Suhas Karanth 83ab8dd79f
Add -stub flag to stub func implementation (#132)
When a mock is generated with the flag enabled, it introduces the
following changes:
- Does not panic on calling the method without a mock implementation.
- Return zero values iff the implementation is not provided and the
  method has return parameters.

Co-authored-by: Scott Leuthaeuser <>
2020-08-16 12:24:12 +05:30

121 lines
2.6 KiB

// Code generated by moq; DO NOT EDIT.
package channels
import (
// Ensure, that QueuerMock does implement Queuer.
// If this is not the case, regenerate this file with moq.
var _ Queuer = &QueuerMock{}
// QueuerMock is a mock implementation of Queuer.
// func TestSomethingThatUsesQueuer(t *testing.T) {
// // make and configure a mocked Queuer
// mockedQueuer := &QueuerMock{
// SubFunc: func(topic string) (<-chan Queue, error) {
// panic("mock out the Sub method")
// },
// UnsubFunc: func(topic string) {
// panic("mock out the Unsub method")
// },
// }
// // use mockedQueuer in code that requires Queuer
// // and then make assertions.
// }
type QueuerMock struct {
// SubFunc mocks the Sub method.
SubFunc func(topic string) (<-chan Queue, error)
// UnsubFunc mocks the Unsub method.
UnsubFunc func(topic string)
// calls tracks calls to the methods.
calls struct {
// Sub holds details about calls to the Sub method.
Sub []struct {
// Topic is the topic argument value.
Topic string
// Unsub holds details about calls to the Unsub method.
Unsub []struct {
// Topic is the topic argument value.
Topic string
lockSub sync.RWMutex
lockUnsub sync.RWMutex
// Sub calls SubFunc.
func (mock *QueuerMock) Sub(topic string) (<-chan Queue, error) {
callInfo := struct {
Topic string
Topic: topic,
mock.calls.Sub = append(mock.calls.Sub, callInfo)
if mock.SubFunc == nil {
var (
out1 <-chan Queue
out2 error
return out1, out2
return mock.SubFunc(topic)
// SubCalls gets all the calls that were made to Sub.
// Check the length with:
// len(mockedQueuer.SubCalls())
func (mock *QueuerMock) SubCalls() []struct {
Topic string
} {
var calls []struct {
Topic string
calls = mock.calls.Sub
return calls
// Unsub calls UnsubFunc.
func (mock *QueuerMock) Unsub(topic string) {
callInfo := struct {
Topic string
Topic: topic,
mock.calls.Unsub = append(mock.calls.Unsub, callInfo)
if mock.UnsubFunc == nil {
// UnsubCalls gets all the calls that were made to Unsub.
// Check the length with:
// len(mockedQueuer.UnsubCalls())
func (mock *QueuerMock) UnsubCalls() []struct {
Topic string
} {
var calls []struct {
Topic string
calls = mock.calls.Unsub
return calls