Anticipate number of functions to be registered.
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,12 +62,7 @@ impl<F: Fn(&Dynamic) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Dynamic>> + 'static> IteratorCal
impl Engine {
/// Register a custom function.
pub(crate) fn register_fn_raw(&mut self, fn_name: &str, args: Vec<TypeId>, f: Box<FnAny>) {
if self.functions.is_none() {
self.functions = Some(HashMap::new());
.insert(calc_fn_spec(fn_name, args.into_iter()), f);
@ -171,14 +166,7 @@ impl Engine {
/// Register an iterator adapter for a type with the `Engine`.
/// This is an advanced feature.
pub fn register_iterator<T: Variant + Clone, F: IteratorCallback>(&mut self, f: F) {
if self.type_iterators.is_none() {
self.type_iterators = Some(HashMap::new());
.insert(TypeId::of::<T>(), Box::new(f));
self.type_iterators.insert(TypeId::of::<T>(), Box::new(f));
/// Register a getter function for a member of a registered type with the `Engine`.
@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ pub const FUNC_TO_STRING: &str = "to_string";
pub const FUNC_GETTER: &str = "get$";
pub const FUNC_SETTER: &str = "set$";
#[cfg(not(feature = "only_i32"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "only_i64"))]
const FUNCTIONS_COUNT: usize = 512;
#[cfg(any(feature = "only_i32", feature = "only_i64"))]
const FUNCTIONS_COUNT: usize = 256;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Clone)]
enum IndexValue {
@ -169,11 +176,7 @@ impl FunctionsLib {
} else {
let mut functions = self.clone();
other.iter().for_each(|(hash, fn_def)| {
functions.insert(*hash, fn_def.clone());
functions.extend(other.iter().map(|(hash, fn_def)| (*hash, fn_def.clone())));
@ -219,10 +222,10 @@ impl DerefMut for FunctionsLib {
/// Currently, `Engine` is neither `Send` nor `Sync`. Turn on the `sync` feature to make it `Send + Sync`.
pub struct Engine {
/// A hashmap containing all compiled functions known to the engine.
pub(crate) functions: Option<HashMap<u64, Box<FnAny>>>,
pub(crate) functions: HashMap<u64, Box<FnAny>>,
/// A hashmap containing all iterators known to the engine.
pub(crate) type_iterators: Option<HashMap<TypeId, Box<IteratorFn>>>,
pub(crate) type_iterators: HashMap<TypeId, Box<IteratorFn>>,
/// A hashmap mapping type names to pretty-print names.
pub(crate) type_names: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
@ -253,8 +256,8 @@ impl Default for Engine {
fn default() -> Self {
// Create the new scripting Engine
let mut engine = Engine {
functions: None,
type_iterators: None,
functions: HashMap::with_capacity(FUNCTIONS_COUNT),
type_iterators: HashMap::new(),
type_names: None,
// default print/debug implementations
@ -350,8 +353,8 @@ impl Engine {
/// Create a new `Engine` with minimal configurations without the standard library etc.
pub fn new_raw() -> Self {
let mut engine = Engine {
functions: None,
type_iterators: None,
functions: HashMap::with_capacity(FUNCTIONS_COUNT / 2),
type_iterators: HashMap::new(),
type_names: None,
on_print: None,
on_debug: None,
@ -476,7 +479,7 @@ impl Engine {
// Search built-in's and external functions
let fn_spec = calc_fn_spec(fn_name, args.iter().map(|a| a.type_id()));
if let Some(func) = self.functions.as_ref().and_then(|f| f.get(&fn_spec)) {
if let Some(func) = self.functions.get(&fn_spec) {
// Run external function
let result = func(args, pos)?;
@ -548,7 +551,7 @@ impl Engine {
/// Chain-evaluate a dot setter.
fn get_dot_val_helper(
fn dot_get_helper(
scope: &mut Scope,
fn_lib: Option<&FunctionsLib>,
@ -563,13 +566,10 @@ impl Engine {
.map(|arg_expr| self.eval_expr(scope, fn_lib, arg_expr, level))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let this_ptr = target.get_mut(scope);
let mut args: Vec<_> = once(this_ptr).chain(values.iter_mut()).collect();
let mut args: Vec<_> = once(target.get_mut(scope))
let def_val = def_val.as_ref();
self.call_fn_raw(None, fn_lib, fn_name, &mut args, def_val, *pos, 0)
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ impl Engine {
// xxx.???[???][idx_expr]
Expr::Index(_, _, _) => {
// Chain the indexing
self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, target, idx_lhs, level)?
self.dot_get_helper(scope, fn_lib, target, idx_lhs, level)?
