Start adding support for dotted expressions
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ pub enum EvalAltResult {
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ impl Error for EvalAltResult {
EvalAltResult::ErrorIfGuardMismatch => "If guards expect boolean expression",
EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound => "Variable not found",
EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArityNotSupported => "Functions of more than 3 parameters are not yet supported",
EvalAltResult::InternalErrorMalformedDotExpression => "[Internal error] Unexpected expression in dot expression",
EvalAltResult::LoopBreak => "Loop broken before completion (not an error)",
EvalAltResult::Return(_) => "Function returned value (not an error)"
@ -319,6 +321,146 @@ impl Engine {
&(clone_helper as fn(T)->T).register(self, "clone");
fn get_dot_val_helper(&self, scope: &mut Scope, this_ptr: &mut Box<Any>, dot_rhs: &Expr) -> Result<Box<Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *dot_rhs {
Expr::FnCall(ref fn_name, ref args) => {
if args.len() == 0 {
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(this_ptr), None, None, None, None, None);
else if args.len() == 1 {
let mut arg = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(this_ptr), Some(&mut arg), None, None, None, None);
else if args.len() == 2 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(this_ptr), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), None, None, None);
else if args.len() == 3 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
let mut arg3 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[2]));
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(this_ptr), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), Some(&mut arg3), None, None);
else if args.len() == 4 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
let mut arg3 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[2]));
let mut arg4 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[3]));
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(this_ptr), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), Some(&mut arg3),
Some(&mut arg4), None);
else if args.len() == 5 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
let mut arg3 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[2]));
let mut arg4 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[3]));
let mut arg5 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[4]));
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(this_ptr), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), Some(&mut arg3),
Some(&mut arg4), Some(&mut arg5));
else {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let get_fn_name = "get$".to_string() + id;
return self.call_fn(&get_fn_name, Some(this_ptr), None, None, None, None, None);
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::InternalErrorMalformedDotExpression)
fn get_dot_val(&self, scope: &mut Scope, dot_lhs: &Expr, dot_rhs: &Expr) -> Result<Box<Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *dot_lhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let mut target : Option<Box<Any>> = None;
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *id == *name {
if let Ok(clone) = self.call_fn("clone", Some(val), None, None, None, None, None) {
target = Some(clone);
else {
println!("Error when cloning");
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound);
if let Some(mut t) = target {
let result = self.get_dot_val_helper(scope, &mut t, dot_rhs);
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *id == *name {
*val = t;
return result;
println!("Error finding target: {}", id);
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound);
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::InternalErrorMalformedDotExpression)
fn set_dot_val_helper(&self, this_ptr: &mut Box<Any>, dot_rhs: &Expr, mut source_val: Box<Any>) -> Result<Box<Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *dot_rhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let set_fn_name = "set$".to_string() + id;
println!("calling: {}", set_fn_name);
self.call_fn(&set_fn_name, Some(this_ptr), Some(&mut source_val), None, None, None, None)
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::InternalErrorMalformedDotExpression)
fn set_dot_val(&self, scope: &mut Scope, dot_lhs: &Expr, dot_rhs: &Expr, source_val: Box<Any>) -> Result<Box<Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *dot_lhs {
Expr::Identifier(ref id) => {
let mut target : Option<Box<Any>> = None;
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *id == *name {
if let Ok(clone) = self.call_fn("clone", Some(val), None, None, None, None, None) {
target = Some(clone);
else {
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound);
if let Some(mut t) = target {
let result = self.set_dot_val_helper(&mut t, dot_rhs, source_val);
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *id == *name {
*val = t;
return result;
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound);
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::InternalErrorMalformedDotExpression)
fn eval_expr(&self, scope: &mut Scope, expr: &Expr) -> Result<Box<Any>, EvalAltResult> {
match *expr {
Expr::IntConst(i) => Ok(Box::new(i)),
@ -345,9 +487,17 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::Dot(ref dot_lhs, ref dot_rhs) => {
let rhs_val = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, rhs));
self.set_dot_val(scope, dot_lhs, dot_rhs, rhs_val)
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound)
Expr::Dot(ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
self.get_dot_val(scope, lhs, rhs)
Expr::FnCall(ref fn_name, ref args) => {
if args.len() == 0 {
self.call_fn(&fn_name, None, None, None, None, None, None)
@ -403,81 +553,6 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::MethodCall(ref target, ref fn_name, ref args) => {
if args.len() == 0 {
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *target == *name {
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(val), None, None, None, None, None);
else if args.len() == 1 {
let mut arg = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *target == *name {
