The interface and behavior is identical to S3. Signed-off-by: Scott Lewis-Kelly <>
- alpine - Base package for Alpine Linux
- aws - AWS base package
- aws/cloudformation - AWS CloudFormation
- aws/ecr - Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
- aws/ecs - AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)
- aws/eks - AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
- aws/elb - AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELBv2)
- aws/rds - AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)
- aws/s3 - AWS Simple Storage Service
- dagger - Dagger core types
- dagger/op - op: low-level operations for Dagger processing pipelines
- docker - Docker container operations
- docker/compose - Docker-compose operations
- gcp - Google Cloud Platform
- gcp/gcr - Google Container Registry
- gcp/gcs - Google Cloud Storage
- gcp/gke - Google Kubernetes Engine
- git - Git operations
- go - Go build operations
- io - IO operations
- java/maven - Maven is a build automation tool for Java
- js/yarn - Yarn is a package manager for Javascript applications
- kubernetes - Kubernetes client operations
- kubernetes/helm - Helm package manager
- kubernetes/kustomize - Kustomize config management
- netlify - Netlify client operations
- os - OS operations
- random - Random generation utilities
- terraform - Terraform operations