Allow registration of getters/setters/indexers with NativeCallContext.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
Rhai Release Notes
Version 1.10.0
Bug fixes
* API for registering property getters/setters and indexers to an `Engine` now works with functions that take a first parameter of `NativeCallContext`.
Version 1.9.0
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ impl<'a, T: Variant + Clone> TypeBuilder<'a, T> {
/// Register a custom function.
pub fn with_fn<N, A, F>(&mut self, name: N, method: F) -> &mut Self
pub fn with_fn<N, A, F, R, S>(&mut self, name: N, method: F) -> &mut Self
N: AsRef<str> + Into<Identifier>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, ()>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, R, S>,
self.engine.register_fn(name, method);
@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ impl<'a, T: Variant + Clone> TypeBuilder<'a, T> {
/// Register a custom fallible function.
pub fn with_result_fn<N, A, F, R>(&mut self, name: N, method: F) -> &mut Self
pub fn with_result_fn<N, A, F, R, S>(&mut self, name: N, method: F) -> &mut Self
N: AsRef<str> + Into<Identifier>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, RhaiResultOf<R>>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, R, RhaiResultOf<S>>,
self.engine.register_result_fn(name, method);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! Module that defines the public function/module registration API of [`Engine`].
use crate::func::register::Mut;
use crate::func::{FnCallArgs, RegisterNativeFunction, SendSync};
use crate::types::dynamic::Variant;
use crate::{
@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ impl Engine {
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn register_fn<N, A, F>(&mut self, name: N, func: F) -> &mut Self
pub fn register_fn<N, A, F, R, S>(&mut self, name: N, func: F) -> &mut Self
N: AsRef<str> + Into<Identifier>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, ()>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, R, S>,
let param_types = F::param_types();
@ -112,10 +113,10 @@ impl Engine {
/// .expect_err("expecting division by zero error!");
/// ```
pub fn register_result_fn<N, A, F, R>(&mut self, name: N, func: F) -> &mut Self
pub fn register_result_fn<N, A, F, R, S>(&mut self, name: N, func: F) -> &mut Self
N: AsRef<str> + Into<Identifier>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, RhaiResultOf<R>>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<A, R, RhaiResultOf<S>>,
let param_types = F::param_types();
@ -344,10 +345,10 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn register_get<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_get<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone, S>(
&mut self,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
get_fn: impl Fn(&mut T) -> V + SendSync + 'static,
get_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>,), V, S> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
self.register_fn(crate::engine::make_getter(name.as_ref()).as_str(), get_fn)
@ -393,10 +394,10 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn register_get_result<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_get_result<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone, S>(
&mut self,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
get_fn: impl Fn(&mut T) -> RhaiResultOf<V> + SendSync + 'static,
get_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>,), V, RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
self.register_result_fn(crate::engine::make_getter(name.as_ref()).as_str(), get_fn)
@ -443,10 +444,10 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn register_set<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_set<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone, S>(
&mut self,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
set_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, V) + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, V), (), S> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
self.register_fn(crate::engine::make_setter(name.as_ref()).as_str(), set_fn)
@ -494,10 +495,10 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn register_set_result<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_set_result<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone, S>(
&mut self,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
set_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, V) -> RhaiResultOf<()> + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, V), (), RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
self.register_result_fn(crate::engine::make_setter(name.as_ref()).as_str(), set_fn)
@ -548,11 +549,11 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn register_get_set<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_get_set<T: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone, S>(
&mut self,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
get_fn: impl Fn(&mut T) -> V + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, V) + SendSync + 'static,
