| [`arrays_and_structs`]({{repoTree}}/examples/arrays_and_structs.rs) | shows how to register a custom Rust type and using [arrays] on it |
| [`custom_types_and_methods`]({{repoTree}}/examples/custom_types_and_methods.rs) | shows how to register a custom Rust type and methods for it |
| [`hello`]({{repoTree}}/examples/hello.rs) | simple example that evaluates an expression and prints the result |
| [`reuse_scope`]({{repoTree}}/examples/reuse_scope.rs) | evaluates two pieces of code in separate runs, but using a common [`Scope`] |
| [`rhai_runner`]({{repoTree}}/examples/rhai_runner.rs) | runs each filename passed to it as a Rhai script |
| [`serde`]({{repoTree}}/examples/serde.rs) | example to serialize and deserialize Rust types with [`serde`](https://crates.io/crates/serde).<br/>The [`serde`] feature is required to run |
| [`simple_fn`]({{repoTree}}/examples/simple_fn.rs) | shows how to register a simple function |
| [`strings`]({{repoTree}}/examples/strings.rs) | shows different ways to register functions taking string arguments |
| [`repl`]({{repoTree}}/examples/repl.rs) | a simple REPL, interactively evaluate statements from stdin |
| [`no_std_test`]({{repoTree}}/no_std/no_std_test) | bare-bones test application that evaluates a Rhai expression and sets the result as the return value | size | [`wee_alloc`](https://crates.io/crates/wee_alloc) | abort |