While extracting the method and parameters from the method signature,
only check and apply the variadic flag for the input parameters and not
for the return arguments.
Issue details:
For an interface with variadic arguments and slice return type, moq was
generating an invalid mock:
type I interface {
Func(params ...interface{}) []byte
// ...
type IMock struct {
// FuncFunc mocks the Func method.
FuncFunc func(params ...interface{}) ...byte
// calls tracks calls to the methods.
calls struct {
// Func holds details about calls to the Func method.
Func []struct {
// Params is the params argument value.
Params []interface{}
On attempting to generate the mock in such an instance, the command
would fail on the formatting step:
m.Mock: go/format: 35:30: expected ';', found '...' (and 3 more errors)
See https://github.com/matryer/moq/issues/124,