| `to_string` | <code>\|s: &mut T\| -> ImmutableString</code> | `s.to_string().into()` | Converts the custom type into a [string] |
| `print` | <code>\|s: &mut T\| -> ImmutableString</code> | `s.to_string().into()` | Converts the custom type into a [string] for the [`print`](#print-and-debug) statement |
| `debug` | <code>\|s: &mut T\| -> ImmutableString</code> | `format!("{:?}", s).into()` | Converts the custom type into a [string] for the [`debug`](#print-and-debug) statement |
| `+` | <code>\|s1: ImmutableString, s: T\| -> ImmutableString</code> | `s1 + s` | Append the custom type to another [string], for `print("Answer: " + type);` usage |
| `+` | <code>\|s: T, s2: ImmutableString\| -> ImmutableString</code> | `s.to_string().push_str(&s2).into();` | Append another [string] to the custom type, for `print(type + " is the answer");` usage |
| `+=` | <code>\|s1: &mut ImmutableString, s: T\|</code> | `s1 += s.to_string()` | Append the custom type to an existing [string], for `s += type;` usage |