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# CODEOWNERS is a tool to encode PR approval rules.
# When a PR is opened, at least one code owner is required to approve it
# before being merged.
# It does **not**:
# - Limit reviewers: Everyone is welcome and encouraged to review any PR.
# But at least one CODEOWNER must approve before merging.
# - Limit contributions or ownership: Every maintainer is responsible for
# the entire project. CODEOWNERs are there to review PRs for
# consistency.
# By default, any maintainer can approve any PR. There's a couple of
# exceptions for consistency/specialty.
# Default owners for everything in the repo
# Later matches takes precedence
* @dagger/maintainers
# Core CUE API
/pkg/dagger.io/ @helderco @shykes
# Universe
/pkg/universe.dagger.io/ @helderco @shykes
# Universe experimental
/pkg/universe.dagger.io/x/ @helderco @jpadams
# Documentation Website
# Exception: Sidebar changes use regular CODEOWNERS
/website/ @slumbering
# Changing this file requires approval of project owners
/CODEOWNERS @shykes @samalba @aluzzardi