Use unwrap instead of expect.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ use num_traits::Float;
#[cfg(feature = "decimal")]
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
/// The message: data type was checked
const BUILTIN: &str = "data type was checked";
/// The `unchecked` feature is not active.
const CHECKED_BUILD: bool = cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked"));
/// Is the type a numeric type?
@ -90,18 +90,18 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
macro_rules! impl_op {
($xx:ident $op:tt $yy:ident) => { (|_, args| {
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<$xx>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<$yy>().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<$xx>().unwrap();
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<$yy>().unwrap();
Ok((x $op y).into())
}, false) };
($xx:ident . $func:ident ( $yy:ty )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<$xx>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<$yy>().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<$xx>().unwrap();
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<$yy>().unwrap();
}, false) };
($xx:ident . $func:ident ( $yy:ident . $yyy:ident () )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<$xx>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<$yy>().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<$xx>().unwrap();
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<$yy>().unwrap();
}, false) };
($func:ident ( $op:tt )) => { (|_, args| {
@ -109,33 +109,33 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
Ok((x $op y).into())
}, false) };
($base:ty => $xx:ident $op:tt $yy:ident) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN) as $base;
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $base;
let x = args[0].$xx().unwrap() as $base;
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $base;
Ok((x $op y).into())
}, false) };
($base:ty => $xx:ident . $func:ident ( $yy:ident as $yyy:ty)) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN) as $base;
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $base;
let x = args[0].$xx().unwrap() as $base;
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $base;
Ok(x.$func(y as $yyy).into())
}, false) };
($base:ty => $func:ident ( $xx:ident, $yy:ident )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN) as $base;
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $base;
let x = args[0].$xx().unwrap() as $base;
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $base;
$func(x, y).map(Into::into)
}, false) };
(from $base:ty => $xx:ident $op:tt $yy:ident) => { (|_, args| {
let x = <$base>::from(args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN));
let y = <$base>::from(args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN));
let x = <$base>::from(args[0].$xx().unwrap());
let y = <$base>::from(args[1].$yy().unwrap());
Ok((x $op y).into())
}, false) };
(from $base:ty => $xx:ident . $func:ident ( $yy:ident )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = <$base>::from(args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN));
let y = <$base>::from(args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN));
let x = <$base>::from(args[0].$xx().unwrap());
let y = <$base>::from(args[1].$yy().unwrap());
}, false) };
(from $base:ty => $func:ident ( $xx:ident, $yy:ident )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = <$base>::from(args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN));
let y = <$base>::from(args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN));
let x = <$base>::from(args[0].$xx().unwrap());
let y = <$base>::from(args[1].$yy().unwrap());
$func(x, y).map(Into::into)
}, false) };
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
return match op {
Plus => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let s1 = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let s2 = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let s1 = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let s2 = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
Ok((s1 + s2).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
Minus => Some(impl_op!(ImmutableString - ImmutableString)),
EqualsTo => Some(impl_op!(ImmutableString == ImmutableString)),
@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
return match op {
Plus => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let x = args[0].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = args[0].as_char().unwrap();
let y = args[1].as_char().unwrap();
let mut result = SmartString::new_const();
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
EqualsTo => Some(impl_op!(char => as_char == as_char)),
NotEqualsTo => Some(impl_op!(char => as_char != as_char)),
@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
return match op {
Plus => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let b2 = &*args[1].read_lock::<Blob>().expect(BUILTIN);
let b2 = &*args[1].read_lock::<Blob>().unwrap();
if b2.is_empty() {
return Ok(args[0].flatten_clone());
let b1 = &*args[0].read_lock::<Blob>().expect(BUILTIN);
let b1 = &*args[0].read_lock::<Blob>().unwrap();
if b1.is_empty() {
return Ok(args[1].flatten_clone());
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
EqualsTo => Some(impl_op!(Blob == Blob)),
NotEqualsTo => Some(impl_op!(Blob != Blob)),
@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
// char op string
if (type1, type2) == (TypeId::of::<char>(), TypeId::of::<ImmutableString>()) {
fn get_s1s2(args: &FnCallArgs) -> ([char; 2], [char; 2]) {
let x = args[0].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = args[0].as_char().unwrap();
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let s1 = [x, '\0'];
let mut y = y.chars();
