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Sam Alba e972863be6 examples/jamstack: implemented database integration with RDS
Signed-off-by: Sam Alba <>
2021-04-13 14:13:11 -07:00

153 lines
3.7 KiB

package main
import (
#ECSApp: {
awsConfig: aws.#Config
slug: string
clusterName: string
vpcId: string
elbListenerArn: string
taskRoleArn: *"" | string
hostname: string
healthCheck: {
timeout: *10 | int
path: *"/" | string
unhealthyThresholdCount: *2 | int
desiredCount: int
container: {
command: [...string]
environment: [string]: string
port: *80 | int
cpu: *256 | int
memory: *1024 | int
image: string
taskArn: cfnStack.outputs.TaskArn
elbRulePriority: elb.#RandomRulePriority & {
config: awsConfig
listenerArn: elbListenerArn
vhost: hostname
cfnStack: cloudformation.#Stack & {
config: awsConfig
stackName: slug
onFailure: "DO_NOTHING"
parameters: {
ELBRulePriority: elbRulePriority.out
ImageRef: container.image
ELBListenerArn: elbListenerArn
source: json.Marshal(template)
template: {
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "Dagger deployed app"
Parameters: {
ELBRulePriority: Type: "Number"
ImageRef: Type: "String"
ELBListenerArn: Type: "String"
Resources: {
ECSTaskDefinition: {
Type: "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition"
Properties: {
Cpu: "\(container.cpu)"
Memory: "\(container.memory)"
if taskRoleArn != "" {
TaskRoleArn: taskRoleArn
NetworkMode: "bridge"
ContainerDefinitions: [{
if len(container.command) > 0 {
Command: container.command
Name: slug
Image: Ref: "ImageRef"
Essential: true
Environment: [ for k, v in container.environment {
Name: k
Value: v
PortMappings: [{
ContainerPort: container.port
StopTimeout: 5
LogConfiguration: {
LogDriver: "awslogs"
Options: {
"awslogs-group": "bl/provider/ecs/\(clusterName)"
"awslogs-region": Ref: "AWS::Region"
"awslogs-create-group": "true"
"awslogs-stream-prefix": slug
ECSListenerRule: {
Type: "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule"
Properties: {
ListenerArn: Ref: "ELBListenerArn"
Priority: Ref: "ELBRulePriority"
Conditions: [{
Field: "host-header"
Values: [hostname]}]
Actions: [{
Type: "forward"
TargetGroupArn: Ref: "ECSTargetGroup"
ECSTargetGroup: {
Type: "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup"
Properties: {
Protocol: "HTTP"
VpcId: vpcId
Port: 80
HealthCheckPath: healthCheck.path
UnhealthyThresholdCount: healthCheck.unhealthyThresholdCount
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: healthCheck.timeout
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: healthCheck.timeout + 1
HealthyThresholdCount: 3
TargetGroupAttributes: [{
Value: "10"
Key: "deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds"
ECSService: {
Type: "AWS::ECS::Service"
Properties: {
Cluster: clusterName
DesiredCount: desiredCount
LaunchType: "EC2"
LoadBalancers: [{
ContainerPort: container.port
TargetGroupArn: Ref: "ECSTargetGroup"
ContainerName: slug
ServiceName: slug
TaskDefinition: Ref: "ECSTaskDefinition"
DeploymentConfiguration: {
DeploymentCircuitBreaker: {
Enable: true
Rollback: true
MaximumPercent: 200
MinimumHealthyPercent: 100
DependsOn: "ECSListenerRule"
Outputs: TaskArn: Value: Ref: "ECSTaskDefinition"