307 lines
8.5 KiB
307 lines
8.5 KiB
use crate::{
module::FuncInfo, plugin::*, tokenizer::is_valid_function_name, Engine, Module, Scope,
use core::fmt;
use std::{borrow::Cow, fs, io, path::Path};
impl Engine {
/// Return [`Definitions`] that can be used to
/// generate definition files that contain all
/// the visible items in the engine.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use rhai::Engine;
/// # fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// engine
/// .definitions()
/// .write_to_dir(".rhai/definitions")?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn definitions(&self) -> Definitions {
Definitions {
engine: self,
scope: None,
/// Return [`Definitions`] that can be used to
/// generate definition files that contain all
/// the visible items in the engine and the
/// given scope.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use rhai::{Engine, Scope};
/// # fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
/// let engine = Engine::new();
/// let scope = Scope::new();
/// engine
/// .definitions_with_scope(&scope)
/// .write_to_dir(".rhai/definitions")?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn definitions_with_scope<'e>(&'e self, scope: &'e Scope<'e>) -> Definitions<'e> {
Definitions {
engine: self,
scope: Some(scope),
/// Definitions helper that is used to generate
/// definition files based on the contents of an [`Engine`].
pub struct Definitions<'e> {
engine: &'e Engine,
scope: Option<&'e Scope<'e>>,
impl<'e> Definitions<'e> {
/// Write all the definition files to a directory.
/// The following separate definition files are generated:
/// - `__static__.d.rhai`: globally available items of the engine
/// - `__scope__.d.rhai`: items in the given scope, if any
/// - a separate file for each registered module
pub fn write_to_dir(&self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<()> {
let path = path.as_ref();
fs::write(path.join("__static__.d.rhai"), self.static_module())?;
if self.scope.is_some() {
fs::write(path.join("__scope__.d.rhai"), self.scope())?;
for (name, decl) in self.modules() {
fs::write(path.join(format!("{name}.d.rhai")), decl)?;
/// Return the definitions for the globally available
/// items of the engine.
/// The definitions will always start with `module static;`.
pub fn static_module(&self) -> String {
let mut s = String::from("module static;\n\n");
let mut first = true;
for m in &self.engine.global_modules {
if !first {
s += "\n\n";
first = false;
m.write_declaration(&mut s, self).unwrap();
/// Return the definitions for the available
/// items of the scope.
/// The definitions will always start with `module static;`,
/// even if the scope is empty or none was provided.
pub fn scope(&self) -> String {
let mut s = String::from("module static;\n\n");
if let Some(scope) = self.scope {
scope.write_declaration(&mut s).unwrap();
/// Return name and definition pairs for each registered module.
/// The definitions will always start with `module <module name>;`.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_module"))]
pub fn modules(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (String, String)> + '_ {
let mut m = self
.map(move |(name, module)| {
format!("module {name};\n\n{}", module.declaration(self)),
m.sort_by(|(name1, _), (name2, _)| name1.cmp(name2));
impl Module {
fn declaration(&self, decl: &Definitions) -> String {
let mut s = String::new();
self.write_declaration(&mut s, decl).unwrap();
fn write_declaration(&self, writer: &mut dyn fmt::Write, decl: &Definitions) -> fmt::Result {
let mut first = true;
let mut vars = self.iter_var().collect::<Vec<_>>();
vars.sort_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| a.cmp(b));
for (name, _) in vars {
if !first {
first = false;
write!(writer, "const {name}: ?;")?;
let mut func_infos = self.iter_fn().collect::<Vec<_>>();
func_infos.sort_by(|a, b| a.metadata.name.cmp(&b.metadata.name));
for f in func_infos {
if !first {
first = false;
if f.metadata.access == FnAccess::Private {
|| (!f.metadata.name.contains('$')
&& !is_valid_function_name(&f.metadata.name)),
impl FuncInfo {
fn write_declaration(&self, writer: &mut dyn fmt::Write, operator: bool) -> fmt::Result {
for comment in &*self.metadata.comments {
writeln!(writer, "{comment}")?;
if operator {
writer.write_str("op ")?;
} else {
writer.write_str("fn ")?;
if let Some(name) = self.metadata.name.strip_prefix("get$") {
write!(writer, "get {name}(")?;
} else if let Some(name) = self.metadata.name.strip_prefix("set$") {
write!(writer, "set {name}(")?;
} else {
write!(writer, "{}(", self.metadata.name)?;
let mut first = true;
for i in 0..self.metadata.params {
if !first {
writer.write_str(", ")?;
first = false;
let (param_name, param_type) = self
.map(|s| {
let mut s = s.split(':');
s.next().unwrap_or("_").split(' ').last().unwrap(),
.unwrap_or(("_", "?".into()));
if operator {
write!(writer, "{param_type}")?;
} else {
write!(writer, "{param_name}: {param_type}")?;
") -> {};",
/// We have to transform some of the types.
/// This is highly inefficient and is currently based on
/// trial and error with the core packages.
/// It tries to flatten types, removing `&` and `&mut`,
/// and paths, while keeping generics.
/// Associated generic types are also rewritten into regular
/// generic type parameters.
fn decl_type_name(ty: &str) -> Cow<str> {
let ty = ty.replace("crate::", "");
let ty = ty.split("::").last().unwrap();
let ty = ty.trim();
let ty = ty.strip_prefix("&mut").unwrap_or(ty).trim();
let ty = ty
.and_then(|s| s.strip_suffix('>'))
// FIXME(tamasfe): some of the given types are unusable,
// e.g. "Range<crate" is the entire type this function receives,
// same with "crate", I have no idea where these come from.
ty.replace("Range<crate", "?")
.replace("crate", "?")
.replace("Iterator<Item=", "Iterator<")
.replace("Dynamic", "?")
.replace("INT", "int")
.replace("FLOAT", "float")
.replace("&str", "String")
.replace("ImmutableString", "String")
impl Scope<'_> {
fn write_declaration(&self, writer: &mut dyn fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
let mut first = true;
for (name, constant, _) in self.iter_raw() {
if !first {
first = false;
let kw = if constant { "const" } else { "let" };
write!(writer, "{kw} {name};")?;