Add docs for closures.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Chung 2020-08-04 16:27:55 +08:00
parent 3d6c83c6d8
commit 4878a69503
13 changed files with 200 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ smallvec = { version = "1.4.1", default-features = false }
#default = ["unchecked", "sync", "no_optimize", "no_float", "only_i32", "no_index", "no_object", "no_function", "no_module"]
default = []
plugins = []
plugins = [] # custom plugins support
unchecked = [] # unchecked arithmetic
sync = [] # restrict to only types that implement Send + Sync
no_optimize = [] # no script optimizer

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This version adds:
* Binding the `this` pointer in a function pointer `call`.
* Anonymous functions (in Rust closure syntax). Simplifies creation of single-use ad-hoc functions.
* Currying of function pointers.
* Auto-currying of anonymous functions.
* Closures - auto-currying of anonymous functions to capture shared variables from the external scope.
* Capturing call scope via `func!(...)` syntax.
New features
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ New features
* Anonymous functions are supported in the syntax of a Rust closure, e.g. `|x, y, z| x + y - z`.
* Custom syntax now works even without the `internals` feature.
* Currying of function pointers is supported via the new `curry` keyword.
* Automatic currying of anonymous functions to capture environment variables.
* Automatic currying of anonymous functions to capture shared variables from the external scope.
* Capturing of the calling scope for function call via the `func!(...)` syntax.
* `Module::set_indexer_get_set_fn` is added as a shorthand of both `Module::set_indexer_get_fn` and `Module::set_indexer_set_fn`.
* New `unicode-xid-ident` feature to allow [Unicode Standard Annex #31]( for identifiers.

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ The Rhai Scripting Language
4. [Function Pointers](language/
5. [Anonymous Functions](language/
6. [Currying](language/
7. [Capturing External Variables](language/
7. [Closures](language/
16. [Print and Debug](language/
17. [Modules](language/modules/
1. [Export Variables, Functions and Sub-Modules](language/modules/

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@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ Dynamic
* Dynamic dispatch via [function pointers] with additional support for [currying].
* Closures via [automatic currying] with capturing shared variables from the external scope.
* Some support for [object-oriented programming (OOP)][OOP].

View File

@ -55,5 +55,6 @@ WARNING - NOT Real Closures
Remember: anonymous functions, though having the same syntax as Rust _closures_, are themselves
**not** real closures.
In particular, they capture their execution environment via [automatic currying][capture],
unless the [`no_closure`] feature is turned on.
In particular, they capture their execution environment via [automatic currying]
(disabled via [`no_closure`]).

