Deprecate description for errors.
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,55 +93,13 @@ pub enum EvalAltResult {
Return(Dynamic, Position),
impl EvalAltResult {
pub(crate) fn desc(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::ErrorSystem(_, s) => s.description(),
Self::ErrorParsing(p, _) => p.desc(),
Self::ErrorInFunctionCall(_, _, _, _) => "Error in called function",
Self::ErrorInModule(_, _, _) => "Error in module",
Self::ErrorFunctionNotFound(_, _) => "Function not found",
Self::ErrorUnboundThis(_) => "'this' is not bound",
Self::ErrorMismatchDataType(_, _, _) => "Data type is incorrect",
Self::ErrorIndexingType(_, _) => "No indexer of the appropriate types defined",
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(0, _, _) => "Empty array has nothing to access",
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(_, _, _) => "Array index out of bounds",
Self::ErrorStringBounds(0, _, _) => "Empty string has nothing to index",
Self::ErrorStringBounds(_, _, _) => "String index out of bounds",
Self::ErrorBitFieldBounds(_, _, _) => "Bit-field index out of bounds",
Self::ErrorFor(_) => "For loop expects a type with an iterator defined",
Self::ErrorVariableNotFound(_, _) => "Variable not found",
Self::ErrorModuleNotFound(_, _) => "Module not found",
Self::ErrorDataRace(_, _) => "Data race detected when accessing variable",
Self::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(_, _) => "Cannot modify a constant",
Self::ErrorMismatchOutputType(_, _, _) => "Output type is incorrect",
Self::ErrorDotExpr(_, _) => "Malformed dot expression",
Self::ErrorArithmetic(_, _) => "Arithmetic error",
Self::ErrorTooManyOperations(_) => "Too many operations",
Self::ErrorTooManyModules(_) => "Too many modules imported",
Self::ErrorStackOverflow(_) => "Stack overflow",
Self::ErrorDataTooLarge(_, _) => "Data size exceeds maximum limit",
Self::ErrorTerminated(_, _) => "Script terminated.",
Self::ErrorRuntime(_, _) => "Runtime error",
Self::LoopBreak(true, _) => "Break statement not inside a loop",
Self::LoopBreak(false, _) => "Continue statement not inside a loop",
Self::Return(_, _) => "[Not Error] Function returns value",
impl Error for EvalAltResult {}
impl fmt::Display for EvalAltResult {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let desc = self.desc();
let pos = self.position();
match self {
Self::ErrorSystem(s, _) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str(desc)?,
Self::ErrorSystem(s, _) => write!(f, "{}: {}", s, desc)?,
Self::ErrorSystem(s, err) if s.is_empty() => write!(f, "{}", err)?,
Self::ErrorSystem(s, err) => write!(f, "{}: {}", s, err)?,
Self::ErrorParsing(p, _) => write!(f, "Syntax error: {}", p)?,
@ -164,32 +122,35 @@ impl fmt::Display for EvalAltResult {
Self::ErrorInModule(s, err, _) => write!(f, "Error in module '{}': {}", s, err)?,
Self::ErrorFunctionNotFound(s, _)
| Self::ErrorVariableNotFound(s, _)
| Self::ErrorDataRace(s, _) => write!(f, "{}: {}", desc, s)?,
Self::ErrorModuleNotFound(s, _) => write!(f, "{}: '{}'", desc, s)?,
Self::ErrorFunctionNotFound(s, _) => write!(f, "Function not found: {}", s)?,
Self::ErrorVariableNotFound(s, _) => write!(f, "Variable not found: {}", s)?,
Self::ErrorModuleNotFound(s, _) => write!(f, "Module not found: '{}'", s)?,
Self::ErrorDataRace(s, _) => {
write!(f, "Data race detected when accessing variable: {}", s)?
Self::ErrorDotExpr(s, _) if !s.is_empty() => f.write_str(s)?,
Self::ErrorIndexingType(s, _) => write!(f, "Indexer not registered for '{}'", s)?,
| Self::ErrorFor(_)
| Self::ErrorDotExpr(_, _)
| Self::ErrorTooManyOperations(_)
| Self::ErrorTooManyModules(_)
| Self::ErrorStackOverflow(_)
| Self::ErrorTerminated(_, _) => f.write_str(desc)?,
Self::ErrorUnboundThis(_) => f.write_str("'this' is not bound")?,
Self::ErrorFor(_) => f.write_str("For loop expects a type with an iterator defined")?,
Self::ErrorDotExpr(_, _) => f.write_str("Malformed dot expression")?,
Self::ErrorTooManyOperations(_) => f.write_str("Too many operations")?,
Self::ErrorTooManyModules(_) => f.write_str("Too many modules imported")?,
Self::ErrorStackOverflow(_) => f.write_str("Stack overflow")?,
Self::ErrorTerminated(_, _) => f.write_str("Script terminated")?,
Self::ErrorRuntime(d, _) if<ImmutableString>() => {
let s = &*d
.expect("never fails because the type was checked");
write!(f, "{}: {}", desc, if s.is_empty() { desc } else { s })?
if s.is_empty() {
f.write_str("Runtime error")?
