Short-curcuit boolean operators.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Chung 2020-03-02 12:08:03 +08:00
parent bedfe55005
commit 22a505b57b
6 changed files with 187 additions and 40 deletions

@ -387,12 +387,26 @@ fn main() {
let x = 3;
## Operators
## Numeric operators
let x = (1 + 2) * (6 - 4) / 2;
## Boolean operators
Double boolean operators `&&` and `||` _short-circuit_, meaning that the second operand will not be evaluated if the first one already proves the condition wrong.
Single boolean operators `&` and `|` always evaluate both operands.
this() || that(); // that() is not evaluated if this() is true
this() && that(); // that() is not evaluated if this() is false
this() | that(); // both this() and that() are evaluated
this() & that(); // both this() and that() are evaluated
## If

@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ impl Engine {
reg_cmp!(self, "==", eq, i32, i64, u32, u64, bool, String, char, f32, f64);
reg_cmp!(self, "!=", ne, i32, i64, u32, u64, bool, String, char, f32, f64);
reg_op!(self, "||", or, bool);
reg_op!(self, "&&", and, bool);
//reg_op!(self, "||", or, bool);
//reg_op!(self, "&&", and, bool);
reg_op!(self, "|", binary_or, i32, i64, u32, u64);
reg_op!(self, "|", or, bool);
reg_op!(self, "&", binary_and, i32, i64, u32, u64);