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ it raises an evaluation error.
It is possible, through a special syntax, to capture the calling scope - i.e. the scope
that makes the function call - and access variables defined there.
Capturing can be disabled via the [`no_closure`] feature.
fn foo(y) { // function accesses 'x' and 'y', but 'x' is not defined
x += y; // 'x' is modified in this function
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@!(41); // <- syntax error: capturing is not allowed in method-c
No Mutations
Variables in the calling scope are accessed as copies.
Variables in the calling scope are captured as copies.
Changes to them do not reflect back to the calling scope.
Rhai functions remain _pure_ in the sense that they can never mutate their environment.
@ -56,7 +58,10 @@ Rhai functions remain _pure_ in the sense that they can never mutate their envir
Caveat Emptor
Functions relying on the calling scope is a _Very Bad Idea™_ because it makes code almost impossible
to reason and maintain, as their behaviors are volatile and unpredictable.
Functions relying on the calling scope is often a _Very Bad Idea™_ because it makes code
almost impossible to reason and maintain, as their behaviors are volatile and unpredictable.
This usage should be at the last resort.
They behave more like macros that are expanded inline than actual function calls, thus the
syntax is also similar to Rust's macro invocations.
This usage should be at the last resort. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Capture External Variables via Automatic Currying
Simulating Closures
{{#include ../}}
Poor Man's Closures
Capture External Variables via Automatic Currying
Since [anonymous functions] de-sugar to standard function definitions, they retain all the behaviors of
Rhai functions, including being _pure_, having no access to external variables.
@ -15,13 +15,23 @@ is created.
Variables that are accessible during the time the [anonymous function] is created can be captured,
as long as they are not shadowed by local variables defined within the function's scope.
The captured variables are automatically converted into reference-counted shared values.
The captured variables are automatically converted into **reference-counted shared values**
(`Rc<RefCell<Dynamic>>` in normal builds, `Arc<RwLock<Dynamic>>` in [`sync`] builds).
Therefore, similar to closures in many languages, these captured shared values persist through
reference counting, and may be read or modified even after the variables that hold them
go out of scope and no longer exist.
Use the `is_shared` function to check whether a particular value is a shared value.
Automatic currying can be turned off via the [`no_closure`] feature.
New Parameters For Captured Variables
Actual Implementation
In actual implementation, this de-sugars to:
The actual implementation de-sugars to:
1. Keeping track of what variables are accessed inside the anonymous function,
@ -29,32 +39,148 @@ In actual implementation, this de-sugars to:
3. The variable is added to the parameters list of the anonymous function, at the front.
4. The variable is then turned into a reference-counted shared value.
4. The variable is then converted into a **reference-counted shared value**.
An [anonymous function] which captures an external variable is the only way to create a reference-counted shared value in Rhai.
5. The shared value is then [curried][currying] into the [function pointer] itself, essentially carrying a reference to that shared value and inserting it into future calls of the function.
Automatic currying can be turned off via the [`no_closure`] feature.
This process is called _Automatic Currying_, and is the mechanism through which Rhai simulates normal closures.
let x = 1;
let x = 1; // a normal variable
let f = |y| x + y; // variable 'x' is auto-curried (captured) into 'f'
// 'x' is converted into a shared value
x = 40; // 'x' can be changed
x.is_shared() == true; // 'x' is now a shared value!
x = 40; // changing 'x'... == 42; // the value of 'x' is 40 because 'x' is shared
// The above de-sugars into this:
fn anon$1001(x, y) { x + y } // parameter 'x' is inserted
make_shared(x); // convert 'x' into a shared value
make_shared(x); // convert variable 'x' into a shared value
let f = Fn("anon$1001").curry(x); // shared 'x' is curried == 42;
Beware: Captured Variables are Truly Shared
The example below is a typical tutorial sample for many languages to illustrate the traps
that may accompany capturing external scope variables in closures.
It prints `9`, `9`, `9`, ... `9`, `9`, not `0`, `1`, `2`, ... `8`, `9`, because there is
ever only one captured variable, and all ten closures capture the _same_ variable.
let funcs = [];
for i in range(0, 10) {
funcs.push(|| print(i)); // the for loop variable 'i' is captured
funcs.len() == 10; // 10 closures stored in the array
funcs[0].type_of() == "Fn"; // make sure these are closures
for f in funcs {; // all the references to 'i' are the same variable!
Therefore - Be Careful to Prevent Data Races
Rust does not have data races, but that doesn't mean Rhai doesn't.
Avoid performing a method call on a captured shared variable (which essentially takes a
mutable reference to the shared object) while using that same variable as a parameter
in the method call - this is a sure-fire way to generate a data race error.
If a shared value is used as the `this` pointer in a method call to a closure function,
then the same shared value _must not_ be captured inside that function, or a data race
will occur and the script will terminate with an error.
let x = 20;
let f = |a| this += x + a; // 'x' is captured in this closure
x.is_shared() == true; // now 'x' is shared, 2); // <- error: data race detected on 'x'
Data Races in `sync` Builds Can Become Deadlocks
Under the [`sync`] feature, shared values are guarded with a `RwLock`, meaning that data race
conditions no longer raise an error.
Instead, they wait endlessly for the `RwLock` to be freed, and thus can become deadlocks.
On the other hand, since the same thread (i.e. the [`Engine`] thread) that is holding the lock
is attempting to read it again, this may also [panic](
depending on the O/S.
let x = 20;
let f = |a| this += x + a; // 'x' is captured in this closure
// Under `sync`, the following may wait forever, or may panic,
// because 'x' is locked as the `this` pointer but also accessed
// via a captured shared value., 2);
### Q: Why are closures implemented as automatic currying?
In concept, a closure _closes_ over captured variables from the outer scope - that's why
they are called _closures_. When this happen, a typical language implementation hoists
those variables that are captured away from the stack frame and into heap-allocated storage.
This is because those variables may be needed after the stack frame goes away.
These heap-allocated captured variables only go away when all the closures that need them
are finished with them. A garbage collector makes this trivial to implement - they are
automatically collected as soon as all closures needing them are destroyed.
In Rust, this can be done by reference counting instead, with the potential pitfall of creating
reference loops that will prevent those variables from being deallocated forever.
Rhai avoids this by clone-copying most data values, so reference loops are hard to create.
Rhai does the hoisting of captured variables into the heap by converting those values
into reference-counted locked values, also allocated on the heap. The process is identical.
Closures are usually implemented as a data structure containing two items:
1) A function pointer to the function body of the closure,
2) A data structure containing references to the captured shared variables on the heap.
Usually a language implementation passes the structure containing references to captured
shared variables into the function pointer, the function body taking this data structure
as an additional parameter.
This is essentially what Rhai does, except that Rhai passes each variable individually
as separate parameters to the function, instead of creating a structure and passing that
structure as a single parameter. This is the only difference.
Therefore, in most languages, essentially all closures are implemented as automatic currying of
shared variables hoisted into the heap, automatically passing those variables as parameters into
the function. Rhai just brings this directly up to the front.

