# Real time streaming example ## Installation First you will need the nats cli, it is only required if you actually want to send some events ```bash go install github.com/nats-io/natscli/nats@latest ``` Now to spin up the resources: ```bash docker compose up -d ``` Now to sign in with nats ```bash nats context add real-time # This creates a file in ~/.config/nats/real-time.json # Edit that and set username and password to `natsadmin` nats ctx select real-time ``` And subscribe with nats ```bash nats sub cli.demo ``` In a new terminal publish events ```bash nats pub cli.demo '{"key":"value"}' --count=0 # count 0 will send a lot of events ``` Now open your client of choice: I used datagrip with default settings, simply add port 8123 and localhost and you should be good. The table will be in default called daily. It will contain a column key, with a bunch of rows with the value: `value`