@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ pub type FnCallArgs<'a> = Vec<&'a mut Variant>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum EvalAltResult {
ErrorFunctionArgsMismatch(String, usize),
ErrorArrayBounds(usize, i64),
ErrorStringBounds(usize, i64),
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ pub enum EvalAltResult {
@ -35,10 +37,12 @@ pub enum EvalAltResult {
impl EvalAltResult {
fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
Some(match self {
EvalAltResult::ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(ref s)
| EvalAltResult::ErrorVariableNotFound(ref s)
| EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(ref s)
| EvalAltResult::ErrorMismatchOutputType(ref s) => s,
| Self::ErrorVariableNotFound(s)
| Self::ErrorFunctionNotFound(s)
| Self::ErrorMismatchOutputType(s)
| Self::ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(s)
| Self::ErrorArithmetic(s) => s,
_ => return None,
@ -49,9 +53,12 @@ impl PartialEq for EvalAltResult {
use EvalAltResult::*;
match (self, other) {
(ErrorParseError(ref a), ErrorParseError(ref b)) => a == b,
(ErrorFunctionNotFound(ref a), ErrorFunctionNotFound(ref b)) => a == b,
(ErrorFunctionArgMismatch, ErrorFunctionArgMismatch) => true,
(ErrorParsing(a), ErrorParsing(b)) => a == b,
(ErrorFunctionNotFound(a), ErrorFunctionNotFound(b)) => a == b,
(ErrorFunctionArgsMismatch(f1, n1), ErrorFunctionArgsMismatch(f2, n2)) => {
f1 == f2 && *n1 == *n2
(ErrorBooleanArgMismatch(a), ErrorBooleanArgMismatch(b)) => a == b,
(ErrorIndexExpr, ErrorIndexExpr) => true,
(ErrorIndexing, ErrorIndexing) => true,
(ErrorArrayBounds(max1, index1), ErrorArrayBounds(max2, index2)) => {
@ -62,11 +69,12 @@ impl PartialEq for EvalAltResult {
(ErrorIfGuard, ErrorIfGuard) => true,
(ErrorFor, ErrorFor) => true,
(ErrorVariableNotFound(ref a), ErrorVariableNotFound(ref b)) => a == b,
(ErrorVariableNotFound(a), ErrorVariableNotFound(b)) => a == b,
(ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS, ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS) => true,
(ErrorMismatchOutputType(ref a), ErrorMismatchOutputType(ref b)) => a == b,
(ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(ref a), ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(ref b)) => a == b,
(ErrorMismatchOutputType(a), ErrorMismatchOutputType(b)) => a == b,
(ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(a), ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(b)) => a == b,
(ErrorDotExpr, ErrorDotExpr) => true,
(ErrorArithmetic(a), ErrorArithmetic(b)) => a == b,
(LoopBreak, LoopBreak) => true,
_ => false,
@ -76,20 +84,21 @@ impl PartialEq for EvalAltResult {
impl Error for EvalAltResult {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::ErrorParseError(ref p) => p.description(),
Self::ErrorParsing(p) => p.description(),
Self::ErrorFunctionNotFound(_) => "Function not found",
Self::ErrorFunctionArgMismatch => "Function argument types do not match",
Self::ErrorFunctionArgsMismatch(_, _) => "Function call with wrong number of arguments",
Self::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch(_) => "Boolean operator expects boolean operands",
Self::ErrorIndexExpr => "Indexing into an array or string expects an integer index",
Self::ErrorIndexing => "Indexing can only be performed on an array or a string",
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(_, ref index) if *index < 0 => {
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(_, index) if *index < 0 => {
"Array access expects non-negative index"
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(ref max, _) if *max == 0 => "Access of empty array",
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(max, _) if *max == 0 => "Access of empty array",
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(_, _) => "Array index out of bounds",
Self::ErrorStringBounds(_, ref index) if *index < 0 => {
Self::ErrorStringBounds(_, index) if *index < 0 => {
"Indexing a string expects a non-negative index"
Self::ErrorStringBounds(ref max, _) if *max == 0 => "Indexing of empty string",
Self::ErrorStringBounds(max, _) if *max == 0 => "Indexing of empty string",
Self::ErrorStringBounds(_, _) => "String index out of bounds",
Self::ErrorIfGuard => "If guards expect boolean expression",
Self::ErrorFor => "For loops expect array",
@ -100,6 +109,7 @@ impl Error for EvalAltResult {
Self::ErrorMismatchOutputType(_) => "Output type is incorrect",
Self::ErrorCantOpenScriptFile(_) => "Cannot open script file",
Self::ErrorDotExpr => "Malformed dot expression",
Self::ErrorArithmetic(_) => "Arithmetic error",
Self::LoopBreak => "[Not Error] Breaks out of loop",
Self::Return(_) => "[Not Error] Function returns value",
@ -116,7 +126,13 @@ impl std::fmt::Display for EvalAltResult {
write!(f, "{}: {}", self.description(), s)
} else {
match self {
EvalAltResult::ErrorParseError(ref p) => write!(f, "Syntax error: {}", p),
EvalAltResult::ErrorParsing(p) => write!(f, "Syntax error: {}", p),
EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgsMismatch(fun, n) => {
write!(f, "Function '{}' expects {} argument(s)", fun, n)
EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch(op) => {
write!(f, "Boolean {} operator expects boolean operands", op)
EvalAltResult::ErrorArrayBounds(_, index) if *index < 0 => {
write!(f, "{}: {} < 0", self.description(), index)
@ -704,9 +720,11 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::Dot(ref dot_lhs, ref dot_rhs) => {
self.set_dot_val(scope, dot_lhs, dot_rhs, rhs_val)
_ => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorAssignmentToUnknownLHS),
@ -728,13 +746,35 @@ impl Engine {
Expr::FunctionCall(fn_name, args) => self.call_fn_raw(
.map(|ex| self.eval_expr(scope, ex))
.map(|expr| self.eval_expr(scope, expr))
.collect::<Result<Array, _>>()?
.map(|b| b.as_mut())
Expr::And(lhs, rhs) => Ok(Box::new(
.eval_expr(scope, &*lhs)?
.map_err(|_| EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into()))?
&& *self
.eval_expr(scope, &*rhs)?
.map_err(|_| EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("AND".into()))?,
Expr::Or(lhs, rhs) => Ok(Box::new(
.eval_expr(scope, &*lhs)?
.map_err(|_| EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into()))?
|| *self
.eval_expr(scope, &*rhs)?
.map_err(|_| EvalAltResult::ErrorBooleanArgMismatch("OR".into()))?,
Expr::True => Ok(Box::new(true)),
Expr::False => Ok(Box::new(false)),
Expr::Unit => Ok(Box::new(())),
@ -878,7 +918,7 @@ impl Engine {
let mut contents = String::new();
if f.read_to_string(&mut contents).is_ok() {
Self::compile(&contents).map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::ErrorParseError(err))
Self::compile(&contents).map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::ErrorParsing(err))
} else {
@ -917,7 +957,7 @@ impl Engine {
scope: &mut Scope,
input: &str,
) -> Result<T, EvalAltResult> {
let ast = Self::compile(input).map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::ErrorParseError(err))?;
let ast = Self::compile(input).map_err(|err| EvalAltResult::ErrorParsing(err))?;
self.eval_ast_with_scope(scope, &ast)
@ -1005,9 +1045,8 @@ impl Engine {
let tokens = lex(input);
let mut peekables = tokens.peekable();
let tree = parse(&mut peekables);
match tree {
match parse(&mut peekables) {
Ok(AST(ref os, ref fns)) => {
for f in fns {
if f.params.len() > 6 {
@ -1032,7 +1071,7 @@ impl Engine {
Err(_) => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgMismatch),
Err(err) => Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorParsing(err)),

