Improve treatment of disabled symbols and custom symbols.
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,11 +68,13 @@ These symbol types can be used:
### The First Symbol Must be a Keyword
There is no specific limit on the combination and sequencing of each symbol type,
except the _first_ symbol which must be a [custom keyword].
except the _first_ symbol which must be a custom keyword that follows the naming rules
of [variables].
It _cannot_ be a [built-in keyword]({{rootUrl}}/appendix/
The first symbol also cannot be a reserved [keyword], unless that keyword
has been [disabled][disable keywords and operators].
However, it _may_ be a built-in keyword that has been [disabled][disable keywords and operators].
In other words, any valid identifier that is not an active [keyword] will work fine.
### The First Symbol Must be Unique
@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ engine
// The following all return parse errors.
engine.compile("let x = if true { 42 } else { 0 };")?;
// ^ missing ';' after statement end
// ^ 'if' is parsed as a variable name
// ^ 'if' is rejected as a reserved keyword
engine.compile("let x = 40 + 2; x += 1;")?;
// ^ '+=' is not recognized as an operator
@ -2151,9 +2151,6 @@ fn parse_expr(
exprs.push(Expr::Stmt(Box::new((stmt, pos))))
s => match input.peek().unwrap() {
(Token::Custom(custom), _) if custom == s => {
(t, _) if t.syntax().as_ref() == s => {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use crate::engine::Engine;
use crate::module::ModuleResolver;
use crate::optimize::OptimizationLevel;
use crate::packages::PackageLibrary;
use crate::token::is_valid_identifier;
use crate::token::{is_valid_identifier, Token};
use crate::stdlib::{boxed::Box, format, string::String};
@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ impl Engine {
/// engine.disable_symbol("if"); // disable the 'if' keyword
/// engine.compile("let x = if true { 42 } else { 0 };")?;
/// // ^ 'if' is parsed as a variable name
/// // ^ missing ';' after statement end
/// // ^ 'if' is rejected as a reserved keyword
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
@ -252,6 +251,24 @@ impl Engine {
return Err(format!("not a valid identifier: '{}'", keyword).into());
match Token::lookup_from_syntax(keyword) {
// Standard identifiers, reserved keywords and custom keywords are OK
None | Some(Token::Reserved(_)) | Some(Token::Custom(_)) => (),
// Disabled keywords are also OK
if !self
.map(|d| d.contains(token.syntax().as_ref()))
.unwrap_or(false) =>
// Active standard keywords cannot be made custom
Some(_) => return Err(format!("'{}' is a reserved keyword", keyword).into()),
// Add to custom keywords
if self.custom_keywords.is_none() {
self.custom_keywords = Some(Default::default());
@ -88,11 +88,16 @@ impl Engine {
MARKER_EXPR | MARKER_BLOCK | MARKER_IDENT if !segments.is_empty() => s.to_string(),
// Standard symbols not in first position
s if !segments.is_empty() && Token::lookup_from_syntax(s).is_some() => {
// Make it a custom keyword/operator if it is a disabled standard keyword/operator
// or a reserved keyword/operator.
if self
.map(|d| d.contains(s))
|| Token::lookup_from_syntax(s)
.map(|token| token.is_reserved())
// If symbol is disabled, make it a custom keyword
if self.custom_keywords.is_none() {
@ -1334,73 +1334,81 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for TokenIterator<'a, '_> {
) {
// {EOF}
(None, _, _) => None,
(Some((Token::Reserved(s), pos)), None, None) => return Some((match s.as_str() {
"===" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'===' is not a valid operator. This is not JavaScript! Should it be '=='?"
// Reserved keyword/symbol
(Some((Token::Reserved(s), pos)), disabled, custom) => Some((match
(s.as_str(),|c| c.contains_key(&s)).unwrap_or(false))
("===", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'===' is not a valid operator. This is not JavaScript! Should it be '=='?".to_string(),
"!==" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'!==' is not a valid operator. This is not JavaScript! Should it be '!='?"
("!==", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'!==' is not a valid operator. This is not JavaScript! Should it be '!='?".to_string(),
"->" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'->' is not a valid symbol. This is not C or C++!".to_string(),
"<-" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
("->", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'->' is not a valid symbol. This is not C or C++!".to_string()))),
("<-", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'<-' is not a valid symbol. This is not Go! Should it be '<='?".to_string(),
"=>" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'=>' is not a valid symbol. This is not Rust! Should it be '>='?"
("=>", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'=>' is not a valid symbol. This is not Rust! Should it be '>='?".to_string(),
":=" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"':=' is not a valid assignment operator. This is not Go! Should it be simply '='?"
(":=", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"':=' is not a valid assignment operator. This is not Go! Should it be simply '='?".to_string(),
"::<" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'::<>' is not a valid symbol. This is not Rust! Should it be '::'?"
("::<", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'::<>' is not a valid symbol. This is not Rust! Should it be '::'?".to_string(),
"(*" | "*)" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'(* .. *)' is not a valid comment format. This is not Pascal! Should it be '/* .. */'?"
("(*", false) | ("*)", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'(* .. *)' is not a valid comment format. This is not Pascal! Should it be '/* .. */'?".to_string(),
"#" => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'#' is not a valid symbol. Should it be '#{'?"
("#", false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
"'#' is not a valid symbol. Should it be '#{'?".to_string(),
token if !is_valid_identifier(token.chars()) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
format!("'{}' is a reserved symbol.", token)
// Reserved keyword/operator that is custom.
