Expand section on modules and packages.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Chung 2020-05-13 22:49:12 +08:00
parent cabceb7498
commit e6d6a709f0

@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Rhai's current features set:
* Fairly efficient (1 million iterations in 0.75 sec on my 5 year old laptop)
* Low compile-time overhead (~0.6 sec debug/~3 sec release for script runner app)
* [`no-std`](#optional-features) support
* Support for [function overloading](#function-overloading)
* Support for [operator overloading](#operator-overloading)
* Support for loading external [modules]
* [Function overloading](#function-overloading)
* [Operator overloading](#operator-overloading)
* [Modules]
* Compiled script is [optimized](#script-optimization) for repeat evaluations
* Support for [minimal builds](#minimal-builds) by excluding unneeded language [features](#optional-features)
* Very few additional dependencies (right now only [`num-traits`](https://crates.io/crates/num-traits/)
@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ Disable script-defined functions (`no_function`) only when the feature is not ne
[`Engine::new_raw`](#raw-engine) creates a _raw_ engine which does not register _any_ utility functions.
This makes the scripting language quite useless as even basic arithmetic operators are not supported.
Selectively include the necessary operators by loading specific [packages](#packages) while minimizing the code footprint.
Selectively include the necessary functionalities by loading specific [packages](#packages) to minimize the footprint.
Packages are sharable (even across threads via the [`sync`] feature), so they only have to be created once.
@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ Use `Engine::new_raw` to create a _raw_ `Engine`, in which _nothing_ is added, n
### Packages
Rhai functional features are provided in different _packages_ that can be loaded via a call to `load_package`.
Packages reside under `rhai::packages::*` and the trait `rhai::packages::Package` must be imported in order for
Packages reside under `rhai::packages::*` and the trait `rhai::packages::Package` must be loaded in order for
packages to be used.
@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ use rhai::packages::CorePackage; // the 'core' package contains b
let mut engine = Engine::new_raw(); // create a 'raw' Engine
let package = CorePackage::new(); // create a package - can be shared among multiple `Engine` instances
engine.load_package(package.get()); // load the package manually
engine.load_package(package.get()); // load the package manually. 'get' returns a reference to the shared package
The follow packages are available:
@ -401,6 +402,20 @@ The follow packages are available:
| `CorePackage` | Basic essentials | | |
| `StandardPackage` | Standard library | | |
Packages typically contain Rust functions that are callable within a Rhai script.
All functions registered in a package is loaded under the _global namespace_ (i.e. they're available without module qualifiers).
Once a package is created (e.g. via `new`), it can be _shared_ (via `get`) among multiple instances of [`Engine`],
even across threads (if the [`sync`] feature is turned on).
Therefore, a package only has to be created _once_.
Packages are actually implemented as [modules], so they share a lot of behavior and characteristics.
The main difference is that a package loads under the _global_ namespace, while a module loads under its own
namespace alias specified in an `import` statement (see also [modules]).
A package is _static_ (i.e. pre-loaded into an [`Engine`]), while a module is _dynamic_ (i.e. loaded with
the `import` statement).
Custom packages can also be created. See the macro [`def_package!`](https://docs.rs/rhai/0.13.0/rhai/macro.def_package.html).
Evaluate expressions only
@ -762,11 +777,17 @@ println!("result: {}", result); // prints 42
let result: f64 = engine.eval("1.0 + 0.0"); // '+' operator for two floats not overloaded
println!("result: {}", result); // prints 1.0
fn mixed_add(a: i64, b: f64) -> f64 { (a as f64) + b }
engine.register_fn("+", mixed_add); // register '+' operator for an integer and a float
let result: i64 = engine.eval("1 + 1.0"); // prints 2.0 (normally an error)
Use operator overloading for custom types (described below) only. Be very careful when overloading built-in operators because
script writers expect standard operators to behave in a consistent and predictable manner, and will be annoyed if a calculation
for '+' turns into a subtraction, for example.
Use operator overloading for custom types (described below) only.
