Add section on statements and variables.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Chung 2020-03-17 17:37:28 +08:00
parent 8efe080412
commit 777f66ff3c

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@ -611,6 +611,27 @@ let /* intruder comment */ name = "Bob";
Statements are terminated by semicolons '`;`' - they are mandatory, except for the _last_ statement where it can be omitted.
A statement can be used anywhere where an expression is expected. The _last_ statement of a statement block
(enclosed by '`{`' .. '`}`' pairs) is always the return value of the statement. If a statement has no return value
(e.g. variable definitions, assignments) then the value will be `()`.
let a = 42; // normal assignment statement
let a = foo(42); // normal function call statement
foo < 42; // normal expression as statement
let a = { 40 + 2 }; // the value of 'a' is the value of the statement block, which is the value of the last statement
// ^ notice that the last statement does not require an ending semicolon
4 * 10 + 2 // this is also a statement, which is an expression, with no ending semicolon because
// it is the last statement of the whole block
@ -619,21 +640,27 @@ Variables in Rhai follow normal C naming rules (i.e. must contain only ASCII let
Variable names must start with an ASCII letter or an underscore '`_`', and must contain at least one ASCII letter within.
Therefore, names like '`_`', '`_42`' etc. are not legal variable names. Variable names are also case _sensitive_.
Variables are defined using the `let` keyword.
Variables are defined using the `let` keyword. A variable defined within a statement block is _local_ to that block.
let x = 3; // ok
let _x = 42; // ok
let x_ = 42; // also ok
let _x_ = 42; // still ok
let x = 3; // ok
let _x = 42; // ok
let x_ = 42; // also ok
let _x_ = 42; // still ok
let _ = 123; // syntax error - illegal variable name
let _9 = 9; // syntax error - illegal variable name
let _ = 123; // syntax error - illegal variable name
let _9 = 9; // syntax error - illegal variable name
let x = 42; // variable is 'x', lower case
let X = 123; // variable is 'X', upper case
let x = 42; // variable is 'x', lower case
let X = 123; // variable is 'X', upper case
x == 42;
X == 123;
let x = 999; // local variable 'x' shadows the 'x' in parent block
x == 999; // access to local 'x'
x == 42; // the parent block's 'x' is not changed
@ -1118,7 +1145,7 @@ regardless of whether it is terminated with a semicolon `;`. This is different f
fn add(x, y) {
x + y; // value of the last statement is used as the function's return value
x + y; // value of the last statement (no need for ending semicolon) is used as the return value
fn add2(x) {
@ -1345,6 +1372,10 @@ An engine's optimization level is set via a call to `set_optimization_level`:
When the optimization level is [`OptimizationLevel::Full`], the engine assumes all functions to be _pure_ and will _eagerly_
evaluated all function calls with constant arguments, using the result to replace the call. This also applies to all operators
(which are implemented as functions). For instance, the same example above:
// When compiling the following with OptimizationLevel::Full...
@ -1356,18 +1387,38 @@ if DECISION == 1 { // is a function call to the '==' function, and it retur
print("boo!"); // this block is eliminated because it is never reached
print("hello!"); // <- the above is equivalent to this
print("hello!"); // <- the above is equivalent to this ('print' and 'debug' are handled specially)
### Side effect considerations
Because of the eager evaluation of functions, many constant expressions will be evaluated and replaced by the result.
This does not happen with `OptimizationLevel::Simple` which doesn't assume all functions to be _pure_.
All built-in operators have _pure_ functions (i.e. they do not cause side effects) so using [`OptimizationLevel::Full`] is usually quite safe.
Beware, however, that if custom functions are registered, they'll also be called.
If custom functions are registered to replace built-in operator functions, the custom functions will be called
and _may_ cause side-effects.
// When compiling the following with OptimizationLevel::Full...
Therefore, when using [`OptimizationLevel::Full`], it is recommended that registrations of custom functions be held off
until _after_ the compilation process.
let x = (1 + 2) * 3 - 4 / 5 % 6; // <- will be replaced by 'let x = 9'
let y = (1 > 2) || (3 <= 4); // <- will be replaced by 'let y = true'
### Function side effect considerations
All of Rhai's built-in functions (and operators which are implemented as functions) are _pure_ (i.e. they do not mutate state
nor cause side any effects, with the exception of `print` and `debug` which are handled specially) so using [`OptimizationLevel::Full`]
is usually quite safe _unless_ you register your own types and functions.
If custom functions are registered, they _may_ be called (or maybe not, if the calls happen to lie within a pruned code block).
If custom functions are registered to replace built-in operators, they will also be called when the operators are used (in an `if`
statement, for example) and cause side-effects.
### Function volatility considerations
Even if a custom function does not mutate state nor cause side effects, it may still be _volatile_, i.e. it _depends_ on the external
environment and not _pure_. A perfect example is a function that gets the current time - obviously each run will return a different value!
The optimizer, when using [`OptimizationLevel::Full`], _assumes_ that all functions are _pure_, so when it finds constant arguments.
This may cause the script to behave differently from the intended semantics because essentially the result of each function call will
always be the same value.
Therefore, **avoid using [`OptimizationLevel::Full`]** if you intend to register non-_pure_ custom types and/or functions.
### Subtle semantic changes