package template import ( "io" "strings" "text/template" "" ) // Template is the Moq template. It is capable of generating the Moq // implementation for the given template.Data. type Template struct { tmpl *template.Template } // New returns a new instance of Template. func New() (Template, error) { tmpl, err := template.New("moq").Funcs(templateFuncs).Parse(moqTemplate) if err != nil { return Template{}, err } return Template{tmpl: tmpl}, nil } // Execute generates and writes the Moq implementation for the given // data. func (t Template) Execute(w io.Writer, data Data) error { return t.tmpl.Execute(w, data) } // moqTemplate is the template for mocked code. // language=GoTemplate var moqTemplate = `// Code generated by moq; DO NOT EDIT. // package {{.PkgName}} import ( {{- range .Imports}} {{. | ImportStatement}} {{- end}} ) {{range $i, $mock := .Mocks -}} {{- if not $.SkipEnsure -}} // Ensure, that {{.MockName}} does implement {{$.SrcPkgQualifier}}{{.InterfaceName}}. // If this is not the case, regenerate this file with moq. var _ {{$.SrcPkgQualifier}}{{.InterfaceName}} = &{{.MockName}}{} {{- end}} // {{.MockName}} is a mock implementation of {{$.SrcPkgQualifier}}{{.InterfaceName}}. // // func TestSomethingThatUses{{.InterfaceName}}(t *testing.T) { // // // make and configure a mocked {{$.SrcPkgQualifier}}{{.InterfaceName}} // mocked{{.InterfaceName}} := &{{.MockName}}{ {{- range .Methods}} // {{.Name}}Func: func({{.ArgList}}) {{.ReturnArgTypeList}} { // panic("mock out the {{.Name}} method") // }, {{- end}} // } // // // use mocked{{.InterfaceName}} in code that requires {{$.SrcPkgQualifier}}{{.InterfaceName}} // // and then make assertions. // // } type {{.MockName}} struct { {{- range .Methods}} // {{.Name}}Func mocks the {{.Name}} method. {{.Name}}Func func({{.ArgList}}) {{.ReturnArgTypeList}} {{end}} // calls tracks calls to the methods. calls struct { {{- range .Methods}} // {{.Name}} holds details about calls to the {{.Name}} method. {{.Name}} []struct { {{- range .Params}} // {{.Name | Exported}} is the {{.Name}} argument value. {{.Name | Exported}} {{.TypeString}} {{- end}} } {{- end}} } {{- range .Methods}} lock{{.Name}} {{$.Imports | SyncPkgQualifier}}.RWMutex {{- end}} } {{range .Methods}} // {{.Name}} calls {{.Name}}Func. func (mock *{{$mock.MockName}}) {{.Name}}({{.ArgList}}) {{.ReturnArgTypeList}} { {{- if not $.StubImpl}} if mock.{{.Name}}Func == nil { panic("{{$mock.MockName}}.{{.Name}}Func: method is nil but {{$mock.InterfaceName}}.{{.Name}} was just called") } {{- end}} callInfo := struct { {{- range .Params}} {{.Name | Exported}} {{.TypeString}} {{- end}} }{ {{- range .Params}} {{.Name | Exported}}: {{.Name}}, {{- end}} } mock.lock{{.Name}}.Lock() mock.calls.{{.Name}} = append(mock.calls.{{.Name}}, callInfo) mock.lock{{.Name}}.Unlock() {{- if .Returns}} {{- if $.StubImpl}} if mock.{{.Name}}Func == nil { var ( {{- range .Returns}} {{.Name}} {{.TypeString}} {{- end}} ) return {{.ReturnArgNameList}} } {{- end}} return mock.{{.Name}}Func({{.ArgCallList}}) {{- else}} {{- if $.StubImpl}} if mock.{{.Name}}Func == nil { return } {{- end}} mock.{{.Name}}Func({{.ArgCallList}}) {{- end}} } // {{.Name}}Calls gets all the calls that were made to {{.Name}}. // Check the length with: // len(mocked{{$mock.InterfaceName}}.{{.Name}}Calls()) func (mock *{{$mock.MockName}}) {{.Name}}Calls() []struct { {{- range .Params}} {{.Name | Exported}} {{.TypeString}} {{- end}} } { var calls []struct { {{- range .Params}} {{.Name | Exported}} {{.TypeString}} {{- end}} } mock.lock{{.Name}}.RLock() calls = mock.calls.{{.Name}} mock.lock{{.Name}}.RUnlock() return calls } {{end -}} {{end -}}` // This list comes from the golint codebase. Golint will complain about any of // these being mixed-case, like "Id" instead of "ID". var golintInitialisms = []string{ "ACL", "API", "ASCII", "CPU", "CSS", "DNS", "EOF", "GUID", "HTML", "HTTP", "HTTPS", "ID", "IP", "JSON", "LHS", "QPS", "RAM", "RHS", "RPC", "SLA", "SMTP", "SQL", "SSH", "TCP", "TLS", "TTL", "UDP", "UI", "UID", "UUID", "URI", "URL", "UTF8", "VM", "XML", "XMPP", "XSRF", "XSS", } var templateFuncs = template.FuncMap{ "ImportStatement": func(imprt *registry.Package) string { if imprt.Alias == "" { return `"` + imprt.Path() + `"` } return imprt.Alias + ` "` + imprt.Path() + `"` }, "SyncPkgQualifier": func(imports []*registry.Package) string { for _, imprt := range imports { if imprt.Path() == "sync" { return imprt.Qualifier() } } return "sync" }, "Exported": func(s string) string { if s == "" { return "" } for _, initialism := range golintInitialisms { if strings.ToUpper(s) == initialism { return initialism } } return strings.ToUpper(s[0:1]) + s[1:] }, }