Be very careful when overloading built-in operators because script writers expect standard operators to behave in a
consistent and predictable manner, and will be annoyed if a calculation for '`+`' turns into a subtraction, for example.
Operator overloading also impacts script optimization when using [`OptimizationLevel::Full`].
See the [relevant section](#script-optimization) for more details.
@ -2048,21 +2069,21 @@ for entry in logbook.read().unwrap().iter() {
Using external modules
[module]: #using-external-modules
[modules]: #using-external-modules
[module]: #modules
[modules]: #modules
Rhai allows organizing code (functions and variables) into _modules_.
Rhai allows organizing code (functions, both Rust-based or script-based, and variables) into _modules_.
Modules can be disabled via the [`no_module`] feature.
### Exporting variables and functions
### Exporting variables and functions from modules
A module is a single script (or pre-compiled `AST`) containing global variables and functions.
A _module_ is a single script (or pre-compiled `AST`) containing global variables and functions.
The `export` statement, which can only be at global level, exposes selected variables as members of a module.
Variables not exported are private and invisible to the outside.
All functions are automatically exported, unless it is prefixed with `private`.
Variables not exported are _private_ and invisible to the outside.
On the other hand, all functions are automatically exported, _unless_ it is explicitly opt-out with the `private` prefix.
Functions declared `private` are invisible to the outside.
Everything exported from a module is **constant** (**read-only**).
@ -2070,11 +2091,11 @@ Everything exported from a module is **constant** (**read-only**).
// This is a module script.
fn inc(x) { x + 1 } // public function
fn inc(x) { x + 1 } // script-defined function - default public
private fn foo() {} // private function - invisible to outside
let private = 123; // variable not exported - invisible to outside
let private = 123; // variable not exported - default invisible to outside
let x = 42; // this will be exported below
export x; // the variable 'x' is exported under its own name
@ -2085,19 +2106,25 @@ export x as answer; // the variable 'x' is exported under the alias 'ans
### Importing modules
A module can be _imported_ via the `import` statement, and its members accessed via '`::`' similar to C++.
A module can be _imported_ via the `import` statement, and its members are accessed via '`::`' similar to C++.
import "crypto" as crypto; // import the script file 'crypto.rhai' as a module
crypto::encrypt(secret); // use functions defined under the module via '::'
crypto::hash::sha256(key); // sub-modules are also supported
print(crypto::status); // module variables are constants
crypto::hash::sha256(key); // sub-modules are also supported
crypto::status = "off"; // <- runtime error - cannot modify a constant
`import` statements are _scoped_, meaning that they are only accessible inside the scope that they're imported.
They can appear anywhere a normal statement can be, but in the vast majority of cases `import` statements are
group at the beginning of a script. It is not advised to deviate from this common practice unless there is
a _Very Good Reason™_. Especially, do not place an `import` statement within a loop; doing so will repeatedly
re-load the same module during every iteration of the loop!
let mod = "crypto";
@ -2110,9 +2137,15 @@ if secured { // new block scope
crypto::encrypt(others); // <- this causes a run-time error because the 'crypto' module
// is no longer available!
for x in range(0, 1000) {
import "crypto" as c; // <- importing a module inside a loop is a Very Bad Idea
### Creating custom modules from Rust
### Creating custom modules with Rust
To load a custom module (written in Rust) into an [`Engine`], first create a `Module` type, add variables/functions into it,
then finally push it into a custom [`Scope`]. This has the equivalent effect of putting an `import` statement
@ -2141,8 +2174,9 @@ engine.eval_expression_with_scope::<i64>(&scope, "question::inc(question::answer
### Creating a module from an `AST`
It is easy to convert a pre-compiled `AST` into a module, just use `Module::eval_ast_as_new`.
Don't forget the `export` statement, otherwise there will be nothing inside the module!
It is easy to convert a pre-compiled `AST` into a module: just use `Module::eval_ast_as_new`.
Don't forget the `export` statement, otherwise there will be no variables exposed by the module
other than non-`private` functions (unless that's intentional).
use rhai::{Engine, Module};