# Git Now Git Now is a utility for easily navigating git projects from common upstream providers. Search, Download, and Enter projects as quickly as you can type. ![example gif](./assets/gifs/example.gif) ## Installation ```bash cargo (b)install gitnow # You can either use gitnow directly (and use spawned shell sessions) gitnow # Or install gitnow scripts (in your .bashrc, .zshrc) this will use native shell commands to move you around eval $(gitnow init zsh) git-now # Long gn # Short alias ``` ## Reasoning How many steps do you normally do to download a project? 1. Navigate to github.com 2. Search in your org for the project 3. Find the clone url 4. Navigate to your local github repositories path 5. Git clone `` 6. Enter new project directory A power user can of course use `gh repo clone` to skip a few steps. With gitnow 1. `git now` 2. Enter parts of the project name and press enter 3. Your project is automatically downloaded if it doesn't exist in an opinionated path dir, and move you there.