let s2 = ['\0'),'\0')];
@ -400,8 +400,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
return match op {
Plus => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let x = args[0].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = args[0].as_char().unwrap();
let y = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let mut result = SmartString::new_const();
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
EqualsTo => Some(impl_op!(get_s1s2(==))),
NotEqualsTo => Some(impl_op!(get_s1s2(!=))),
@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
// string op char
if (type1, type2) == (TypeId::of::<ImmutableString>(), TypeId::of::<char>()) {
fn get_s1s2(args: &FnCallArgs) -> ([char; 2], [char; 2]) {
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let y = args[1].as_char().unwrap();
let mut x = x.chars();
let s1 = ['\0'),'\0')];
let s2 = [y, '\0'];
@ -437,8 +437,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
return match op {
Plus => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let y = args[1].as_char().unwrap();
let result = x + y;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -446,12 +446,12 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
Minus => Some((
|_, args| {
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &*args[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let y = args[1].as_char().unwrap();
Ok((x - y).into())
@ -497,9 +497,9 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
return match op {
Plus => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let mut blob = args[0].read_lock::<Blob>().expect(BUILTIN).clone();
let mut blob = args[0].read_lock::<Blob>().unwrap().clone();
let mut buf = [0_u8; 4];
let x = args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN).encode_utf8(&mut buf);
let x = args[1].as_char().unwrap().encode_utf8(&mut buf);
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_binary_op_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Option<F
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
@ -597,41 +597,41 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
macro_rules! impl_op {
($x:ty = x $op:tt $yy:ident) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$yy().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().expect(BUILTIN) = x $op y).into())
let x = args[0].$yy().unwrap();
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().unwrap() = x $op y).into())
}, false) };
($x:ident $op:tt $yy:ident) => { (|_, args| {
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().expect(BUILTIN) $op y).into())
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().unwrap() $op y).into())
}, false) };
($x:ident $op:tt $yy:ident as $yyy:ty) => { (|_, args| {
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $yyy;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().expect(BUILTIN) $op y).into())
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $yyy;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().unwrap() $op y).into())
}, false) };
($x:ty => $xx:ident . $func:ident ( $yy:ident as $yyy:ty )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().expect(BUILTIN) = x.$func(y as $yyy)).into())
let x = args[0].$xx().unwrap();
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().unwrap() = x.$func(y as $yyy)).into())
}, false) };
($x:ty => $func:ident ( $xx:ident, $yy:ident )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN) as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock().expect(BUILTIN) = $func(x, y)?).into())
let x = args[0].$xx().unwrap();
let y = args[1].$yy().unwrap() as $x;
Ok((*args[0].write_lock().unwrap() = $func(x, y)?).into())
}, false) };
(from $x:ident $op:tt $yy:ident) => { (|_, args| {
let y = <$x>::from(args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN));
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().expect(BUILTIN) $op y).into())
let y = <$x>::from(args[1].$yy().unwrap());
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().unwrap() $op y).into())
}, false) };
(from $x:ty => $xx:ident . $func:ident ( $yy:ident )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = <$x>::from(args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN));
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().expect(BUILTIN) = x.$func(y)).into())
let x = args[0].$xx().unwrap();
let y = <$x>::from(args[1].$yy().unwrap());
Ok((*args[0].write_lock::<$x>().unwrap() = x.$func(y)).into())
}, false) };
(from $x:ty => $func:ident ( $xx:ident, $yy:ident )) => { (|_, args| {
let x = args[0].$xx().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = <$x>::from(args[1].$yy().expect(BUILTIN));
Ok((*args[0].write_lock().expect(BUILTIN) = $func(x, y)?).into())
let x = args[0].$xx().unwrap();
let y = <$x>::from(args[1].$yy().unwrap());
Ok((*args[0].write_lock().unwrap() = $func(x, y)?).into())
}, false) };
@ -688,8 +688,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
return match op {
PlusAssign => Some((
|_, args| {
let y = args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Dynamic>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = args[1].as_char().unwrap();
let x = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Dynamic>().unwrap();
let mut buf = SmartString::new_const();
write!(&mut buf, "{y}").unwrap();
@ -707,9 +707,9 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
return match op {
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let (first, second) = args.split_first_mut().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &mut *first.write_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = &*second[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let (first, second) = args.split_first_mut().unwrap();
let x = &mut *first.write_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let y = &*second[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
