Improve chaining speed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Deprecated API's
* Indexing and property access are now faster.
* `EvalAltResult::IndexNotFound` is added to aid in raising errors for indexers.
* `Engine::def_tag`, `Engine::def_tag_mut` and `Engine::set_tag` are added to manage a default value for the custom evaluation state, accessible via `EvalState::tag()` (which is the same as `NativeCallContext::tag()`).
* Originally, the debugger's custom state uses the same state as `EvalState::tag()` (which is the same as `NativeCallContext::tag()`). It is now split into its own variable accessible under `Debugger::state()`.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use super::{Caches, GlobalRuntimeState, Target};
use crate::ast::{ASTFlags, Expr, OpAssignment};
use crate::types::dynamic::Union;
use crate::{Dynamic, Engine, Module, Position, RhaiResult, RhaiResultOf, Scope, StaticVec, ERR};
use crate::{Dynamic, Engine, FnArgsVec, Module, Position, RhaiResult, RhaiResultOf, Scope, ERR};
use std::hash::Hash;
#[cfg(feature = "no_std")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
@ -33,89 +33,6 @@ impl From<&Expr> for ChainType {
/// Value of a chaining argument.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum ChainArgument {
/// Dot-property access.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
/// Arguments to a dot method call.
/// Wrapped values are the arguments plus the [position][Position] of the first argument.
/// Since many dotted function calls have no arguments (e.g. `string.len()`), it is better to
/// reduce the size of [`ChainArgument`] by using a boxed slice.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
MethodCallArgs(Box<[Dynamic]>, Position),
/// Index value and [position][Position].
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
IndexValue(Dynamic, Position),
impl ChainArgument {
/// Return the index value.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
pub fn into_index_value(self) -> Option<Dynamic> {
match self {
Self::IndexValue(value, ..) => Some(value),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
_ => None,
/// Return the list of method call arguments.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the [`ChainArgument`] is not [`MethodCallArgs`][ChainArgument::MethodCallArgs].
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn into_fn_call_args(self) -> (crate::FnArgsVec<Dynamic>, Position) {
match self {
Self::MethodCallArgs(values, pos) if values.is_empty() => {
(crate::FnArgsVec::new_const(), pos)
Self::MethodCallArgs(mut values, pos) => {
(values.iter_mut().map(std::mem::take).collect(), pos)
x => unreachable!("ChainArgument::MethodCallArgs expected but gets {:?}", x),
/// Return the [position][Position].
pub const fn position(&self) -> Position {
match self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
ChainArgument::Property(pos) => *pos,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
ChainArgument::MethodCallArgs(.., pos) => *pos,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
ChainArgument::IndexValue(.., pos) => *pos,
/// Create n [`MethodCallArgs`][ChainArgument::MethodCallArgs].
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn from_fn_call_args(values: crate::FnArgsVec<Dynamic>, pos: Position) -> Self {
if values.is_empty() {
Self::MethodCallArgs(Box::default(), pos)
} else {
Self::MethodCallArgs(values.into_boxed_slice(), pos)
/// Create an [`IndexValue`][ChainArgument::IndexValue].
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
pub const fn from_index_value(value: Dynamic, pos: Position) -> Self {
Self::IndexValue(value, pos)
impl Engine {
/// Chain-evaluate a dot/index chain.
/// [`Position`] in [`EvalAltResult`] may be [`NONE`][Position::NONE] and should be set afterwards.
@ -130,16 +47,13 @@ impl Engine {
_parent: &Expr,
rhs: &Expr,
_parent_options: ASTFlags,
idx_values: &mut StaticVec<ChainArgument>,
idx_values: &mut FnArgsVec<Dynamic>,
chain_type: ChainType,
level: usize,
new_val: Option<(Dynamic, OpAssignment)>,
) -> RhaiResultOf<(Dynamic, bool)> {
let is_ref_mut = target.is_ref();
// Pop the last index value
let idx_val = idx_values.pop().unwrap();
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
let scope = &mut Scope::new();
@ -147,7 +61,6 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
ChainType::Indexing => {
let pos = rhs.start_position();
let idx_val = idx_val.into_index_value().expect("`ChainType::Index`");
match rhs {
// xxx[idx].expr... | xxx[idx][expr]...