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ == 42; // <- de-sugars to ', 2)'
Automatic Currying
[Anonymous functions] defined via a closure syntax _capture_ the _values_ of external variables
[Anonymous functions] defined via a closure syntax _capture_ external variables
that are not shadowed inside the function's scope.
This is accomplished via [automatic currying].

View File

@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ Values and Types
The following primitive types are supported natively:
| Category | Equivalent Rust types | [`type_of()`] | `to_string()` |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| **Integer number** | `u8`, `i8`, `u16`, `i16`, <br/>`u32`, `i32` (default for [`only_i32`]),<br/>`u64`, `i64` _(default)_ | `"i32"`, `"u64"` etc. | `"42"`, `"123"` etc. |
| **Floating-point number** (disabled with [`no_float`]) | `f32`, `f64` _(default)_ | `"f32"` or `"f64"` | `"123.4567"` etc. |
| **Boolean value** | `bool` | `"bool"` | `"true"` or `"false"` |
| **Unicode character** | `char` | `"char"` | `"A"`, `"x"` etc. |
| **Immutable Unicode [string]** | `rhai::ImmutableString` (implemented as `Rc<String>` or `Arc<String>`) | `"string"` | `"hello"` etc. |
| **[`Array`]** (disabled with [`no_index`]) | `rhai::Array` | `"array"` | `"[ ?, ?, ? ]"` |
| **[Object map]** (disabled with [`no_object`]) | `rhai::Map` | `"map"` | `"#{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }"` |
| **[Timestamp]** (implemented in the [`BasicTimePackage`][packages], disabled with [`no_std`]) | `std::time::Instant` ([`instant::Instant`] if [WASM] build) | `"timestamp"` | `"<timestamp>"` |
| **[Function pointer]** | `rhai::FnPtr` | `Fn` | `"Fn(foo)"` |
| **[`Dynamic`] value** (i.e. can be anything) | `rhai::Dynamic` | _the actual type_ | _actual value_ |
| **Shared value** (a reference-counted, shared [`Dynamic`] value) | | _the actual type_ | _actual value_ |
| **System integer** (current configuration) | `rhai::INT` (`i32` or `i64`) | `"i32"` or `"i64"` | `"42"`, `"123"` etc. |
| **System floating-point** (current configuration, disabled with [`no_float`]) | `rhai::FLOAT` (`f32` or `f64`) | `"f32"` or `"f64"` | `"123.456"` etc. |
| **Nothing/void/nil/null/Unit** (or whatever it is called) | `()` | `"()"` | `""` _(empty string)_ |
| Category | Equivalent Rust types | [`type_of()`] | `to_string()` |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| **Integer number** | `u8`, `i8`, `u16`, `i16`, <br/>`u32`, `i32` (default for [`only_i32`]),<br/>`u64`, `i64` _(default)_ | `"i32"`, `"u64"` etc. | `"42"`, `"123"` etc. |
| **Floating-point number** (disabled with [`no_float`]) | `f32`, `f64` _(default)_ | `"f32"` or `"f64"` | `"123.4567"` etc. |
| **Boolean value** | `bool` | `"bool"` | `"true"` or `"false"` |
| **Unicode character** | `char` | `"char"` | `"A"`, `"x"` etc. |
| **Immutable Unicode [string]** | `rhai::ImmutableString` (implemented as `Rc<String>` or `Arc<String>`) | `"string"` | `"hello"` etc. |
| **[`Array`]** (disabled with [`no_index`]) | `rhai::Array` | `"array"` | `"[ ?, ?, ? ]"` |
| **[Object map]** (disabled with [`no_object`]) | `rhai::Map` | `"map"` | `"#{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }"` |
| **[Timestamp]** (implemented in the [`BasicTimePackage`][packages], disabled with [`no_std`]) | `std::time::Instant` ([`instant::Instant`] if [WASM] build) | `"timestamp"` | `"<timestamp>"` |
| **[Function pointer]** | `rhai::FnPtr` | `Fn` | `"Fn(foo)"` |
| **[`Dynamic`] value** (i.e. can be anything) | `rhai::Dynamic` | _the actual type_ | _actual value_ |
| **Shared value** (a reference-counted, shared [`Dynamic`] value, created via [automatic currying], disabled with [`no_closure`]) | | _the actual type_ | _actual value_ |