} else {
write!(f, "Runtime error: {}", s)?
Self::ErrorRuntime(d, _) if<()>() => f.write_str(desc)?,
Self::ErrorRuntime(d, _) => write!(f, "{}: {}", desc, d)?,
Self::ErrorRuntime(d, _) if<()>() => f.write_str("Runtime error")?,
Self::ErrorRuntime(d, _) => write!(f, "Runtime error: {}", d)?,
Self::ErrorAssignmentToConstant(s, _) => write!(f, "Cannot modify constant {}", s)?,
Self::ErrorMismatchOutputType(s, r, _) => {
@ -206,8 +167,10 @@ impl fmt::Display for EvalAltResult {
Self::ErrorArithmetic(s, _) => f.write_str(s)?,
Self::LoopBreak(_, _) => f.write_str(desc)?,
Self::Return(_, _) => f.write_str(desc)?,
Self::LoopBreak(true, _) => f.write_str("Break statement not inside a loop")?,
Self::LoopBreak(false, _) => f.write_str("Continue statement not inside a loop")?,
Self::Return(_, _) => f.write_str("NOT AN ERROR - Function returns value")?,
Self::ErrorArrayBounds(0, index, _) => {
write!(f, "Array index {} out of bounds: array is empty", index)?
@ -244,8 +207,8 @@ impl fmt::Display for EvalAltResult {
// Do not write any position if None
if !pos.is_none() {
write!(f, " ({})", pos)?;
if !self.position().is_none() {
write!(f, " ({})", self.position())?;
@ -194,43 +194,6 @@ impl ParseErrorType {
pub(crate) fn into_err(self, pos: Position) -> ParseError {
ParseError(Box::new(self), pos)
pub(crate) fn desc(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::UnexpectedEOF => "Script is incomplete",
Self::BadInput(err) => err.desc(),
Self::UnknownOperator(_) => "Unknown operator",
Self::MissingToken(_, _) => "Expecting a certain token that is missing",
Self::MissingSymbol(_) => "Expecting a certain symbol that is missing",
Self::MalformedCallExpr(_) => "Invalid expression in function call arguments",
Self::MalformedIndexExpr(_) => "Invalid index in indexing expression",
Self::MalformedInExpr(_) => "Invalid 'in' expression",
Self::MalformedCapture(_) => "Invalid capturing",
Self::DuplicatedProperty(_) => "Duplicated property in object map literal",
Self::DuplicatedSwitchCase => "Duplicated switch case",
Self::DuplicatedVariable(_) => "Duplicated variable name",
Self::WrongSwitchDefaultCase => "Default switch case is not the last",
Self::WrongSwitchCaseCondition => "Default switch case cannot have condition",
Self::PropertyExpected => "Expecting name of a property",
Self::VariableExpected => "Expecting name of a variable",
Self::Reserved(_) => "Invalid use of reserved keyword",
Self::ExprExpected(_) => "Expecting an expression",
Self::WrongFnDefinition => "Function definitions must be at global level and cannot be inside a block or another function",
Self::FnDuplicatedDefinition(_, _) => "Function already exists",
Self::FnMissingName => "Expecting function name in function declaration",
Self::FnMissingParams(_) => "Expecting parameters in function declaration",
Self::FnDuplicatedParam(_,_) => "Duplicated parameters in function declaration",
Self::FnMissingBody(_) => "Expecting body statement block for function declaration",
Self::WrongDocComment => "Doc-comment must be followed immediately by a function definition",
Self::WrongExport => "Export statement can only appear at global level",
Self::AssignmentToConstant(_) => "Cannot assign to a constant value",
Self::AssignmentToInvalidLHS(_) => "Expression cannot be assigned to",
Self::ExprTooDeep => "Expression exceeds maximum complexity",
Self::LiteralTooLarge(_, _) => "Literal exceeds maximum limit",
Self::LoopBreak => "Break statement should only be used inside a loop"
impl fmt::Display for ParseErrorType {
@ -238,12 +201,14 @@ impl fmt::Display for ParseErrorType {
match self {
Self::BadInput(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
Self::MalformedCallExpr(s) => f.write_str(if s.is_empty() { self.desc() } else { s }),
Self::UnknownOperator(s) => write!(f, "{}: '{}'", self.desc(), s),
Self::UnknownOperator(s) => write!(f, "Unknown operator: '{}'", s),
Self::MalformedIndexExpr(s) | Self::MalformedInExpr(s) | Self::MalformedCapture(s) => {
f.write_str(if s.is_empty() { self.desc() } else { s })
