Add get_fn_metadata_list.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Chung 2020-11-23 19:11:32 +08:00
parent 8d410dfc71
commit b43223a94f
6 changed files with 162 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ New features
* `Module::set_getter_fn`, `Module::set_setter_fn`, `Module::set_indexer_get_fn`, `Module::set_indexer_set_fn` all expose the function to the global namespace by default. This is convenient when registering an API for a custom type.
* New `Module::update_fn_metadata` to update a module function's parameter names and types.
* New `#[rhai_fn(global)]` and `#[rhai_fn(internal)]` attributes to determine whether a function defined in a plugin module should be exposed to the global namespace. This is convenient when defining an API for a custom type.
* New `get_fn_metadata_list` to get the metadata of all script-defined functions in scope.

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@ -101,21 +101,6 @@ a statement in the script can freely call a function defined afterwards.
This is similar to Rust and many other modern languages, such as JavaScript's `function` keyword.
Use `is_def_fn` to detect if a Rhai function is defined (and therefore callable), based on its name
and the number of parameters.
fn foo(x) { x + 1 }
is_def_fn("foo", 1) == true;
is_def_fn("bar", 1) == false;
Arguments are Passed by Value
@ -159,3 +144,43 @@ x == 42; // 'x' is changed!
change(); // <- error: `this` is unbound
Use `is_def_fn` to detect if a Rhai function is defined (and therefore callable), based on its name
and the number of parameters.
fn foo(x) { x + 1 }
is_def_fn("foo", 1) == true;
is_def_fn("bar", 1) == false;
The function `get_fn_metadata_list` is a _reflection_ API that returns an array of the metadata
of all script-defined functions in scope.
Functions from the following sources are returned, in order:
1) Encapsulated script environment (e.g. when loading a [module] from a script file),
2) Current script,
3) [Modules] imported via the [`import`] statement (latest imports first),
4) [Modules] added via [`Engine::register_module`]({{rootUrl}}/rust/modules/ (latest registrations first)
The return value is an [array] of [object maps] (so `get_fn_metadata_list` is not available under
[`no_index`] or [`no_object`]), containing the following fields:
| Field | Type | Optional? | Description |
| -------------- | :------------------: | :-------: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `namespace` | [string] | yes | the module _namespace_ if the function is defined within a module |
| `access` | [string] | no | `"public"` if the function is public,<br/>`"private"` if it is private |
| `name` | [string] | no | function name |
| `params` | [array] of [strings] | no | parameter names |
| `is_anonymous` | `bool` | no | is this function an anonymous function? |

View File

@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ impl Imports {
/// Get an iterator to this stack of imported modules in reverse order.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, Shared<Module>)> {
pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ImmutableString, Shared<Module>)> + 'a {
self.0.iter().flat_map(|lib| {
.map(|(name, module)| (name.as_str(), module.clone()))
.map(|(name, module)| (name.clone(), module.clone()))
/// Get an iterator to this stack of imported modules in reverse order.

View File

@ -1500,10 +1500,16 @@ impl Module {
/// Get an iterator to the sub-modules in the module.
pub fn iter_sub_modules(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, Shared<Module>)> {
self.modules.iter().map(|(k, m)| (k.as_str(), m.clone()))
/// Get an iterator to the variables in the module.
pub fn iter_var(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&String, &Dynamic)> {
pub fn iter_var(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, &Dynamic)> {
self.variables.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.as_str(), v))
/// Get an iterator to the functions in the module.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
use crate::module::SharedScriptFnDef;
use crate::plugin::*;
use crate::{def_package, FnPtr};
use crate::stdlib::iter::empty;
use crate::{calc_script_fn_hash, def_package, FnPtr, ImmutableString, NativeCallContext, INT};
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
use crate::{stdlib::collections::HashMap, Array, Map};
def_package!(crate:BasicFnPackage:"Basic Fn functions.", lib, {
combine_with_exported_module!(lib, "FnPtr", fn_ptr_functions);
@ -13,10 +20,111 @@ mod fn_ptr_functions {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
pub mod anonymous {
pub mod functions {
#[rhai_fn(name = "is_anonymous", get = "is_anonymous")]
pub fn is_anonymous(f: &mut FnPtr) -> bool {
pub fn is_def_fn(ctx: NativeCallContext, fn_name: &str, num_params: INT) -> bool {
if num_params < 0 {
} else {
let hash_script = calc_script_fn_hash(empty(), fn_name, num_params as usize);
.has_override(ctx.mods, ctx.lib, 0, hash_script, true)
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub mod functions_and_maps {
pub fn get_fn_metadata_list(ctx: NativeCallContext) -> Array {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
fn collect_fn_metadata(ctx: NativeCallContext) -> Array {
// Create a metadata record for a function.
fn make_metadata(
dict: &HashMap<String, ImmutableString>,
namespace: Option<ImmutableString>,
f: SharedScriptFnDef,
) -> Map {
let mut map = Map::with_capacity(6);
if let Some(ns) = namespace {
map.insert(dict["namespace"].clone(), ns.into());
match f.access {
FnAccess::Public => dict["public"].clone(),
FnAccess::Private => dict["private"].clone(),
// Recursively scan modules for script-defined functions.
fn scan_module(
list: &mut Array,
dict: &HashMap<String, ImmutableString>,
namespace: ImmutableString,
module: &Module,
) {
module.iter_script_fn().for_each(|(_, _, _, _, f)| {
list.push(make_metadata(dict, Some(namespace.clone()), f).into())
module.iter_sub_modules().for_each(|(ns, m)| {
let ns: ImmutableString = format!("{}::{}", namespace, ns).into();
scan_module(list, dict, ns, m.as_ref())
// Intern strings
let mut dict = HashMap::<String, ImmutableString>::with_capacity(8);
dict.insert("namespace".into(), "namespace".into());
dict.insert("name".into(), "name".into());
dict.insert("access".into(), "access".into());
dict.insert("public".into(), "public".into());
dict.insert("private".into(), "private".into());
dict.insert("is_anonymous".into(), "is_anonymous".into());
dict.insert("params".into(), "params".into());
let mut list: Array = Default::default();
.flat_map(|m| m.iter_script_fn())
.for_each(|(_, _, _, _, f)| list.push(make_metadata(&dict, None, f).into()));
if let Some(mods) = ctx.mods {
.for_each(|(ns, m)| scan_module(&mut list, &dict, ns, m.as_ref()));

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@ -4,34 +4,9 @@ use super::iter_basic::BasicIteratorPackage;
use super::logic::LogicPackage;
use super::string_basic::BasicStringPackage;
use crate::fn_native::{CallableFunction, FnCallArgs};
use crate::stdlib::{any::TypeId, boxed::Box, iter::empty};
use crate::{
calc_script_fn_hash, def_package, FnAccess, FnNamespace, ImmutableString, NativeCallContext,
use crate::def_package;
def_package!(crate:CorePackage:"_Core_ package containing basic facilities.", lib, {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
let f = |ctx: NativeCallContext, args: &mut FnCallArgs| {
let num_params = args[1].clone().cast::<INT>();
let fn_name = args[0].as_str().unwrap();
Ok(if num_params < 0 {
} else {
let hash_script = calc_script_fn_hash(empty(), fn_name, num_params as usize);
ctx.engine().has_override(ctx.mods, ctx.lib, 0, hash_script, true).into()
lib.set_fn("is_def_fn", FnNamespace::Global, FnAccess::Public,
Some(&["fn_name: &str", "num_params: INT"]),
&[TypeId::of::<ImmutableString>(), TypeId::of::<INT>()],