get_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>,), V, S> + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, V), (), S> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
self.register_get(&name, get_fn).register_set(&name, set_fn)
@ -607,9 +608,9 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_index"), not(feature = "no_object")))]
pub fn register_indexer_get<T: Variant + Clone, X: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_indexer_get<T: Variant + Clone, X: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone, S>(
&mut self,
get_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, X) -> V + SendSync + 'static,
get_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, X), V, S> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<crate::Array>() {
@ -686,9 +687,10 @@ impl Engine {
T: Variant + Clone,
X: Variant + Clone,
V: Variant + Clone,
&mut self,
get_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, X) -> RhaiResultOf<V> + SendSync + 'static,
get_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, X), V, RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<crate::Array>() {
@ -761,9 +763,9 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_index"), not(feature = "no_object")))]
pub fn register_indexer_set<T: Variant + Clone, X: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_indexer_set<T: Variant + Clone, X: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone, S>(
&mut self,
set_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, X, V) + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, X, V), (), S> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<crate::Array>() {
@ -841,9 +843,10 @@ impl Engine {
T: Variant + Clone,
X: Variant + Clone,
V: Variant + Clone,
&mut self,
set_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, X, V) -> RhaiResultOf<()> + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, X, V), (), RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<crate::Array>() {
@ -917,10 +920,15 @@ impl Engine {
/// ```
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_index"), not(feature = "no_object")))]
pub fn register_indexer_get_set<T: Variant + Clone, X: Variant + Clone, V: Variant + Clone>(
pub fn register_indexer_get_set<
T: Variant + Clone,
X: Variant + Clone,
V: Variant + Clone,
&mut self,
get_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, X) -> V + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl Fn(&mut T, X, V) + SendSync + 'static,
get_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, X), V, S> + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<T>, X, V), (), S> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> &mut Self {
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ pub fn by_value<T: Variant + Clone>(data: &mut Dynamic) -> T {
/// Trait to register custom Rust functions.
pub trait RegisterNativeFunction<Args, Result> {
pub trait RegisterNativeFunction<ARGS, RET, RESULT> {
/// Convert this function into a [`CallableFunction`].
fn into_callable_function(self) -> CallableFunction;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ macro_rules! def_register {
FN: Fn($($param),*) -> RET + SendSync + 'static,
$($par: Variant + Clone,)*
RET: Variant + Clone
> RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), ()> for FN {
> RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), RET, ()> for FN {
#[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::<RET>() }
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ macro_rules! def_register {
FN: for<'a> Fn(NativeCallContext<'a>, $($param),*) -> RET + SendSync + 'static,
$($par: Variant + Clone,)*
RET: Variant + Clone
> RegisterNativeFunction<(NativeCallContext<'static>, $($mark,)*), ()> for FN {
> RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), RET, NativeCallContext<'static>> for FN {
#[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::<RET>() }
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ macro_rules! def_register {
FN: Fn($($param),*) -> RhaiResultOf<RET> + SendSync + 'static,
$($par: Variant + Clone,)*
RET: Variant + Clone
> RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), RhaiResultOf<RET>> for FN {
> RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), RET, RhaiResultOf<()>> for FN {
#[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::<RhaiResultOf<RET>>() }
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ macro_rules! def_register {
FN: for<'a> Fn(NativeCallContext<'a>, $($param),*) -> RhaiResultOf<RET> + SendSync + 'static,
$($par: Variant + Clone,)*
RET: Variant + Clone
> RegisterNativeFunction<(NativeCallContext<'static>, $($mark,)*), RhaiResultOf<RET>> for FN {
> RegisterNativeFunction<($($mark,)*), RET, RhaiResultOf<NativeCallContext<'static>>> for FN {
#[inline(always)] fn param_types() -> Box<[TypeId]> { vec![$(TypeId::of::<$par>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn param_names() -> Box<[&'static str]> { vec![$(std::any::type_name::<$param>()),*].into_boxed_slice() }
#[cfg(feature = "metadata")] #[inline(always)] fn return_type() -> TypeId { TypeId::of::<RhaiResultOf<RET>>() }
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
//! Module defining external-loaded modules for Rhai.