| **System integer** (current configuration) | `rhai::INT` (`i32` or `i64`) | `"i32"` or `"i64"` | `"42"`, `"123"` etc. |
| **System floating-point** (current configuration, disabled with [`no_float`]) | `rhai::FLOAT` (`f32` or `f64`) | `"f32"` or `"f64"` | `"123.456"` etc. |
| **Nothing/void/nil/null/Unit** (or whatever it is called) | `()` | `"()"` | `""` _(empty string)_ |
All types are treated strictly separate by Rhai, meaning that `i32` and `i64` and `u32` are completely different -
they even cannot be added together. This is very similar to Rust.

View File

@ -79,8 +79,10 @@
[function pointer]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[function pointers]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[currying]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[capture]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[capture]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[automatic currying]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[closure]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[closures]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[function namespace]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[function namespaces]: {{rootUrl}}/language/
[anonymous function]: {{rootUrl}}/language/

View File

@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ engine.register_raw_fn(
// Therefore, get a '&mut' reference to the first argument _last_.
// Alternatively, use `args.split_at_mut(1)` etc. to split the slice first.
let y: i64 = *args[1].downcast_ref::<i64>() // get a reference to the second argument
let y: i64 = *args[1].read_lock::<i64>() // get a reference to the second argument
.unwrap(); // then copying it because it is a primary type
let y: i64 = std::mem::take(args[1]).cast::<i64>(); // alternatively, directly 'consume' it
let x: &mut i64 = args[0].downcast_mut::<i64>() // get a '&mut' reference to the
let x: &mut i64 = args[0].write_lock::<i64>() // get a '&mut' reference to the
.unwrap(); // first argument
*x += y; // perform the action
@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ Extract Arguments
To extract an argument from the `args` parameter (`&mut [&mut Dynamic]`), use the following:
| Argument type | Access (`n` = argument position) | Result |
| ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| [Primary type][standard types] | `args[n].clone().cast::<T>()` | Copy of value. |
| Custom type | `args[n].downcast_ref::<T>().unwrap()` | Immutable reference to value. |
| Custom type (consumed) | `std::mem::take(args[n]).cast::<T>()` | The _consumed_ value.<br/>The original value becomes `()`. |
| `this` object | `args[0].downcast_mut::<T>().unwrap()` | Mutable reference to value. |
| Argument type | Access (`n` = argument position) | Result |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| [Primary type][standard types] | `args[n].clone().cast::<T>()` | Copy of value. |
| Custom type | `args[n].read_lock::<T>().unwrap()` | Immutable reference to value. |
| Custom type (consumed) | `std::mem::take(args[n]).cast::<T>()` | The _consumed_ value.<br/>The original value becomes `()`. |
| `this` object | `args[0].write_lock::<T>().unwrap()` | Mutable reference to value. |
When there is a mutable reference to the `this` object (i.e. the first argument),
there can be no other immutable references to `args`, otherwise the Rust borrow checker will complain.
@ -156,5 +156,5 @@ let this_ptr = first[0].downcast_mut::<A>().unwrap();
// Immutable reference to the second value parameter
// This can be mutable but there is no point because the parameter is passed by value
let value = rest[0].downcast_ref::<B>().unwrap();
let value_ref = rest[0].read_lock::<B>().unwrap();