@ -30,19 +30,22 @@ macro_rules! def_register {
> RegisterFn<FN, ($($mark,)*), RET> for Engine
fn register_fn(&mut self, name: &str, f: FN) {
let fn_name = name.to_string();
let fun = move |mut args: FnCallArgs| {
// Check for length at the beginning to avoid
// per-element bound checks.
if args.len() != count_args!($($par)*) {
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgMismatch);
const NUM_ARGS: usize = count_args!($($par)*);
if args.len() != NUM_ARGS {
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgsMismatch(fn_name.clone(), NUM_ARGS));
#[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut)]
let mut drain = args.drain(..);
// Downcast every element, return in case of a type mismatch
let $par = ((* as Option<&mut $par>)
let $par = ((* as Option<&mut $par>).unwrap();
// Call the user-supplied function using ($clone) to
@ -60,19 +63,22 @@ macro_rules! def_register {
> RegisterDynamicFn<FN, ($($mark,)*)> for Engine
fn register_dynamic_fn(&mut self, name: &str, f: FN) {
let fn_name = name.to_string();
let fun = move |mut args: FnCallArgs| {
// Check for length at the beginning to avoid
// per-element bound checks.
if args.len() != count_args!($($par)*) {
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgMismatch);
const NUM_ARGS: usize = count_args!($($par)*);
if args.len() != NUM_ARGS {
return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionArgsMismatch(fn_name.clone(), NUM_ARGS));
#[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut)]
let mut drain = args.drain(..);
// Downcast every element, return in case of a type mismatch
let $par = ((* as Option<&mut $par>)
let $par = ((* as Option<&mut $par>).unwrap();
// Call the user-supplied function using ($clone) to

@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ pub enum Expr {
Dot(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Index(String, Box<Expr>),
And(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Or(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
@ -618,7 +620,7 @@ impl<'a> TokenIterator<'a> {
let out: String = result.iter().cloned().collect();
return Some((
match out.as_ref() {
match out.as_str() {
"true" => Token::True,
"false" => Token::False,
"let" => Token::Let,
@ -1189,8 +1191,8 @@ fn parse_binop<'a>(
Token::LessThanEqualsTo => Expr::FunctionCall("<=".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs]),
Token::GreaterThan => Expr::FunctionCall(">".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs]),
Token::GreaterThanEqualsTo => Expr::FunctionCall(">=".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs]),
Token::Or => Expr::FunctionCall("||".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs]),
Token::And => Expr::FunctionCall("&&".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs]),
Token::Or => Expr::Or(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)),
Token::And => Expr::And(Box::new(lhs_curr), Box::new(rhs)),
Token::XOr => Expr::FunctionCall("^".into(), vec![lhs_curr, rhs]),
Token::OrAssign => {
let lhs_copy = lhs_curr.clone();

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
use rhai::Engine;
use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};
fn test_bool_op1() {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
assert_eq!(engine.eval::<bool>("true && (false || true)"), Ok(true));
assert_eq!(engine.eval::<bool>("true & (false | true)"), Ok(true));
@ -12,4 +13,89 @@ fn test_bool_op2() {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
assert_eq!(engine.eval::<bool>("false && (false || true)"), Ok(false));
assert_eq!(engine.eval::<bool>("false & (false | true)"), Ok(false));
fn test_bool_op3() {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
engine.eval::<bool>("true && (false || 123)"),
assert_eq!(engine.eval::<bool>("true && (true || 123)"), Ok(true));
engine.eval::<bool>("123 && (false || true)"),
assert_eq!(engine.eval::<bool>("false && (true || 123)"), Ok(false));
fn test_bool_op_short_circuit() {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
fn this() { true }
fn that() { 9/0 }
this() || that();
fn this() { false }
fn that() { 9/0 }
this() && that();
fn test_bool_op_no_short_circuit1() {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
fn this() { false }
fn that() { 9/0 }
this() | that();
fn test_bool_op_no_short_circuit2() {
let mut engine = Engine::new();
fn this() { false }
fn that() { 9/0 }
this() & that();