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Solomon Hykes 4ef77efeac CLI spec: controller -> deployment
Signed-off-by: Solomon Hykes <>
2021-03-26 15:59:37 -07:00

314 lines
7.9 KiB

// This is the source of truth for the DESIRED STATE of the dagger command-line user interface (UI)
// - The CLI implementation is written manually, using this document as a spec. If you spot
// a discrepancy between the spec and implementation, please report it or even better,
// submit a patch to the implementation.
// - To propose changes to the UI, submit a patch to this spec. Patches to the CLI implementation
// which don't match the spec will be rejected.
// - It is OK to propose changes to the CLI spec before an implementation is ready. To speed up
// development, we tolerate a lag between the spec and implementation. This may change in the
// future once the project is more mature.
package spec
import (
// Examples:
// cue eval --out text
// cue eval --out text -e '#Dagger.command.query.usage'
#Dagger: #Command & {
name: "dagger"
description: "Write code to deploy your code"
doc: """
A Dagger deployment is a continuously running workflow delivering a specific application in a specific way.
The same application can be delivered via different deployments, each with a different configuration.
For example a production deployment might include manual validation and addition performance testing,
while a staging deployment might automatically deploy from a git branch, load test data into the database,
and run on a separate cluster.
A deployment is made of 3 parts: a deployment plan, inputs, and outputs.
# Creating a new component
Sometimes there is no third-party component available for a particular node in the application's supply chain;
or it exists but needs to be customized.
A Dagger component is simply a Cue definition annotated with [LLB]( pipelines.
LLB is a standard executable format pioneered by the Buildkit project. It allows Dagger components to run
sophisticated pipelines to ingest, and process artifacts such as source code, binaries, database exports, etc.
Best of all LLB pipelines can securely build and run any docker container, effectively making Dagger
scriptable in any language.
flag: {
"--deployment": {
alt: "-d"
Select a deployment
If no deployment is specified, dagger searches for deployments using the current
directory as input.
* If exactly one deployment matches the search, it is selected.
* If there is more than one match, the user is prompted to select one.
* If there is no match, the command returns an error.
arg: "NAME"
"--log-format": {
arg: "string"
description: "Log format (json, pretty). Defaults to json if the terminal is not a tty"
"--log-level": {
alt: "-l"
arg: "string"
description: "Log level"
default: "debug"
command: {
new: {
description: "Create a new deployment"
flag: {
"--name": {
alt: "-n"
description: "Specify a deployment name"
default: "name of current directory"
"--plan-dir": description: "Load deployment plan from a local directory"
"--plan-git": description: "Load deployment plan from a git repository"
"--plan-package": description: "Load deployment plan from a cue package"
"--plan-file": description: "Load deployment plan from a cue or json file"
"--up": {
alt: "-u"
description: "Bring the deployment online"
"--setup": {
arg: "no|yes|auto"
description: "Specify whether to prompt user for initial setup"
list: description: "List available deployments"
query: {
arg: "[EXPR] [flags]"
description: "Query the contents of a deployment"
EXPR may be any valid CUE expression. The expression is evaluated against the deployment contents. The deployment is not changed.
# Print the entire deployment plan with inputs merged in (but no outputs)
$ dagger query --no-output
# Print the deployment plan, inputs and outputs of a particular step
$ dagger query
# Print the URL of a deployed service
$ dagger query api.url
# Export environment variables from a deployment
$ dagger query -f json api.environment
flag: {
// FIXME: confusing flag choice?
// Use --revision or --change or --change-id instead?
"--version": {
alt: "-v"
description: "Query a specific version of the deployment"
default: "latest"
"--format": {
alt: "-f"
description: "Output format"
arg: "json|yaml|cue|text|env"
"--no-input": {
alt: "-I"
description: "Exclude inputs from query"
"--no-output": {
alt: "-O"
description: "Exclude outputs from query"
"--no-plan": {
alt: "-L"
description: "Exclude deployment plan from query"
up: {
description: "Bring a deployment online with latest deployment plan and inputs"
flag: "--no-cache": description: "Disable all run cache"
down: {
description: "Take a deployment offline (WARNING: may destroy infrastructure)"
flag: "--no-cache": description: "Disable all run cache"
history: description: "List past changes to a deployment"
delete: {
description: "Delete a deployment after taking it offline (WARNING: may destroy infrastructure)"
plan: {
description: "Manage a deployment plan"
command: {
package: {
description: "Load plan from a cue package"
arg: "PKG"
dagger plan package
dir: {
description: "Load plan from a local directory"
arg: "PATH"
dagger plan dir ./infra/prod
git: {
description: "Load plan from a git repository"
dagger plan git main examples/simple
file: {
description: "Load plan from a cue file"
arg: "PATH|-"
dagger plan file ./myapp-staging.cue
echo 'message: "hello, \(name)!", name: string | *"world"' | dagger plan file -
input: {
description: "Manage a deployment's inputs"
command: {
// FIXME: details of individual input commands
dir: {description: "Add a local directory as input artifact"}
git: description: "Add a git repository as input artifact"
container: description: "Add a container image as input artifact"
value: description: "Add an input value"
secret: description: "Add an encrypted input secret"
output: {
description: "Manage a deployment's outputs"
// FIXME: bind output values or artifacts
// to local dir or file
// BONUS: bind a deployment output to another deployment's input?
login: description: "Login to Dagger Cloud"
logout: description: "Logout from Dagger Cloud"
#Command: {
// Command name
name: string
description: string
doc: string | *""
// Flags
flag: [fl=string]: #Flag & {name: fl}
flag: "--help": {
alt: "-h"
description: "help for \(name)"
// Sub-commands
command: [cmd=string]: #Command & {
name: cmd
arg: string | *"[command]"
usage: {
\(name) \(arg)
Available commands:
#commands: [ for name, cmd in command {
#flags: [ for name, fl in flag {
\(name), \(fl.alt)\t\(fl.description)
#Flag: {
name: string
alt: string | *""
description: string
default?: string
arg?: string
example?: string