Reduce indirections.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,21 +4,23 @@ Rhai Release Notes
Version 0.19.15
This version replaces internal usage of `HashMap` with `BTreeMap` in many cases, which should result
in speed improvements because a `BTreeMap` is faster when the number of items held is small.
This version replaces all internal usage of `HashMap` with `BTreeMap`, which should result
in some speed improvement because a `BTreeMap` is leaner when the number of items held is small.
Most, if not all, collections in Rhai hold very few data items, so this is a typical scenario of
many tiny-sized collections.
This also translates to the Rhai object map type, `Map`, which used to be an alias to `HashMap` and
is now aliased to `BTreeMap` instead. This change is due to the fact that, in the vast majority of
object map usages, the number of properties held is small.
The Rhai object map type, `Map`, used to be an alias to `HashMap` and is now aliased to `BTreeMap`
instead. This is also because, in the vast majority of usage cases, the number of properties held by
an object map is small.
`HashMap` and `BTreeMap` have almost identical public API's so this change is unlikely to break a
lot of existing code.
`HashMap` and `BTreeMap` have almost identical public API's so this change is unlikely to break
existing code.
Breaking changes
* `Map` is now an alias to `BTreeMap` instead of `HashMap`. This is because most object maps used have few properties.
* `Map` is now an alias to `BTreeMap` instead of `HashMap` because most object maps hold few properties.
* The traits `RegisterFn` and `RegisterResultFn` are removed. `Engine::register_fn` and `Engine::register_result_fn` are now implemented directly on `Engine`.
* `FnPtr::call_dynamic` now takes `&NativeCallContext` instead of consuming it.
* All `Module::set_fn_XXX` methods are removed, in favor of `Module::set_native_fn`.
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ Breaking changes
* Replaced most `HashMap` usage with `BTreeMap` for better performance when the number of items is small.
* Replaced all `HashMap` usage with `BTreeMap` for better performance because collections in Rhai are tiny.
* `Engine::register_result_fn` no longer requires the successful return type to be `Dynamic`. It can now be any clonable type.
* `#[rhai_fn(return_raw)]` can now return `Result<T, Box<EvalAltResult>>` where `T` is any clonable type instead of `Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>>`.
@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ pub struct BinaryExpr {
pub struct OpAssignment {
pub hash_op_assign: u64,
pub hash_op: u64,
pub op: Cow<'static, str>,
pub op: &'static str,
/// _(INTERNALS)_ An set of function call hashes.
@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ impl<'a> Target<'a> {
pub fn is<T: Variant + Clone>(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Target::Ref(r) =><T>(),
Self::Ref(r) =><T>(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_closure"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Target::LockGuard((r, _)) =><T>(),
Target::Value(r) =><T>(),
Self::LockGuard((r, _)) =><T>(),
Self::Value(r) =><T>(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
Target::StringChar(_, _, _) => TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<char>(),
Self::StringChar(_, _, _) => TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<char>(),
/// Get the value of the `Target` as a `Dynamic`, cloning a referenced value if necessary.
@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ impl Engine {
idx_values: &mut StaticVec<ChainArgument>,
chain_type: ChainType,
level: usize,
new_val: Option<((Dynamic, Position), (&Option<OpAssignment>, Position))>,
new_val: Option<((Dynamic, Position), (Option<OpAssignment>, Position))>,
) -> Result<(Dynamic, bool), Box<EvalAltResult>> {
assert!(chain_type != ChainType::NonChaining);
@ -1097,6 +1097,8 @@ impl Engine {
// xxx[rhs] op= new_val
_ if new_val.is_some() => {
let idx_val = idx_val.as_index_value();
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
let mut idx_val2 = idx_val.clone();
// `call_setter` is introduced to bypass double mutable borrowing of target
@ -1357,7 +1359,7 @@ impl Engine {
this_ptr: &mut Option<&mut Dynamic>,
expr: &Expr,
level: usize,
new_val: Option<((Dynamic, Position), (&Option<OpAssignment>, Position))>,
new_val: Option<((Dynamic, Position), (Option<OpAssignment>, Position))>,
) -> RhaiResult {
let (crate::ast::BinaryExpr { lhs, rhs }, chain_type, op_pos) = match expr {
Expr::Index(x, pos) => (x.as_ref(), ChainType::Index, *pos),
@ -1524,7 +1526,7 @@ impl Engine {
state: &mut State,
_lib: &[&Module],
target: &'t mut Dynamic,
idx: Dynamic,
mut idx: Dynamic,
idx_pos: Position,
_create: bool,
_is_ref: bool,
@ -1557,21 +1559,18 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_object"))]
Dynamic(Union::Map(map, _)) => {
// val_map[idx]
Ok(if _create {
let index = idx.take_immutable_string().map_err(|err| {
self.make_type_mismatch_err::<ImmutableString>(err, idx_pos)
let index = &*idx.read_lock::<ImmutableString>().ok_or_else(|| {
self.make_type_mismatch_err::<ImmutableString>(idx.type_name(), idx_pos)