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ more control over what a script can (or cannot) do.
| `no_object` | Disable support for [custom types] and [object maps]. |
| `no_function` | Disable script-defined [functions]. |
| `no_module` | Disable loading external [modules]. |
| `no_closure` | Disable [capturing][capture] external variables in [anonymous functions] to simulate _closures_, or [capturing the calling scope]({{rootUrl}}/language/ in function calls. |
| `no_closure` | Disable [capturing][automatic currying] external variables in [anonymous functions] to simulate _closures_, or [capturing the calling scope]({{rootUrl}}/language/ in function calls. |
| `no_std` | Build for `no-std` (implies `no_closure`). Notice that additional dependencies will be pulled in to replace `std` features. |
| `serde` | Enable serialization/deserialization via `serde`. Notice that the [`serde`]( crate will be pulled in together with its dependencies. |
| `internals` | Expose internal data structures (e.g. [`AST`] nodes). Beware that Rhai internals are volatile and may change from version to version. |

View File

@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ impl Dynamic {
/// Get the TypeId of the value held by this `Dynamic`.
/// # Panics and Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// # Panics or Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock.
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock, or [panic](
/// Otherwise, this call panics if the data is currently borrowed for write.
pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId {
match &self.0 {
@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ impl Dynamic {
/// Get the name of the type of the value held by this `Dynamic`.
/// # Panics and Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// # Panics or Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock.
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock, or [panic](
/// Otherwise, this call panics if the data is currently borrowed for write.
pub fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match &self.0 {
@ -621,9 +621,9 @@ impl Dynamic {
/// Returns `None` if types mismatched.
/// # Panics and Deadlocks
/// # Panics or Deadlocks
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock.
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock, or [panic](
/// Otherwise, this call panics if the data is currently borrowed for write.
/// These normally shouldn't occur since most operations in Rhai is single-threaded.
@ -744,12 +744,12 @@ impl Dynamic {
/// Returns `None` if types mismatched.
/// # Panics and Deadlocks
/// # Panics or Deadlocks
/// Panics if the cast fails (e.g. the type of the actual value is not the
/// same as the specified type).
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock.
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock, or [panic](
/// Otherwise, this call panics if the data is currently borrowed for write.
/// These normally shouldn't occur since most operations in Rhai is single-threaded.
@ -817,9 +817,9 @@ impl Dynamic {
/// Returns `None` if the cast fails.
/// # Panics and Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// # Panics or Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock.
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock, or [panic](
/// Otherwise, this call panics if the data is currently borrowed for write.
pub fn read_lock<T: Variant + Clone>(&self) -> Option<DynamicReadLock<T>> {
@ -852,9 +852,9 @@ impl Dynamic {
/// Returns `None` if the cast fails.
/// # Panics and Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// # Panics or Deadlocks When Value is Shared
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock.
/// Under the `sync` feature, this call may deadlock, or [panic](
/// Otherwise, this call panics if the data is currently borrowed for write.
pub fn write_lock<T: Variant + Clone>(&mut self) -> Option<DynamicWriteLock<T>> {