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Andrea Luzzardi 282759c0e5 cue modules: move stdlib to pkg/
In preparation for Europa, we will vendor multiple CUE modules:

- `pkg/`: legacy non-europa packages
- `pkg/`: core Europa packages
- `pkg/`: Europa universe

Signed-off-by: Andrea Luzzardi <>
2022-01-11 13:16:37 -08:00

65 lines
1.2 KiB

package trivy
import (
// Scan an Image
#Image: {
// Trivy configuration
config: #Config
// Image source (AWS, GCP, Docker Hub, Self hosted)
source: string
// Trivy Image arguments
args: [arg=string]: string
// Enforce args best practices
args: {
"--severity": *"HIGH,CRITICAL" | string
"--exit-code": *"1" | string
"--ignore-unfixed": *"" | string
"--format": *"table" | string
"--output": *"output" | string
ctr: os.#Container & {
image: #CLI & {
"config": config
shell: {
path: "/bin/bash"
args: ["--noprofile", "--norc", "-eo", "pipefail", "-c"]
always: true
command: #"""
echo "$ARGS" |
jq -c '
to_entries |
map(.key + " " + (.value | tostring) + " ") |
# Remove suffix and prefix quotes if present
trivy image $trivyArgs "$SOURCE"
echo -n "$SOURCE" > /ref
env: ARGS: json.Marshal(args)
env: SOURCE: source
// Reference analyzed
ref: {
os.#File & {
from: ctr
path: "/ref"
}.contents @dagger(output)