// Syntax error
_ => {
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ impl Engine {
self.get_indexed_value(scope, fn_lib, &lhs_value, idx_expr, *op_pos, level, false)
self.get_indexed_val(scope, fn_lib, &lhs_value, idx_expr, *op_pos, level, false)
.map(|(val, _)| val)
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ impl Engine {
let mut args = [target.get_mut(scope)];
self.call_fn_raw(None, fn_lib, &make_getter(id), &mut args, None, *pos, 0)
.and_then(|mut val| {
self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), rhs, level)
self.dot_get_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), rhs, level)
// xxx.idx_lhs[idx_expr].rhs
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ impl Engine {
// xxx.???[???][idx_expr].rhs
Expr::Index(_, _, _) => {
self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, target, idx_lhs, level)?
self.dot_get_helper(scope, fn_lib, target, idx_lhs, level)?
// Syntax error
_ => {
@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ impl Engine {
self.get_indexed_value(scope, fn_lib, &val, idx_expr, *op_pos, level, false)
self.get_indexed_val(scope, fn_lib, &val, idx_expr, *op_pos, level, false)
.and_then(|(mut val, _)| {
self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), rhs, level)
self.dot_get_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), rhs, level)
// Syntax error
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ impl Engine {
/// Evaluate a dot chain getter
fn get_dot_val(
fn dot_get(
scope: &mut Scope,
fn_lib: Option<&FunctionsLib>,
@ -676,15 +676,14 @@ impl Engine {
// This is a variable property access (potential function call).
// Use a direct index into `scope` to directly mutate the variable value.
self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, entry.into(), dot_rhs, level)
self.dot_get_helper(scope, fn_lib, entry.into(), dot_rhs, level)
// idx_lhs[idx_expr].???
Expr::Index(idx_lhs, idx_expr, op_pos) => {
let (src, index, mut val) =
self.eval_index_expr(scope, fn_lib, idx_lhs, idx_expr, *op_pos, level)?;
let value =
self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), dot_rhs, level);
let value = self.dot_get_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), dot_rhs, level);
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to update it back into the scope because it is cloned.
if let Some(src) = src {
@ -697,12 +696,8 @@ impl Engine {
ScopeEntryType::Normal => {
(val, dot_rhs.position()),
let pos = dot_rhs.position();
Self::update_indexed_scope_var(scope, src, index, val, pos)?;
@ -713,7 +708,7 @@ impl Engine {
// {expr}.???
expr => {
let mut val = self.eval_expr(scope, fn_lib, expr, level)?;
self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), dot_rhs, level)
self.dot_get_helper(scope, fn_lib, (&mut val).into(), dot_rhs, level)
@ -730,7 +725,7 @@ impl Engine {
/// Get the value at the indexed position of a base type
fn get_indexed_value(
fn get_indexed_val(
scope: &mut Scope,
fn_lib: Option<&FunctionsLib>,
@ -843,7 +838,7 @@ impl Engine {
let (ScopeSource { typ, index, .. }, val) =
Self::search_scope(scope, &id, lhs.position())?;
let (val, idx) =
self.get_indexed_value(scope, fn_lib, &val, idx_expr, op_pos, level, false)?;
self.get_indexed_val(scope, fn_lib, &val, idx_expr, op_pos, level, false)?;
Some(ScopeSource {
@ -859,7 +854,7 @@ impl Engine {
// (expr)[idx_expr]
expr => {
let val = self.eval_expr(scope, fn_lib, expr, level)?;
self.get_indexed_value(scope, fn_lib, &val, idx_expr, op_pos, level, false)
self.get_indexed_val(scope, fn_lib, &val, idx_expr, op_pos, level, false)
.map(|(val, index)| (None, index, val))
@ -879,29 +874,28 @@ impl Engine {
/// Update the value at an index position in a variable inside the scope
fn update_indexed_var_in_scope(
fn update_indexed_scope_var(
scope: &mut Scope,
src: ScopeSource,
idx: IndexValue,
new_val: (Dynamic, Position),
