
228 lines
7.8 KiB

use clap::{Arg, Command};
use eyre::{Context, ContextCompat};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::{env::current_dir, io::Read, path::PathBuf};
use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;
use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt;
fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
let matches = Command::new("gitignore")
.author("Kasper J. Hermansen <>")
.about("Easily ignore items and remove from git state")
.long_about("git ignore is a utility tool for easily adding patterns to your .gitignore file.
Easily add patterns using `git ignore <pattern>` this will by default also help you remove committed code violating these patterns
.help("the pattern you want to ignore")
.long_help("the pattern you want to ignore in the nearest .gitignore file")
Arg::new("log-level").long("log-level").help("choose a log level and get more messages").long_help("Choose a log level and get more message, defaults to [fatal]"))
let log_level = match matches.get_one::<String>("log-level").map(|f| f.as_str()) {
Some("off") => "off",
Some("info") => "info",
Some("debug") => "debug",
Some("warn") => "warn",
Some("error") => "error",
_ => "error",
let term = console::Term::stdout();
let pattern = matches
.context("missing [pattern]")?;
add_gitignore_pattern(term, pattern)
enum GitActions {
AddPattern { gitignore_path: PathBuf },
CreateIgnoreAndAddPattern { git_path: PathBuf },
fn add_gitignore_pattern(term: console::Term, pattern: &String) -> eyre::Result<()> {
term.write_line("git ignore: Add pattern")?;
let curdir = current_dir().context(
"could not find current_dir, you may not have permission to access that directory",
let actions = match search_for_dotgitignore(&curdir)? {
// If we have an ignore path, make sure it is in a git repo as well
GitSearchResult::GitIgnore(ignorepath) => match search_for_git_root(&curdir)? {
GitSearchResult::Git(_gitpath) => GitActions::AddPattern {
gitignore_path: ignorepath,
_ => return Err(eyre::anyhow!("could not find parent git directory")),
// Find the nearest git repo
GitSearchResult::Git(gitpath) => {
GitActions::CreateIgnoreAndAddPattern { git_path: gitpath }
} // We will always have either above, or an error so we have no default arm
match actions {
GitActions::AddPattern { gitignore_path } => {
term.write_line("Found existing .gitignore")?;
let mut gitignore_file = open_gitignore_file(&gitignore_path)?;
let mut gitignore_content = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut gitignore_content)
"could not read file: {}",
if gitignore_content.contains(pattern) {
term.write_line(".gitignore already contains pattern, skipping")?;
return Ok(());
term.write_line("adding pattern to file")?;
writeln!(gitignore_file, "{}", pattern).context("could not write contents to file")?;
.context("failed to write data to disk")?;
GitActions::CreateIgnoreAndAddPattern { git_path } => {
"could not find .gitignore file, creating one in the root of the git repository",
let mut gitignore_file = create_gitignore_file(&git_path)?;
term.write_line("adding pattern to file")?;
writeln!(gitignore_file, "{}", pattern).context("could not write contents to file")?;
.context("failed to write data to disk")?;
// TODO: Run git rm -r --cached --pathspec <pattern> on the .git root
let output = std::process::Command::new("git")
.context("could not process git remove from index command")?;
.try_for_each(|l| term.write_line(l))
.context("could not print all output to terminal")?;
if !output.status.success() {
return Err(eyre::anyhow!("failed to run git index command"));
term.write_line("git successfully removed files")?;
fn create_gitignore_file(gitroot: &PathBuf) -> eyre::Result<std::fs::File> {
let mut ignore_path = gitroot.clone();
if !ignore_path.pop() {
return Err(eyre::anyhow!("could not open parent dir"));
let file = std::fs::File::create(ignore_path.clone()).context(format!(
"could not create file at path: {}",
fn open_gitignore_file(gitignore: &PathBuf) -> eyre::Result<std::fs::File> {
let file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
"could not create file at path: {}",
return Ok(file);
enum GitSearchResult {
fn search_for_git_root(path: &PathBuf) -> eyre::Result<GitSearchResult> {
if !path.is_dir() {
return Err(eyre::anyhow!(
"path is not a dir: {}",
let direntries = std::fs::read_dir(path)
.context(format!("could not open dir: {}", path.to_string_lossy()))?;
for direntry in direntries {
let entry = direntry.context("could not access file")?;
let file_name = entry.file_name().to_os_string();
match file_name.to_str().context("could not convert to str")? {
".git" => return Ok(GitSearchResult::Git(entry.path())),
_ => {}
let mut upwards_par = path.clone();
if !upwards_par.pop() {
return Err(eyre::anyhow!(
"no parent exists, cannot check further, you may not be in a git repository"
fn search_for_dotgitignore(path: &PathBuf) -> eyre::Result<GitSearchResult> {
if !path.is_dir() {
return Err(eyre::anyhow!(
"path is not a dir: {}",
let direntries = std::fs::read_dir(path)
.context(format!("could not open dir: {}", path.to_string_lossy()))?;
for direntry in direntries {
let entry = direntry.context("could not access file")?;
let file_name = entry.file_name().to_os_string();
match file_name.to_str().context("could not convert to str")? {
".gitignore" => return Ok(GitSearchResult::GitIgnore(entry.path())),
".git" => return Ok(GitSearchResult::Git(entry.path())),
_ => {}
let mut upwards_par = path.clone();
if !upwards_par.pop() {
return Err(eyre::anyhow!(
"no parent exists, cannot check further, you may not be in a git repository"