@ -157,6 +70,7 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
self.run_debugger(scope, global, lib, this_ptr, _parent, level)?;
let idx_val = idx_values.pop().unwrap();
let mut idx_val_for_setter = idx_val.clone();
let idx_pos = x.lhs.start_position();
let rhs_chain = rhs.into();
@ -201,6 +115,7 @@ impl Engine {
self.run_debugger(scope, global, lib, this_ptr, _parent, level)?;
let (new_val, op_info) = new_val.expect("`Some`");
let idx_val = idx_values.pop().unwrap();
let mut idx_val2 = idx_val.clone();
let try_setter = match self.get_indexed_mut(
@ -259,6 +174,8 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
self.run_debugger(scope, global, lib, this_ptr, _parent, level)?;
let idx_val = idx_values.pop().unwrap();
global, caches, lib, target, idx_val, pos, false, true, level,
@ -272,13 +189,19 @@ impl Engine {
match rhs {
// xxx.fn_name(arg_expr_list)
Expr::MethodCall(x, pos) if !x.is_qualified() && new_val.is_none() => {
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr { name, hashes, .. } = x.as_ref();
let call_args = &mut idx_val.into_fn_call_args();
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
let reset_debugger =
self.run_debugger_with_reset(scope, global, lib, this_ptr, rhs, level)?;
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr {
name, hashes, args, ..
} = x.as_ref();
let call_args = &mut (
idx_values.drain(idx_values.len() - args.len()..).collect(),
args.get(0).map_or(Position::NONE, Expr::position),
let result = self.make_method_call(
global, caches, lib, name, *hashes, target, call_args, *pos, level,
@ -440,14 +363,20 @@ impl Engine {
// {xxx:map}.fn_name(arg_expr_list)[expr] | {xxx:map}.fn_name(arg_expr_list).expr
Expr::MethodCall(ref x, pos) if !x.is_qualified() => {
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr { name, hashes, .. } = x.as_ref();
let call_args = &mut idx_val.into_fn_call_args();
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
let reset_debugger = self.run_debugger_with_reset(
scope, global, lib, this_ptr, _node, level,
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr {
name, hashes, args, ..
} = x.as_ref();
let call_args = &mut (
idx_values.drain(idx_values.len() - args.len()..).collect(),
args.get(0).map_or(Position::NONE, Expr::position),
let result = self.make_method_call(
global, caches, lib, name, *hashes, target, call_args, pos,
@ -558,17 +487,24 @@ impl Engine {
// xxx.fn_name(arg_expr_list)[expr] | xxx.fn_name(arg_expr_list).expr
Expr::MethodCall(ref f, pos) if !f.is_qualified() => {
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr { name, hashes, .. } = f.as_ref();
let rhs_chain = rhs.into();
let args = &mut idx_val.into_fn_call_args();
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
let reset_debugger = self.run_debugger_with_reset(
scope, global, lib, this_ptr, _node, level,
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr {
name, hashes, args, ..
} = f.as_ref();
let rhs_chain = rhs.into();
let call_args = &mut (
idx_values.drain(idx_values.len() - args.len()..).collect(),
args.get(0).map_or(Position::NONE, Expr::position),
let result = self.make_method_call(
global, caches, lib, name, *hashes, target, args, pos, level,
global, caches, lib, name, *hashes, target, call_args, pos,
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
@ -618,39 +554,26 @@ impl Engine {
expr => unreachable!("Expr::Index or Expr::Dot expected but gets {:?}", expr),
let idx_values = &mut StaticVec::new_const();
let idx_values = &mut FnArgsVec::new_const();
match rhs {
// Short-circuit for simple property access: {expr}.prop
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Property(..) if chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => {
Expr::Property(..) if chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => (),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Property(..) => unreachable!("unexpected Expr::Property for indexing"),
// Short-circuit for simple method call: {expr}.func()
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::FnCall(x, ..) if chain_type == ChainType::Dotting && x.args.is_empty() => {
Expr::FnCall(x, ..) if chain_type == ChainType::Dotting && x.args.is_empty() => (),
// Short-circuit for method call with all literal arguments: {expr}.func(1, 2, 3)
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::FnCall(x, ..)
