Simplify parsing by expecting the tokens stream will never be exhausted.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Chung 2020-04-23 13:24:24 +08:00
parent a4bf572d5a
commit 5aaaa7be3b
3 changed files with 91 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ fn optimize_stmt<'a>(stmt: Stmt, state: &mut State<'a>, preserve_result: bool) -
Box::new(optimize_expr(expr, state)),
Box::new(optimize_stmt(*if_block, state, true)),
match optimize_stmt(*else_block, state, true) {
stmt if matches!(stmt, Stmt::Noop(_)) => None, // Noop -> no else block
Stmt::Noop(_) => None, // Noop -> no else block
stmt => Some(Box::new(stmt)),

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@ -508,19 +508,17 @@ impl Expr {
/// Consume a particular token, checking that it is the expected one.
fn eat_token(input: &mut Peekable<TokenIterator>, token: Token) -> Position {
if let Some((t, pos)) = {
if t != token {
"expecting {} (found {}) at {}",
} else {
panic!("expecting {} but already EOF", token.syntax());
let (t, pos) =;
if t != token {
"expecting {} (found {}) at {}",
/// Match a particular token, consuming it if matched.
@ -1269,103 +1267,91 @@ fn parse_binary_op<'a>(
return Ok(current_lhs);
if let Some((op_token, pos)) = {
let rhs = parse_unary(input, allow_stmt_expr)?;
let (op_token, pos) =;
let next_precedence = if let Some((next_op, _)) = input.peek() {
} else {
let rhs = parse_unary(input, allow_stmt_expr)?;
// Bind to right if the next operator has higher precedence
// If same precedence, then check if the operator binds right
let rhs = if (current_precedence == next_precedence && bind_right)
|| current_precedence < next_precedence
parse_binary_op(input, current_precedence, rhs, allow_stmt_expr)?
} else {
// Otherwise bind to left (even if next operator has the same precedence)
let next_precedence = input.peek().unwrap().0.precedence();
current_lhs = match op_token {
Token::Plus => Expr::FunctionCall("+".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Minus => Expr::FunctionCall("-".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Multiply => {
Expr::FunctionCall("*".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos)
Token::Divide => Expr::FunctionCall("/".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
// Bind to right if the next operator has higher precedence
// If same precedence, then check if the operator binds right
let rhs = if (current_precedence == next_precedence && bind_right)
|| current_precedence < next_precedence
parse_binary_op(input, current_precedence, rhs, allow_stmt_expr)?
} else {
// Otherwise bind to left (even if next operator has the same precedence)
Token::LeftShift => {
Expr::FunctionCall("<<".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos)
Token::RightShift => {
Expr::FunctionCall(">>".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos)
Token::Modulo => Expr::FunctionCall("%".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::PowerOf => Expr::FunctionCall("~".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
current_lhs = match op_token {
Token::Plus => Expr::FunctionCall("+".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Minus => Expr::FunctionCall("-".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Multiply => Expr::FunctionCall("*".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Divide => Expr::FunctionCall("/".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
// Comparison operators default to false when passed invalid operands
Token::EqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall("==".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::NotEqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall("!=".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::LessThan => {
Expr::FunctionCall("<".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::LessThanEqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall("<=".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::GreaterThan => {
Expr::FunctionCall(">".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall(">=".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::LeftShift => Expr::FunctionCall("<<".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::RightShift => Expr::FunctionCall(">>".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Modulo => Expr::FunctionCall("%".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::PowerOf => Expr::FunctionCall("~".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Or => Expr::Or(Box::new(current_lhs), Box::new(rhs), pos),
