name: kafka-ingest
services: {}

  # redpanda-0:
  #   command:
  #     - redpanda
  #     - start
  #     - --kafka-addr internal://,external://
  #     # Address the broker advertises to clients that connect to the Kafka API.
  #     # Use the internal addresses to connect to the Redpanda brokers'
  #     # from inside the same Docker network.
  #     # Use the external addresses to connect to the Redpanda brokers'
  #     # from outside the Docker network.
  #     - --advertise-kafka-addr internal://redpanda-0:9092,external://localhost:19092
  #     - --pandaproxy-addr internal://,external://
  #     # Address the broker advertises to clients that connect to the HTTP Proxy.
  #     - --advertise-pandaproxy-addr internal://redpanda-0:8082,external://localhost:18082
  #     - --schema-registry-addr internal://,external://
  #     # Redpanda brokers use the RPC API to communicate with each other internally.
  #     - --rpc-addr redpanda-0:33145
  #     - --advertise-rpc-addr redpanda-0:33145
  #     # Mode dev-container uses well-known configuration properties for development in containers.
  #     - --mode dev-container
  #     # Tells Seastar (the framework Redpanda uses under the hood) to use 1 core on the system.
  #     - --smp 1
  #     - --default-log-level=info
  #   image:
  #   container_name: redpanda-0
  #   volumes:
  #     - redpanda-0:/var/lib/redpanda/data
  #   networks:
  #     - redpanda_network
  #   ports:
  #     - 18081:18081
  #     - 18082:18082
  #     - 19092:19092
  #     - 19644:9644