disable" | "dis", n] => {
if let Ok(n) = n.parse::<usize>() {
let range = 1..=context
@ -447,13 +472,13 @@ fn main() {
println!("Break-point #{} disabled.", n)
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid break-point: {}", n);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid break-point: {}\x1b[39m", n);
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid break-point: '{}'", n);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid break-point: '{}'\x1b[39m", n);
["delete" | "d", n, ..] => {
["delete" | "d", n] => {
if let Ok(n) = n.parse::<usize>() {
let range = 1..=context
@ -468,13 +493,13 @@ fn main() {
.remove(n - 1);
println!("Break-point #{} deleted.", n)
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid break-point: {}", n);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid break-point: {}\x1b[39m", n);
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid break-point: '{}'", n);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid break-point: '{}'\x1b[39m", n);
["delete" | "d", ..] => {
["delete" | "d"] => {
@ -482,7 +507,7 @@ fn main() {
println!("All break-points deleted.");
["break" | "b", fn_name, args, ..] => {
["break" | "b", fn_name, args] => {
if let Ok(args) = args.parse::<usize>() {
let bp = rhai::debugger::BreakPoint::AtFunctionCall {
name: fn_name.trim().into(),
@ -496,7 +521,7 @@ fn main() {
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid number of arguments: '{}'", args);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid number of arguments: '{}'\x1b[39m", args);
// Property name
@ -536,7 +561,7 @@ fn main() {
} else {
eprintln!("Invalid line number: {}", n);
eprintln!("\x1b[31mInvalid line number: '{}'\x1b[39m", n);
// Function name parameter
@ -566,9 +591,7 @@ fn main() {
["throw"] => {
break Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime(Dynamic::UNIT, pos).into())
["throw"] => break Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime(Dynamic::UNIT, pos).into()),
["throw", num] if num.trim().parse::<INT>().is_ok() => {
let value = num.trim().parse::<INT>().unwrap().into();
break Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime(value, pos).into());
@ -582,15 +605,42 @@ fn main() {
let msg = input.trim().splitn(2, ' ').skip(1).next().unwrap_or("");
break Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorRuntime(msg.trim().into(), pos).into());
["run" | "r", ..] => {
["run" | "r"] => {
println!("Restarting script...");
break Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorTerminated(Dynamic::UNIT, pos).into());
[cmd, ..] => eprintln!("Invalid debugger command: '{}'", cmd),
_ => eprintln!(
"\x1b[31mInvalid debugger command: '{}'\x1b[39m",
Err(err) => panic!("input error: {}", err),
fn main() {
let title = format!("Rhai Debugger (version {})", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
println!("{}", title);
println!("{0:=<1$}", "", title.len());
// Initialize scripting engine
let mut engine = Engine::new();
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_optimize"))]
let (ast, script) = load_script(&engine);
// Hook up debugger
let lines: Vec<_> = script.trim().split('\n').map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
// Store the current source in the debugger state
|| "".into(),
// Main debugging interface
move |context, event, node, source, pos| {
debug_callback(context, event, node, source, pos, &lines)
@ -603,10 +653,11 @@ fn main() {
println!("Type 'help' for commands list.");
// Evaluate
while let Err(err) = engine.run_ast_with_scope(&mut Scope::new(), &main_ast) {
while let Err(err) = engine.run_ast_with_scope(&mut Scope::new(), &ast) {
match *err {
// Loop back to restart
EvalAltResult::ErrorTerminated(..) => (),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user