new_val: Dynamic,
pos: Position,
) -> Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
let target = scope.get_mut(src);
match target.get_mut() {
// array_id[idx] = val
Union::Array(arr) => {
arr[idx.as_num()] = new_val.0;
arr[idx.as_num()] = new_val;
// map_id[idx] = val
Union::Map(map) => {
map.insert(idx.as_str(), new_val.0);
map.insert(idx.as_str(), new_val);
// string_id[idx] = val
Union::Str(s) => {
let pos = new_val.1;
// Value must be a character
let ch = new_val
.map_err(|_| EvalAltResult::ErrorCharMismatch(pos))?;
Self::str_replace_char(s, idx.as_num(), ch);
@ -914,7 +908,7 @@ impl Engine {
/// Update the value at an index position
fn update_indexed_value(
fn update_indexed_val(
mut target: Dynamic,
idx: IndexValue,
new_val: Dynamic,
@ -932,7 +926,6 @@ impl Engine {
let ch = new_val
.map_err(|_| EvalAltResult::ErrorCharMismatch(pos))?;
Self::str_replace_char(s, idx.as_num(), ch);
// All other variable types should be an error
@ -943,19 +936,20 @@ impl Engine {
/// Chain-evaluate a dot setter
fn set_dot_val_helper(
fn dot_set_helper(
scope: &mut Scope,
fn_lib: Option<&FunctionsLib>,
this_ptr: &mut Dynamic,
dot_rhs: &Expr,
new_val: (&mut Dynamic, Position),
new_val: &mut Dynamic,
val_pos: Position,
level: usize,
) -> Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
match dot_rhs {
Expr::Property(id, pos) => {
let mut args = [this_ptr, new_val.0];
let mut args = [this_ptr, new_val];
self.call_fn_raw(None, fn_lib, &make_setter(id), &mut args, None, *pos, 0)
@ -967,11 +961,11 @@ impl Engine {
let fn_name = make_getter(id);
self.call_fn_raw(None, fn_lib, &fn_name, &mut [this_ptr], None, *pos, 0)
.and_then(|val| {
let (_, index) = self.get_indexed_value(
let (_, index) = self.get_indexed_val(
scope, fn_lib, &val, idx_expr, *op_pos, level, true,
Self::update_indexed_value(val, index, new_val.0.clone(), new_val.1)
Self::update_indexed_val(val, index, new_val.clone(), val_pos)
.and_then(|mut val| {
let fn_name = make_setter(id);
@ -994,7 +988,9 @@ impl Engine {
let fn_name = make_getter(id);
self.call_fn_raw(None, fn_lib, &fn_name, &mut [this_ptr], None, *pos, 0)
.and_then(|mut val| {
self.set_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, &mut val, rhs, new_val, level)
scope, fn_lib, &mut val, rhs, new_val, val_pos, level,
.map(|_| val) // Discard Ok return value
.and_then(|mut val| {
@ -1012,18 +1008,16 @@ impl Engine {
let fn_name = make_getter(id);
self.call_fn_raw(None, fn_lib, &fn_name, &mut [this_ptr], None, *pos, 0)
.and_then(|v| {
let (mut value, index) = self.get_indexed_value(
let (mut value, index) = self.get_indexed_val(
scope, fn_lib, &v, idx_expr, *op_pos, level, false,
let val_pos = new_val.1;
let this_ptr = &mut value;
scope, fn_lib, this_ptr, rhs, new_val, level,
scope, fn_lib, &mut value, rhs, new_val, val_pos, level,
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to update it back into the scope because it is cloned.
Self::update_indexed_value(v, index, value, val_pos)
Self::update_indexed_val(v, index, value, val_pos)
.and_then(|mut v| {
let fn_name = make_setter(id);
@ -1055,13 +1049,14 @@ impl Engine {
// Evaluate a dot chain setter
fn set_dot_val(
fn dot_set(
scope: &mut Scope,
fn_lib: Option<&FunctionsLib>,
dot_lhs: &Expr,
dot_rhs: &Expr,
new_val: (&mut Dynamic, Position),
new_val: &mut Dynamic,
val_pos: Position,
op_pos: Position,
level: usize,
) -> Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
@ -1077,9 +1072,15 @@ impl Engine {
_ => {
// Avoid referencing scope which is used below as mut
let entry = ScopeSource { name: id, ..src };
let this_ptr = &mut target;
let value = self
.set_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, this_ptr, dot_rhs, new_val, level);
let value = self.dot_set_helper(
&mut target,
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to update it back into the scope because it is cloned.