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(val), Some(&mut arg), None, None, None, None);
else if args.len() == 2 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *target == *name {
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(val), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), None, None, None);
else if args.len() == 3 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
let mut arg3 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[2]));
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *target == *name {
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(val), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), Some(&mut arg3), None, None);
else if args.len() == 4 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
let mut arg3 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[2]));
let mut arg4 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[3]));
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *target == *name {
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(val), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), Some(&mut arg3),
Some(&mut arg4), None);
else if args.len() == 5 {
let mut arg1 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[0]));
let mut arg2 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[1]));
let mut arg3 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[2]));
let mut arg4 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[3]));
let mut arg5 = try!(self.eval_expr(scope, &args[4]));
for &mut (ref name, ref mut val) in &mut scope.iter_mut().rev() {
if *target == *name {
return self.call_fn(&fn_name, Some(val), Some(&mut arg1), Some(&mut arg2), Some(&mut arg3),
Some(&mut arg4), Some(&mut arg5));
else {
Expr::True => {
@ -853,6 +928,43 @@ fn test_method_call() {
fn test_get_set() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct TestStruct {
x: i32
impl TestStruct {
fn get_x(&mut self) -> i32 {
fn set_x(&mut self, new_x: i32) {
self.x = new_x;
fn new() -> TestStruct {
TestStruct { x: 1 }
let mut engine = Engine::new();
&(TestStruct::get_x as fn(&mut TestStruct)->i32).register(&mut engine, "get$x");
&(TestStruct::set_x as fn(&mut TestStruct, i32)->()).register(&mut engine, "set$x");
&(TestStruct::new as fn()->TestStruct).register(&mut engine, "new_ts");
if let Ok(result) = engine.eval("var a = new_ts(); a.x = 500; a.x".to_string()).unwrap().downcast::<i32>() {
assert_eq!(*result, 500);
else {
fn test_internal_fn() {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ pub enum ParseError {
@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ impl Error for ParseError {
ParseError::MissingRCurly => "Expected '}'",
ParseError::MalformedCallExpr => "Call contains bad expression",
ParseError::VarExpectsIdentifier => "'var' expects the name of a variable",
ParseError::ExpectedMethodInvocation => "Expected method call after '.'",
ParseError::FnMissingName => "Function declaration is missing name",
ParseError::FnMissingParams => "Function declaration is missing parameters"
@ -89,7 +87,7 @@ pub enum Stmt { If(Box<Expr>, Box<Stmt>), IfElse(Box<Expr>, Box<Stmt>, Box<Stmt>
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Expr { IntConst(i32), Identifier(String), StringConst(String), FnCall(String, Box<Vec<Expr>>),
MethodCall(String, String, Box<Vec<Expr>>), Assignment(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), True, False }
Assignment(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), Dot(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>), True, False }
pub enum Token { IntConst(i32), Identifier(String), StringConst(String), LCurly, RCurly, LParen, RParen, LSquare, RSquare,
@ -343,6 +341,7 @@ fn get_precedence(token: &Token) -> i32 {
Token::Minus => 20,
Token::Divide => 40,
Token::Multiply => 40,
Token::Period => 100,
_ => -1
@ -357,18 +356,6 @@ fn parse_paren_expr<'a>(input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>) -> Result<Expr,
fn parse_ident_expr<'a>(id: String, input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>) -> Result<Expr, ParseError> {
let id2 = match input.peek() {
Some(&Token::Period) => {
match {
Some(Token::Identifier(ref s)) => {
_ => return Err(ParseError::ExpectedMethodInvocation)
_ => String::new()
match input.peek() {
Some(&Token::LParen) => {;},
_ => return Ok(Expr::Identifier(id))
@ -379,12 +366,7 @@ fn parse_ident_expr<'a>(id: String, input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>) ->
match input.peek() {
Some(&Token::RParen) => {
if id2 == "" {
return Ok(Expr::FnCall(id, Box::new(args)))
else {
return Ok(Expr::MethodCall(id, id2, Box::new(args)))
return Ok(Expr::FnCall(id, Box::new(args)))
_ => ()
@ -400,12 +382,7 @@ fn parse_ident_expr<'a>(id: String, input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>) ->
match input.peek() {
Some(&Token::RParen) => {
if id2 == "" {
return Ok(Expr::FnCall(id, Box::new(args)))
else {
return Ok(Expr::MethodCall(id, id2, Box::new(args)))
return Ok(Expr::FnCall(id, Box::new(args)))
Some(&Token::Comma) => (),
_ => return Err(ParseError::MalformedCallExpr)
@ -459,6 +436,10 @@ fn parse_binop<'a>(input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>, prec: i32, lhs: Expr
if curr_prec < next_prec {
rhs = try!(parse_binop(input, curr_prec+1, rhs));
else if curr_prec >= 100 {
//Always bind right to left for precedence over 100
rhs = try!(parse_binop(input, curr_prec, rhs));
lhs_curr = match op_token {
Token::Plus => Expr::FnCall("+".to_string(), Box::new(vec![lhs_curr, rhs])),
@ -466,6 +447,7 @@ fn parse_binop<'a>(input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator<'a>>, prec: i32, lhs: Expr
Token::Multiply => Expr::FnCall("*".to_string(), Box::new(vec![lhs_curr, rhs])),
Token::Divide => Expr::FnCall("/".to_string(), Box::new(vec![lhs_curr, rhs])),
Token::Equals => Expr::Assignment(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)),
Token::Period => Expr::Dot(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)),
Token::EqualTo => Expr::FnCall("==".to_string(), Box::new(vec![lhs_curr, rhs])),
Token::NotEqualTo => Expr::FnCall("!=".to_string(), Box::new(vec![lhs_curr, rhs])),
Token::LessThan => Expr::FnCall("<".to_string(), Box::new(vec![lhs_curr, rhs])),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user