use crate::ast::FnAccess;
use crate::func::register::Mut;
use crate::func::{
shared_take_or_clone, CallableFunction, FnCallArgs, IteratorFn, RegisterNativeFunction,
@ -1290,11 +1291,11 @@ impl Module {
/// assert!(module.contains_fn(hash));
/// ```
pub fn set_native_fn<ARGS, N, T, F>(&mut self, name: N, func: F) -> u64
pub fn set_native_fn<ARGS, N, T, F, S>(&mut self, name: N, func: F) -> u64
N: AsRef<str> + Into<Identifier>,
T: Variant + Clone,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<ARGS, RhaiResultOf<T>>,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<ARGS, T, RhaiResultOf<S>>,
@ -1326,14 +1327,11 @@ impl Module {
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn set_getter_fn<ARGS, A, T, F>(&mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, func: F) -> u64
pub fn set_getter_fn<A, T, F, S>(&mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, func: F) -> u64
A: Variant + Clone,
T: Variant + Clone,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<ARGS, RhaiResultOf<T>>
+ Fn(&mut A) -> RhaiResultOf<T>
+ SendSync
+ 'static,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<A>,), T, RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
@ -1370,14 +1368,11 @@ impl Module {
/// ```
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
pub fn set_setter_fn<ARGS, A, B, F>(&mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, func: F) -> u64
pub fn set_setter_fn<A, B, F, S>(&mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, func: F) -> u64
A: Variant + Clone,
B: Variant + Clone,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<ARGS, RhaiResultOf<()>>
+ Fn(&mut A, B) -> RhaiResultOf<()>
+ SendSync
+ 'static,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<A>, B), (), RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
@ -1418,15 +1413,12 @@ impl Module {
/// ```
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_index"), not(feature = "no_object")))]
pub fn set_indexer_get_fn<ARGS, A, B, T, F>(&mut self, func: F) -> u64
pub fn set_indexer_get_fn<A, B, T, F, S>(&mut self, func: F) -> u64
A: Variant + Clone,
B: Variant + Clone,
T: Variant + Clone,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<ARGS, RhaiResultOf<T>>
+ Fn(&mut A, B) -> RhaiResultOf<T>
+ SendSync
+ 'static,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<A>, B), T, RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
if TypeId::of::<A>() == TypeId::of::<crate::Array>() {
@ -1482,15 +1474,12 @@ impl Module {
/// ```
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_index"), not(feature = "no_object")))]
pub fn set_indexer_set_fn<ARGS, A, B, C, F>(&mut self, func: F) -> u64
pub fn set_indexer_set_fn<A, B, T, F, S>(&mut self, func: F) -> u64
A: Variant + Clone,
B: Variant + Clone,
C: Variant + Clone,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<ARGS, RhaiResultOf<()>>
+ Fn(&mut A, B, C) -> RhaiResultOf<()>
+ SendSync
+ 'static,
T: Variant + Clone,
F: RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<A>, B, T), (), RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
if TypeId::of::<A>() == TypeId::of::<crate::Array>() {
@ -1552,10 +1541,10 @@ impl Module {
/// ```
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_index"), not(feature = "no_object")))]
pub fn set_indexer_get_set_fn<A, B, T>(
pub fn set_indexer_get_set_fn<A, B, T, S>(
&mut self,
get_fn: impl Fn(&mut A, B) -> RhaiResultOf<T> + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl Fn(&mut A, B, T) -> RhaiResultOf<()> + SendSync + 'static,
get_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<A>, B), T, RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
set_fn: impl RegisterNativeFunction<(Mut<A>, B, T), (), RhaiResultOf<S>> + SendSync + 'static,
) -> (u64, u64)
A: Variant + Clone,
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#![cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, Scope, INT};
use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult, NativeCallContext, Scope, INT};
fn test_get_set() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
@ -217,12 +217,14 @@ fn test_get_set_chain_without_write_back() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
|t: &mut Inner| t.value,
|_: &mut Inner, new: INT| panic!("Inner::value setter called with {}", new),
|_: NativeCallContext, _: &mut Inner, new: INT| {
panic!("Inner::value setter called with {}", new)
|t: &mut Outer| t.inner.clone(),
|_: NativeCallContext, t: &mut Outer| t.inner.clone(),
|_: &mut Outer, new: Inner| panic!("Outer::inner setter called with {:?}", new),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user