197 lines
4.8 KiB
197 lines
4.8 KiB
package rds
import (
#CreateDB: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// DB name
name: string
// ARN of the database instance
dbArn: string
// ARN of the database secret (for connecting via rds api)
secretArn: string
dbType: "mysql" | "postgres"
// Name of the DB created
out: string
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
files: {
"/inputs/name": name
"/inputs/db_arn": dbArn
"/inputs/secret_arn": secretArn
"/inputs/db_type": dbType
export: "/db_created"
code: #"""
set +o pipefail
dbType="$(cat /inputs/db_type)"
echo "dbType: $dbType"
sql="CREATE DATABASE \`$(cat /inputs/name)\`"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="CREATE DATABASE \"$(cat /inputs/name)\""
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
--no-include-result-metadata \
|& tee /tmp/out
if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
cat /tmp/out
grep -q "database exists\|already exists" /tmp/out
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit $exit_code
cp /inputs/name /db_created
#CreateUser: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// Username
username: dagger.#Secret
// Password
password: dagger.#Secret
// ARN of the database instance
dbArn: string
// ARN of the database secret (for connecting via rds api)
secretArn: string
grantDatabase: string | *""
dbType: "mysql" | "postgres"
// Outputed username
out: string
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
files: {
"/inputs/username": username
"/inputs/password": password
"/inputs/db_arn": dbArn
"/inputs/secret_arn": secretArn
"/inputs/grant_database": grantDatabase
"/inputs/db_type": dbType
export: "/username"
code: #"""
set +o pipefail
dbType="$(cat /inputs/db_type)"
echo "dbType: $dbType"
sql="CREATE USER '$(cat /inputs/username)'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$(cat /inputs/password)'"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="CREATE USER \"$(cat /inputs/username)\" WITH PASSWORD '$(cat /inputs/password)'"
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
--no-include-result-metadata \
|& tee tmp/out
if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
cat tmp/out
grep -q "Operation CREATE USER failed for\|ERROR" tmp/out
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit $exit_code
cp /inputs/username /username
sql="SET PASSWORD FOR '$(cat /inputs/username)'@'%' = PASSWORD('$(cat /inputs/password)')"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="ALTER ROLE \"$(cat /inputs/username)\" WITH PASSWORD '$(cat /inputs/password)'"
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
sql="GRANT ALL ON \`$(cat /inputs/grant_database)\`.* to '$(cat /inputs/username)'@'%'"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE \"$(cat /inputs/grant_database)\" to \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLES TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SEQUENCES TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\";"
if [ -s /inputs/grant_database ]; then
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
#Instance: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// ARN of the database instance
dbArn: string
// DB hostname
hostname: info.hostname
// DB port
port: info.port
info: {
hostname: string
port: int
info: json.Unmarshal(out)
out: string
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
files: "/inputs/db_arn": dbArn
export: "/out"
code: #"""
db_arn="$(cat /inputs/db_arn)"
data=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters --filters "Name=db-cluster-id,Values=$db_arn" )
echo "$data" | jq -r '.DBClusters[].Endpoint' > /tmp/out
echo "$data" | jq -r '.DBClusters[].Port' >> /tmp/out
cat /tmp/out | jq -sR 'split("\n") | {hostname: .[0], port: (.[1] | tonumber)}' > /out