use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fmt::Display}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context}; use hyperlog_core::log::{Graph, GraphItem, ItemState}; #[derive(Default)] pub struct Engine { graph: Graph, } impl Engine { pub fn engine_from_str(input: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let graph: Graph = serde_json::from_str(input)?; Ok(Self { graph }) } pub fn to_str(&self) -> anyhow::Result { serde_json::to_string_pretty(&self.graph).context("failed to serialize graph") } pub fn create_root(&mut self, root: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.graph .try_insert(root.to_string(), GraphItem::User(BTreeMap::default())) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("entry was already found, aborting"))?; Ok(()) } pub fn create(&mut self, root: &str, path: &[&str], item: GraphItem) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let graph = &mut self.graph; let (last, items) = path.split_last().ok_or(anyhow!( "path cannot be empty, must contain at least one item" ))?; let root = graph .get_mut(root) .ok_or(anyhow!("root was missing a user, aborting"))?; let mut current_item = root; for section in items { match current_item { GraphItem::User(u) => match u.get_mut(section.to_owned()) { Some(graph_item) => { current_item = graph_item; } None => anyhow::bail!("path: {} section was not found", section), }, GraphItem::Item { .. } => anyhow::bail!("path: {} was already found", section), GraphItem::Section(s) => match s.get_mut(section.to_owned()) { Some(graph_item) => { current_item = graph_item; } None => anyhow::bail!("path: {} section was not found", section), }, } } match current_item { GraphItem::User(u) => { u.insert(last.to_string(), item); } GraphItem::Section(s) => { s.insert(last.to_string(), item); } GraphItem::Item { .. } => anyhow::bail!("cannot insert an item into an item"), } Ok(()) } pub fn get(&self, root: &str, path: &[&str]) -> Option<&GraphItem> { let root = self.graph.get(root)?; root.get(path) } pub fn get_mut(&mut self, root: &str, path: &[&str]) -> Option<&mut GraphItem> { let root = self.graph.get_mut(root)?; root.get_mut(path) } pub fn take(&mut self, root: &str, path: &[&str]) -> Option { let root = self.graph.get_mut(root)?; root.take(path) } pub fn section_move( &mut self, root: &str, src_path: &[&str], dest_path: &[&str], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let src = self .take(root, src_path) .ok_or(anyhow!("failed to find source path"))?; let dest = self .get_mut(root, dest_path) .ok_or(anyhow!("failed to find destination"))?; let src_item = src_path .last() .ok_or(anyhow!("src path must have at least one item"))?; match dest { GraphItem::User(u) => { u.try_insert(src_item.to_string(), src) .map_err(|_e| anyhow!("key was already found, aborting: {}", src_item))?; } GraphItem::Section(s) => { s.try_insert(src_item.to_string(), src) .map_err(|_e| anyhow!("key was already found, aborting: {}", src_item))?; } GraphItem::Item { .. } => { anyhow::bail!("failed to insert src at item, item doesn't support arbitrary items") } } Ok(()) } pub fn delete(&mut self, root: &str, path: &[&str]) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.take(root, path) .map(|_| ()) .ok_or(anyhow!("item was not found")) } pub fn toggle_item(&mut self, root: &str, path: &[&str]) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if let Some(item) = self.get_mut(root, path) { match item { GraphItem::Item { state, .. } => match state { ItemState::NotDone => *state = ItemState::Done, ItemState::Done => *state = ItemState::NotDone, }, _ => { anyhow::bail!("{}.{:?} is not an item", root, path) } } } Ok(()) } pub fn update_item( &mut self, root: &str, path: &[&str], item: &GraphItem, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if let Some((name, dest_last)) = path.split_last() { if let Some(parent) = self.get_mut(root, dest_last) { match parent { GraphItem::User(s) | GraphItem::Section(s) => { if let Some(mut existing) = s.remove(*name) { match (&mut existing, item) { ( GraphItem::Item { title: ex_title, description: ex_desc, state: ex_state, }, GraphItem::Item { title, description, state, }, ) => { ex_title.clone_from(title); ex_desc.clone_from(description); ex_state.clone_from(state); let title = title.replace(".", "-"); s.insert(title, existing.clone()); } _ => { anyhow::bail!( "path: {}.{} found is not an item", root, path.join(".") ) } } } } GraphItem::Item { .. } => { anyhow::bail!("cannot rename when item is placed in an item") } } } } Ok(()) } pub fn get_roots(&self) -> Option> { let items = self.graph.keys().cloned().collect::>(); if items.is_empty() { None } else { Some(items) } } } impl Display for Engine { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let output = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&self.graph).unwrap(); f.write_str(&output) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::collections::BTreeMap; use hyperlog_core::log::{GraphItem, ItemState}; use similar_asserts::assert_eq; use super::Engine; #[test] fn test_can_create_root() { let mut engine = Engine::default(); engine.create_root("kjuulh").unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user" } }"#, engine.to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_can_create_section() { let mut engine = Engine::default(); engine.create_root("kjuulh").unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section" } } }"#, engine.to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_can_create_subsection() { let mut engine = Engine::default(); engine.create_root("kjuulh").unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section", "some-sub-section": { "type": "section" } } } }"#, engine.to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_can_create_item() { let mut engine = Engine::default(); engine.create_root("kjuulh").unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-item"], GraphItem::Item { title: "some-title".to_string(), description: "some-description".to_string(), state: ItemState::NotDone, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } } }"#, engine.to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_can_create_nested_item() { let mut engine = Engine::default(); engine.create_root("kjuulh").unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-item"], GraphItem::Item { title: "some-title".to_string(), description: "some-description".to_string(), state: ItemState::NotDone, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } } } }"#, engine.to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_can_create_deeply_nested_item() { let mut engine = Engine::default(); engine.create_root("kjuulh").unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &[ "some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section", "some-item", ], GraphItem::Item { title: "some-title".to_string(), description: "some-description".to_string(), state: ItemState::NotDone, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section", "some-sub-section": { "type": "section", "sub-sub-section": { "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } } } } } }"#, engine.to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_can_get_user() { let engine = get_complex_graph(); let res = engine.get("kjuulh", &[]).unwrap(); let actual = serde_json::to_string_pretty(res).unwrap(); let expected = r#"{ "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section", "some-sub-section": { "type": "section", "sub-sub-section": { "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } } } } }"#; assert_eq!(expected, actual) } #[test] fn test_can_get_first_section() { let engine = get_complex_graph(); let res = engine.get("kjuulh", &["some-section"]).unwrap(); let actual = serde_json::to_string_pretty(res).unwrap(); let expected = r#"{ "type": "section", "some-sub-section": { "type": "section", "sub-sub-section": { "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } } } }"#; assert_eq!(expected, actual) } #[test] fn test_can_get_middle_section() { let engine = get_complex_graph(); let res = engine .get("kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section"]) .unwrap(); let actual = serde_json::to_string_pretty(res).unwrap(); let expected = r#"{ "type": "section", "sub-sub-section": { "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } } }"#; assert_eq!(expected, actual) } #[test] fn test_can_get_last_section() { let engine = get_complex_graph(); let res = engine .get( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section"], ) .unwrap(); let actual = serde_json::to_string_pretty(res).unwrap(); let expected = r#"{ "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } }"#; assert_eq!(expected, actual) } #[test] fn test_can_get_item() { let engine = get_complex_graph(); let res = engine .get( "kjuulh", &[ "some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section", "some-item", ], ) .unwrap(); let actual = serde_json::to_string_pretty(res).unwrap(); let expected = r#"{ "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" }"#; assert_eq!(expected, actual) } #[test] fn test_can_move_item() { let mut engine = get_complex_graph(); engine .section_move( "kjuulh", &[ "some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section", "some-item", ], &["some-section"], ) .unwrap(); let expected = r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" }, "some-sub-section": { "type": "section", "sub-sub-section": { "type": "section" } } } } }"#; assert_eq!(expected, engine.to_string()) } #[test] fn test_can_move_section() { let mut engine = get_complex_graph(); engine .section_move( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section"], &["some-section"], ) .unwrap(); let expected = r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section", "some-sub-section": { "type": "section" }, "sub-sub-section": { "type": "section", "some-item": { "type": "item", "title": "some-title", "description": "some-description", "state": "not-done" } } } } }"#; assert_eq!(expected, engine.to_string()) } #[test] fn test_can_delete_section() { let mut engine = get_complex_graph(); let res = engine.delete("kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section"]); assert!(res.is_ok()); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section" } } }"#, &engine.to_string() ); } #[test] fn test_can_delete_item() { let mut engine = get_complex_graph(); let res = engine.delete( "kjuulh", &[ "some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section", "some-item", ], ); assert!(res.is_ok()); assert_eq!( r#"{ "kjuulh": { "type": "user", "some-section": { "type": "section", "some-sub-section": { "type": "section", "sub-sub-section": { "type": "section" } } } } }"#, &engine.to_string() ); } fn get_complex_graph() -> Engine { let mut engine = Engine::default(); engine.create_root("kjuulh").unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &["some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section"], GraphItem::Section(BTreeMap::default()), ) .unwrap(); engine .create( "kjuulh", &[ "some-section", "some-sub-section", "sub-sub-section", "some-item", ], GraphItem::Item { title: "some-title".to_string(), description: "some-description".to_string(), state: ItemState::NotDone, }, ) .unwrap(); engine } }