*scope.get_mut(entry) = target;
@ -1094,10 +1095,9 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::Index(lhs, idx_expr, op_pos) => {
let (src, index, mut target) =
self.eval_index_expr(scope, fn_lib, lhs, idx_expr, *op_pos, level)?;
let val_pos = new_val.1;
let this_ptr = &mut target;
let value =
self.set_dot_val_helper(scope, fn_lib, this_ptr, dot_rhs, new_val, level);
self.dot_set_helper(scope, fn_lib, this_ptr, dot_rhs, new_val, val_pos, level);
// In case the expression mutated `target`, we need to update it back into the scope because it is cloned.
if let Some(src) = src {
@ -1108,14 +1108,8 @@ impl Engine {
ScopeEntryType::Normal => {
(target, val_pos),
Self::update_indexed_scope_var(scope, src, index, target, val_pos)?;
@ -1257,32 +1251,36 @@ impl Engine {
let (src, index, _) =
self.eval_index_expr(scope, fn_lib, idx_lhs, idx_expr, *op_pos, level)?;
match|x| x.typ) {
None => Err(Box::new(EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS(
Some(ScopeEntryType::Constant) => {
if let Some(src) = src {
match src.typ {
ScopeEntryType::Constant => {
Some(ScopeEntryType::Normal) => Ok(Self::update_indexed_var_in_scope(
(rhs_val, rhs.position()),
ScopeEntryType::Normal => {
let pos = rhs.position();
scope, src, index, rhs_val, pos,
} else {
// dot_lhs.dot_rhs = rhs
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Dot(dot_lhs, dot_rhs, _) => {
let new_val = (&mut rhs_val, rhs.position());
self.set_dot_val(scope, fn_lib, dot_lhs, dot_rhs, new_val, *op_pos, level)
let new_val = &mut rhs_val;
let val_pos = rhs.position();
scope, fn_lib, dot_lhs, dot_rhs, new_val, val_pos, *op_pos, level,
// Error assignment to constant
@ -1307,7 +1305,7 @@ impl Engine {
.map(|(_, _, x)| x),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Expr::Dot(lhs, rhs, _) => self.get_dot_val(scope, fn_lib, lhs, rhs, level),
Expr::Dot(lhs, rhs, _) => self.dot_get(scope, fn_lib, lhs, rhs, level),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Expr::Array(contents, _) => {
@ -1325,9 +1323,9 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::Map(contents, _) => {
let mut map = Map::new();
contents.into_iter().try_for_each(|item| {
self.eval_expr(scope, fn_lib, &item.1, level).map(|val| {
map.insert(item.0.clone(), val);
contents.into_iter().try_for_each(|(key, expr, _)| {
self.eval_expr(scope, fn_lib, &expr, level).map(|val| {
map.insert(key.clone(), val);
@ -1341,10 +1339,10 @@ impl Engine {
fn_lib: Option<&FunctionsLib>,
name: &str,
) -> bool {
engine.functions.as_ref().map_or(false, |lib| {
let fn_spec = calc_fn_spec(name, [TypeId::of::<String>()].iter().cloned());
}) || fn_lib.map_or(false, |lib| lib.has_function(name, 1))
.contains_key(&calc_fn_spec(name, once(TypeId::of::<String>())))
|| fn_lib.map_or(false, |lib| lib.has_function(name, 1))
match fn_name.as_ref() {
@ -1552,7 +1550,7 @@ impl Engine {
let arr = self.eval_expr(scope, fn_lib, expr, level)?;
let tid = arr.type_id();
if let Some(iter_fn) = self.type_iterators.as_ref().and_then(|t| t.get(&tid)) {
if let Some(iter_fn) = self.type_iterators.get(&tid) {
// Add the loop variable - variable name is copied
// TODO - avoid copying variable name
scope.push(name.clone(), ());
@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
/// Call a registered function
fn call_fn(
functions: Option<&HashMap<u64, Box<FnAny>>>,
functions: &HashMap<u64, Box<FnAny>>,
fn_name: &str,
args: &mut FnCallArgs,
pos: Position,
) -> Result<Option<Dynamic>, Box<EvalAltResult>> {
// Search built-in's and external functions
.and_then(|f| f.get(&calc_fn_spec(fn_name, args.iter().map(|a| a.type_id()))))
.get(&calc_fn_spec(fn_name, args.iter().map(|a| a.type_id())))
.map(|func| func(args, pos))
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ fn optimize_expr<'a>(expr: Expr, state: &mut State<'a>) -> Expr {
call_fn(state.engine.functions.as_ref(), &id, &mut call_args, pos).ok()
call_fn(&state.engine.functions, &id, &mut call_args, pos).ok()
result.or_else(|| {
if !arg_for_type_of.is_empty() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user