if !x.is_empty() && !y.is_empty() {
@ -719,13 +719,13 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
Ok((*x += y).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
MinusAssign => Some((
|_, args| {
let (first, second) = args.split_first_mut().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = &mut *first.write_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let y = &*second[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let (first, second) = args.split_first_mut().unwrap();
let x = &mut *first.write_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
let y = &*second[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
Ok((*x -= y).into())
@ -743,28 +743,27 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
return match op {
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let x = std::mem::take(args[1]).into_array().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = std::mem::take(args[1]).into_array().unwrap();
if x.is_empty() {
return Ok(Dynamic::UNIT);
let _array_is_empty =
let _array_is_empty = args[0].read_lock::<Array>().unwrap().is_empty();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
if !_array_is_empty {
let array = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Array>().expect(BUILTIN);
let array = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Array>().unwrap();
Ok(append(array, x).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
@ -779,8 +778,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
return match op {
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let blob2 = std::mem::take(args[1]).into_blob().expect(BUILTIN);
let blob1 = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Blob>().expect(BUILTIN);
let blob2 = std::mem::take(args[1]).into_blob().unwrap();
let blob1 = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Blob>().unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -789,7 +788,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
Ok(append(blob1, blob2).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
@ -867,8 +866,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let mut buf = [0_u8; 4];
let ch = &*args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN).encode_utf8(&mut buf);
let mut x = args[0].write_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let ch = &*args[1].as_char().unwrap().encode_utf8(&mut buf);
let mut x = args[0].write_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -877,7 +876,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
Ok((*x += ch).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
MinusAssign => Some(impl_op!(ImmutableString -= as_char as char)),
_ => None,
@ -889,13 +888,13 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let ch = {
let s = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let s = &*args[1].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
if s.is_empty() {
return Ok(Dynamic::UNIT);
let mut ch = args[0].as_char().expect(BUILTIN).to_string();
let mut ch = args[0].as_char().unwrap().to_string();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -906,11 +905,11 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
*args[0].write_lock::<Dynamic>().expect(BUILTIN) = ch.into();
*args[0].write_lock::<Dynamic>().unwrap() = ch.into();
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
@ -928,19 +927,18 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
|_ctx, args| {
let x = std::mem::take(args[1]);
let array = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Array>().expect(BUILTIN);
let array = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Array>().unwrap();
push(array, x);
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
.check_data_size(&*args[0].read_lock().unwrap(), crate::Position::NONE)?;
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
@ -958,8 +956,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
return match op {
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let x = args[1].as_int().expect(BUILTIN);
let blob = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Blob>().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = args[1].as_int().unwrap();
let blob = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Blob>().unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -968,7 +966,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
Ok(push(blob, x).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
@ -982,8 +980,8 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
return match op {
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let x = args[1].as_char().expect(BUILTIN);
let blob = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Blob>().expect(BUILTIN);
let x = args[1].as_char().unwrap();
let blob = &mut *args[0].write_lock::<Blob>().unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked"))]
@ -992,7 +990,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
Ok(append_char(blob, x).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
@ -1006,9 +1004,9 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
return match op {
PlusAssign => Some((
|_ctx, args| {
let (first, second) = args.split_first_mut().expect(BUILTIN);
let blob = &mut *first.write_lock::<Blob>().expect(BUILTIN);
let s = &*second[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().expect(BUILTIN);
let (first, second) = args.split_first_mut().unwrap();
let blob = &mut *first.write_lock::<Blob>().unwrap();
let s = &*second[0].read_lock::<ImmutableString>().unwrap();
if s.is_empty() {
return Ok(Dynamic::UNIT);
@ -1021,7 +1019,7 @@ pub fn get_builtin_op_assignment_fn(op: Token, x: &Dynamic, y: &Dynamic) -> Opti
Ok(append_str(blob, s).into())
cfg!(not(feature = "unchecked")),
_ => None,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user