} else {
let index = idx.read_lock::<ImmutableString>().ok_or_else(|| {
self.make_type_mismatch_err::<ImmutableString>("", idx_pos)
if _create && !map.contains_key(index) {
map.insert(index.clone(), Default::default());
.unwrap_or_else(|| Target::from(()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Target::from(())))
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
@ -1596,7 +1595,6 @@ impl Engine {
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_index"))]
_ if _indexers => {
let type_name = target.type_name();
let mut idx = idx;
let args = &mut [target, &mut idx];
let hash_get = FnCallHash::from_native(calc_fn_hash(empty(), FN_IDX_GET, 2));
@ -1863,7 +1861,7 @@ impl Engine {
mods: &mut Imports,
state: &mut State,
lib: &[&Module],
op_info: &Option<OpAssignment>,
op_info: Option<OpAssignment>,
op_pos: Position,
mut target: Target,
mut new_value: Dynamic,
@ -1889,20 +1887,19 @@ impl Engine {
lhs_ptr_inner = target.as_mut();
let hash = *hash_op_assign;
let hash = hash_op_assign;
let args = &mut [lhs_ptr_inner, &mut new_value];
match self.call_native_fn(mods, state, lib, op, hash, args, true, true, op_pos) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) if matches!(err.as_ref(), EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(f, _) if f.starts_with(op.as_ref())) =>
Err(err) if matches!(err.as_ref(), EvalAltResult::ErrorFunctionNotFound(f, _) if f.starts_with(op)) =>
// Expand to `var = var op rhs`
let op = &op[..op.len() - 1]; // extract operator without =
// Run function
let (value, _) = self.call_native_fn(
mods, state, lib, op, *hash_op, args, true, false, op_pos,
let (value, _) = self
.call_native_fn(mods, state, lib, op, hash_op, args, true, false, op_pos)?;
*args[0] = value.flatten();
@ -1975,7 +1972,7 @@ impl Engine {
@ -1991,7 +1988,7 @@ impl Engine {
let rhs_val = self
.eval_expr(scope, mods, state, lib, this_ptr, rhs_expr, level)?
let _new_val = Some(((rhs_val, rhs_expr.position()), (op_info, *op_pos)));
let _new_val = Some(((rhs_val, rhs_expr.position()), (op_info.clone(), *op_pos)));
// Must be either `var[index] op= val` or `var.prop op= val`
match lhs_expr {
@ -1278,9 +1278,9 @@ impl Engine {
// Trims the JSON string and add a '#' in front
let json_text = json.trim_start();
let scripts = if json_text.starts_with(Token::MapStart.syntax().as_ref()) {
let scripts = if json_text.starts_with(Token::MapStart.keyword_syntax()) {
[json_text, ""]
} else if json_text.starts_with(Token::LeftBrace.syntax().as_ref()) {
} else if json_text.starts_with(Token::LeftBrace.keyword_syntax()) {
["#", json_text]
} else {
return Err(crate::ParseErrorType::MissingToken(
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ use crate::module::NamespaceRef;
use crate::optimize::optimize_into_ast;
use crate::optimize::OptimizationLevel;
use crate::stdlib::{
@ -1355,7 +1354,7 @@ fn parse_unary(
/// Make an assignment statement.
fn make_assignment_stmt<'a>(
op: Cow<'static, str>,
op: &'static str,
state: &mut ParseState,
lhs: Expr,
rhs: Expr,
@ -1479,7 +1478,7 @@ fn parse_op_assignment_stmt(
| Token::PowerOfAssign
| Token::AndAssign
| Token::OrAssign
| Token::XOrAssign => token.syntax(),
| Token::XOrAssign => token.keyword_syntax(),
_ => return Ok(Stmt::Expr(lhs)),
@ -381,25 +381,15 @@ pub enum Token {
impl Token {
/// Get the syntax of the token.
pub fn syntax(&self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
/// Get the syntax of the token if it is a keyword.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the token is not a keyword.
pub fn keyword_syntax(&self) -> &'static str {
use Token::*;
match self {
IntegerConstant(i) => i.to_string().into(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
FloatConstant(f) => f.to_string().into(),
#[cfg(feature = "decimal")]
DecimalConstant(d) => d.to_string().into(),
StringConstant(_) => "string".into(),
CharConstant(c) => c.to_string().into(),
Identifier(s) => s.clone().into(),
Reserved(s) => s.clone().into(),
Custom(s) => s.clone().into(),
LexError(err) => err.to_string().into(),
Comment(s) => s.clone().into(),
token => match token {
LeftBrace => "{",
RightBrace => "}",
LeftParen => "(",
@ -479,10 +469,32 @@ impl Token {
Export => "export",
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
As => "as",
EOF => "{EOF}",
t => unreachable!("operator should be matched in outer scope: {:?}", t),
t => unreachable!("{:?} is not a keyword", t),
/// Get the syntax of the token.
pub fn syntax(&self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
use Token::*;
match self {
IntegerConstant(i) => i.to_string().into(),
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_float"))]
FloatConstant(f) => f.to_string().into(),
#[cfg(feature = "decimal")]
DecimalConstant(d) => d.to_string().into(),
StringConstant(_) => "string".into(),
CharConstant(c) => c.to_string().into(),
Identifier(s) => s.clone().into(),
Reserved(s) => s.clone().into(),
Custom(s) => s.clone().into(),
LexError(err) => err.to_string().into(),
Comment(s) => s.clone().into(),
EOF => "{EOF}".into(),
token => token.keyword_syntax().into(),
Reference in New Issue
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