Token::And => Expr::And(Box::new(current_lhs), Box::new(rhs), pos),
Token::Ampersand => {
Expr::FunctionCall("&".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos)
Token::Pipe => Expr::FunctionCall("|".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::XOr => Expr::FunctionCall("^".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
// Comparison operators default to false when passed invalid operands
Token::EqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall("==".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::NotEqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall("!=".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::LessThan => {
Expr::FunctionCall("<".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::LessThanEqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall("<=".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::GreaterThan => {
Expr::FunctionCall(">".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo => {
Expr::FunctionCall(">=".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], Some(false.into()), pos)
Token::In => parse_in_expr(current_lhs, rhs, pos)?,
Token::Or => Expr::Or(Box::new(current_lhs), Box::new(rhs), pos),
Token::And => Expr::And(Box::new(current_lhs), Box::new(rhs), pos),
Token::Ampersand => Expr::FunctionCall("&".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::Pipe => Expr::FunctionCall("|".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
Token::XOr => Expr::FunctionCall("^".into(), vec![current_lhs, rhs], None, pos),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Token::Period => {
fn check_property(expr: Expr) -> Result<Expr, Box<ParseError>> {
match expr {
// xxx.lhs.rhs
Expr::Dot(lhs, rhs, pos) => Ok(Expr::Dot(
// xxx.lhs[idx]
Expr::Index(lhs, idx, pos) => {
Ok(Expr::Index(Box::new(check_property(*lhs)?), idx, pos))
Expr::Variable(id, pos) => Ok(Expr::Property(id, pos)),
// xxx.prop
expr @ Expr::Property(_, _) => Ok(expr),
// xxx.fn()
expr @ Expr::FunctionCall(_, _, _, _) => Ok(expr),
expr => Err(PERR::PropertyExpected.into_err(expr.position())),
Token::In => parse_in_expr(current_lhs, rhs, pos)?,
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Token::Period => {
fn check_property(expr: Expr) -> Result<Expr, Box<ParseError>> {
match expr {
// xxx.lhs.rhs
Expr::Dot(lhs, rhs, pos) => Ok(Expr::Dot(
// xxx.lhs[idx]
Expr::Index(lhs, idx, pos) => {
Ok(Expr::Index(Box::new(check_property(*lhs)?), idx, pos))
Expr::Variable(id, pos) => Ok(Expr::Property(id, pos)),
// xxx.prop
expr @ Expr::Property(_, _) => Ok(expr),
// xxx.fn()
expr @ Expr::FunctionCall(_, _, _, _) => Ok(expr),
expr => Err(PERR::PropertyExpected.into_err(expr.position())),
Expr::Dot(Box::new(current_lhs), Box::new(check_property(rhs)?), pos)
token => return Err(PERR::UnknownOperator(token.syntax().into()).into_err(pos)),
Expr::Dot(Box::new(current_lhs), Box::new(check_property(rhs)?), pos)
token => return Err(PERR::UnknownOperator(token.syntax().into()).into_err(pos)),
@ -1439,7 +1425,7 @@ fn parse_if<'a>(
// if guard { if_body } else ...
let else_body = if match_token(input, Token::Else).unwrap_or(false) {
Some(Box::new(if matches!(input.peek(), Some((Token::If, _))) {
Some(Box::new(if let (Token::If, _) = input.peek().unwrap() {
// if guard { if_body } else if ...
parse_if(input, breakable, allow_stmt_expr)?
} else {
@ -1676,9 +1662,9 @@ fn parse_stmt<'a>(
Token::Return | Token::Throw => {
let pos = *pos;
let return_type = match {
Some((Token::Return, _)) => ReturnType::Return,
Some((Token::Throw, _)) => ReturnType::Exception,
let return_type = match {
(Token::Return, _) => ReturnType::Return,
(Token::Throw, _) => ReturnType::Exception,
_ => panic!("token should be return or throw"),
@ -1819,7 +1805,7 @@ fn parse_global_level<'a>(
// Collect all the function definitions
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_function"))]
if matches!(input.peek().expect("should not be None"), (Token::Fn, _)) {
if let (Token::Fn, _) = input.peek().unwrap() {
let f = parse_fn(input, true)?;
functions.insert(calc_fn_def(&, f.params.len()), f);

View File

@ -991,6 +991,8 @@ impl<'a> TokenIterator<'a> {
('~', _) => return Some((Token::PowerOf, pos)),
('\0', _) => panic!("should not be EOF"),
(ch, _) if ch.is_whitespace() => (),
(ch, _) => return Some((Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::UnexpectedChar(ch))), pos)),