Self::MalformedCallExpr(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str("Invalid expression in function call arguments"),
Self::MalformedIndexExpr(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str("Invalid index in indexing expression"),
Self::MalformedInExpr(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str("Invalid 'in' expression"),
Self::MalformedCapture(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str("Invalid capturing"),
Self::MalformedCallExpr(s) | Self::MalformedIndexExpr(s) | Self::MalformedInExpr(s) | Self::MalformedCapture(s) => f.write_str(s),
Self::FnDuplicatedDefinition(s, n) => {
write!(f, "Function '{}' with ", s)?;
@ -253,43 +218,39 @@ impl fmt::Display for ParseErrorType {
_ => write!(f, "{} parameters already exists", n),
Self::DuplicatedProperty(s) => {
write!(f, "Duplicated property '{}' for object map literal", s)
Self::DuplicatedSwitchCase => f.write_str(self.desc()),
Self::FnMissingBody(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str("Expecting body statement block for anonymous function"),
Self::FnMissingBody(s) => write!(f, "Expecting body statement block for function '{}'", s),
Self::FnMissingParams(s) => write!(f, "Expecting parameters for function '{}'", s),
Self::FnDuplicatedParam(s, arg) => write!(f, "Duplicated parameter '{}' for function '{}'", arg, s),
Self::DuplicatedProperty(s) => write!(f, "Duplicated property '{}' for object map literal", s),
Self::DuplicatedSwitchCase => f.write_str("Duplicated switch case"),
Self::DuplicatedVariable(s) => write!(f, "Duplicated variable name '{}'", s),
Self::ExprExpected(s) => write!(f, "Expecting {} expression", s),
Self::FnMissingParams(s) => write!(f, "Expecting parameters for function '{}'", s),
Self::FnMissingBody(s) if s.is_empty() => {
f.write_str("Expecting body statement block for anonymous function")
Self::FnMissingBody(s) => {
write!(f, "Expecting body statement block for function '{}'", s)
Self::FnDuplicatedParam(s, arg) => {
write!(f, "Duplicated parameter '{}' for function '{}'", arg, s)
Self::MissingToken(token, s) => write!(f, "Expecting '{}' {}", token, s),
Self::MissingSymbol(s) => f.write_str(s),
Self::AssignmentToConstant(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str(self.desc()),
Self::AssignmentToConstant(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str("Cannot assign to a constant value"),
Self::AssignmentToConstant(s) => write!(f, "Cannot assign to constant '{}'", s),
Self::AssignmentToInvalidLHS(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str(self.desc()),
Self::AssignmentToInvalidLHS(s) if s.is_empty() => f.write_str("Expression cannot be assigned to"),
Self::AssignmentToInvalidLHS(s) => f.write_str(s),
Self::LiteralTooLarge(typ, max) => {
write!(f, "{} exceeds the maximum limit ({})", typ, max)
Self::LiteralTooLarge(typ, max) => write!(f, "{} exceeds the maximum limit ({})", typ, max),
Self::Reserved(s) => write!(f, "'{}' is a reserved keyword", s),
_ => f.write_str(self.desc()),
Self::UnexpectedEOF => f.write_str("Script is incomplete"),
Self::WrongSwitchDefaultCase => f.write_str("Default switch case is not the last"),
Self::WrongSwitchCaseCondition => f.write_str("Default switch case cannot have condition"),
Self::PropertyExpected => f.write_str("Expecting name of a property"),
Self::VariableExpected => f.write_str("Expecting name of a variable"),
Self::WrongFnDefinition => f.write_str("Function definitions must be at global level and cannot be inside a block or another function"),
Self::FnMissingName => f.write_str("Expecting function name in function declaration"),
Self::WrongDocComment => f.write_str("Doc-comment must be followed immediately by a function definition"),
Self::WrongExport => f.write_str("Export statement can only appear at global level"),
Self::ExprTooDeep => f.write_str("Expression exceeds maximum complexity"),
Self::LoopBreak => f.write_str("Break statement should only be used inside a loop"),
Reference in New Issue
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