if chain_type == ChainType::Dotting && x.args.iter().all(Expr::is_constant) =>
let args: Vec<_> = x
.map(|expr| expr.get_literal_value().unwrap())
.for_each(|v| idx_values.push(v))
_ => {
@ -713,7 +636,7 @@ impl Engine {
expr: &Expr,
parent_options: ASTFlags,
_parent_chain_type: ChainType,
idx_values: &mut StaticVec<ChainArgument>,
idx_values: &mut FnArgsVec<Dynamic>,
size: usize,
level: usize,
) -> RhaiResultOf<()> {
@ -725,22 +648,11 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::MethodCall(x, ..)
if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting && !x.is_qualified() =>
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr { args, .. } = x.as_ref();
let (values, pos) = args.iter().try_fold(
(crate::FnArgsVec::with_capacity(args.len()), Position::NONE),
|(mut values, mut pos), expr| {
let (value, arg_pos) =
self.get_arg_value(scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, expr, level)?;
if values.is_empty() {
pos = arg_pos;
for arg_expr in x.args.as_ref() {
let (value, _) =
self.get_arg_value(scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, arg_expr, level)?;
Ok::<_, crate::RhaiError>((values, pos))
idx_values.push(ChainArgument::from_fn_call_args(values, pos));
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::MethodCall(..) if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => {
@ -748,9 +660,7 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Property(.., pos) if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => {
Expr::Property(..) if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => (),
Expr::Property(..) => unreachable!("unexpected Expr::Property for indexing"),
Expr::Index(x, options, ..) | Expr::Dot(x, options, ..)
@ -758,34 +668,24 @@ impl Engine {
let crate::ast::BinaryExpr { lhs, rhs, .. } = x.as_ref();
let mut arg_values = FnArgsVec::new();
// Evaluate in left-to-right order
let lhs_arg_val = match lhs {
match lhs {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Property(.., pos) if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => {
Expr::Property(..) if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => (),
Expr::Property(..) => unreachable!("unexpected Expr::Property for indexing"),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::MethodCall(x, ..)
if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting && !x.is_qualified() =>
let crate::ast::FnCallExpr { args, .. } = x.as_ref();
let (values, pos) = args.iter().try_fold(
(crate::FnArgsVec::with_capacity(args.len()), Position::NONE),
|(mut values, mut pos), expr| {
let (value, arg_pos) = self.get_arg_value(
scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, expr, level,
for arg_expr in x.args.as_ref() {
let (value, _) = self.get_arg_value(
scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, arg_expr, level,
if values.is_empty() {
pos = arg_pos
Ok::<_, crate::RhaiError>((values, pos))
ChainArgument::from_fn_call_args(values, pos)
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::MethodCall(..) if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Dotting => {
@ -796,13 +696,14 @@ impl Engine {
unreachable!("invalid dot expression: {:?}", expr);
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
_ if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Indexing => self
.eval_expr(scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, lhs, level)
.map(|v| {
ChainArgument::from_index_value(v.flatten(), lhs.start_position())
_ if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Indexing => {
self.eval_expr(scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, lhs, level)?
expr => unreachable!("unknown chained expression: {:?}", expr),
// Push in reverse order
let chain_type = expr.into();
@ -812,7 +713,7 @@ impl Engine {
size, level,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
@ -821,8 +722,8 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
_ if _parent_chain_type == ChainType::Indexing => idx_values.push(
self.eval_expr(scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, expr, level)
.map(|v| ChainArgument::from_index_value(v.flatten(), expr.start_position()))?,
self.eval_expr(scope, global, caches, lib, this_ptr, expr, level)?
_ => unreachable!("unknown chained expression: {:?}", expr),
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ mod target;
pub use cache::{Caches, FnResolutionCache, FnResolutionCacheEntry};
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_index"), not(feature = "no_object")))]
pub use chaining::{ChainArgument, ChainType};
pub use chaining::ChainType;
#[cfg(feature = "debugging")]
pub use debugger::{
BreakPoint, CallStackFrame, Debugger, DebuggerCommand, DebuggerEvent, DebuggerStatus,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user