| `+=` operator, `append` | character/string to append | Adds a character or a string to the end of another string |
| `clear` | _none_ | empties the string |
| `truncate` | target length | cuts off the string at exactly a specified number of characters |
| `contains` | character/sub-string to search for | checks if a certain character or sub-string occurs in the string |
| `index_of` | 1) character/sub-string to search for<br/>2) _(optional)_ start index | returns the index that a certain character or sub-string occurs in the string, or -1 if not found |
| `sub_string` | 1) start index<br/>2) _(optional)_ number of characters to extract, none if <0|extractsasub-string(totheendofthestringiflengthisnotspecified)|
| `split` | delimiter character/string | splits the string by the specified delimiter, returning an [array] of string segments; not available under [`no_index`] |
| `crop` | 1) start index<br/>2) _(optional)_ number of characters to retain, none if <0|retainsonlyaportionofthestring|
| `replace` | 1) target character/sub-string<br/>2) replacement character/string | replaces a sub-string with another |
| `trim` | _none_ | trims the string of whitespace at the beginning and end |