(_, true) => Token::Custom(s),
// Reserved operator that is not custom.
(token, false) if !is_valid_identifier(token.chars()) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
format!("'{}' is a reserved symbol", token)
_ => Token::Reserved(s)
// Reserved keyword that is not custom and disabled.
(token, false) if|d| d.contains(token)).unwrap_or(false) => Token::LexError(Box::new(LERR::ImproperSymbol(
format!("reserved symbol '{}' is disabled", token)
// Reserved keyword/operator that is not custom.
(_, false) => Token::Reserved(s),
}, pos)),
(r @ Some(_), None, None) => r,
// Custom keyword
(Some((Token::Identifier(s), pos)), _, Some(custom)) if custom.contains_key(&s) => {
// Convert custom keywords
Some((Token::Custom(s), pos))
(Some((token, pos)), _, Some(custom))
if (token.is_keyword() || token.is_operator() || token.is_reserved())
&& custom.contains_key(token.syntax().as_ref()) =>
// Custom standard keyword - must be disabled
(Some((token, pos)), Some(disabled), Some(custom))
if token.is_keyword() && custom.contains_key(token.syntax().as_ref()) =>
// Convert into custom keywords
if disabled.contains(token.syntax().as_ref()) {
// Disabled standard keyword
Some((Token::Custom(token.syntax().into()), pos))
} else {
// Active standard keyword - should never be a custom keyword!
// Disabled operator
(Some((token, pos)), Some(disabled), _)
if token.is_operator() && disabled.contains(token.syntax().as_ref()) =>
// Convert disallowed operators into lex errors
// Disabled standard keyword
(Some((token, pos)), Some(disabled), _)
if token.is_keyword() && disabled.contains(token.syntax().as_ref()) =>
// Convert disallowed keywords into identifiers
Some((Token::Identifier(token.syntax().into()), pos))
Some((Token::Reserved(token.syntax().into()), pos))
(r, _, _) => r,
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#![cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
use rhai::{
module_resolvers::StaticModuleResolver, Engine, EvalAltResult, Module, ParseError,
module_resolvers::StaticModuleResolver, Dynamic, Engine, EvalAltResult, Module, ParseError,
ParseErrorType, Scope, INT,
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ fn test_module_sub_module() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
sub_module.set_sub_module("universe", sub_module2);
module.set_sub_module("life", sub_module);
module.set_var("MYSTIC_NUMBER", Dynamic::from(42 as INT));
let m = module.get_sub_module("life").unwrap();
@ -44,18 +45,16 @@ fn test_module_sub_module() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
let mut scope = Scope::new();
&mut scope,
r#"import "question" as q; q::life::universe::answer + 1"#
engine.eval::<INT>(r#"import "question" as q; q::MYSTIC_NUMBER"#)?,
&mut scope,
engine.eval::<INT>(r#"import "question" as q; q::life::universe::answer + 1"#)?,
r#"import "question" as q; q::life::universe::inc(q::life::universe::answer)"#
@ -221,36 +220,30 @@ fn test_module_from_ast() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
resolver2.insert("testing", module);
let mut scope = Scope::new();
engine.eval_with_scope::<INT>(&mut scope, r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::abc"#)?,
engine.eval::<INT>(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::abc"#)?,
engine.eval_with_scope::<INT>(&mut scope, r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::foo"#)?,
engine.eval::<INT>(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::foo"#)?,
.eval_with_scope::<bool>(&mut scope, r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::extra::foo"#)?);
assert!(engine.eval::<bool>(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::extra::foo"#)?);
engine.eval_with_scope::<String>(&mut scope, r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::hello"#)?,
engine.eval::<String>(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::hello"#)?,
"hello, 42 worlds!"
engine.eval_with_scope::<INT>(&mut scope, r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::calc(999)"#)?,
engine.eval::<INT>(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::calc(999)"#)?,
&mut scope,
r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::add_len(ttt::foo, ttt::hello)"#
engine.eval::<INT>(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::add_len(ttt::foo, ttt::hello)"#)?,
.eval_with_scope::<()>(&mut scope, r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::hidden()"#)
.consume(r#"import "testing" as ttt; ttt::hidden()"#)
.expect_err("should error"),
EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(fn_name, _) if fn_name == "ttt::hidden"
@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
#![cfg(feature = "internals")]
use rhai::{
Dynamic, Engine, EvalAltResult, EvalState, Expression, Imports, LexError, Module, Scope, INT,
Dynamic, Engine, EvalAltResult, EvalState, Expression, Imports, LexError, Module, ParseError,
ParseErrorType, Scope, INT,
fn test_custom_syntax() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
engine.consume("while false {}")?;
// Disable 'while' and make sure it still works with custom syntax
engine.consume("while false {}").expect_err("should error");
engine.consume("let while = 0")?;
*engine.compile("while false {}").expect_err("should error").0,
ParseErrorType::Reserved(err) if err == "while"
*engine.compile("let while = 0").expect_err("should error").0,
ParseErrorType::Reserved(err) if err == "while"
@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ fn test_tokens_disabled() {
engine.disable_symbol("if"); // disable the 'if' keyword
*engine.compile("let x = if true { 42 } else { 0 };").expect_err("should error").0,
ParseErrorType::MissingToken(ref token, _) if token == ";"
.compile("let x = if true { 42 } else { 0 };")
.expect_err("should error")
ParseErrorType::Reserved(err) if err == "if"
engine.disable_symbol("+="); // disable the '+=' operator
Reference in New Issue
Block a user