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Sam Alba 18c04dcc31 test: added bats dependencies files
Signed-off-by: Sam Alba <>
2021-12-14 09:12:18 -08:00

756 lines
23 KiB

# bats-assert - Common assertions for Bats
# Written in 2016 by Zoltan Tombol <zoltan dot tombol at gmail dot com>
# To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
# copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
# public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
# warranty.
# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
# along with this software. If not, see
# <>.
# assert.bash
# -----------
# Assertions are functions that perform a test and output relevant
# information on failure to help debugging. They return 1 on failure
# and 0 otherwise.
# All output is formatted for readability using the functions of
# `output.bash' and sent to the standard error.
# Fail and display the expression if it evaluates to false.
# NOTE: The expression must be a simple command. Compound commands, such
# as `[[', can be used only when executed with `bash -c'.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - expression
# Returns:
# 0 - expression evaluates to TRUE
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert() {
if ! "$@"; then
batslib_print_kv_single 10 'expression' "$*" \
| batslib_decorate 'assertion failed' \
| fail
# Fail and display the expression if it evaluates to true.
# NOTE: The expression must be a simple command. Compound commands, such
# as `[[', can be used only when executed with `bash -c'.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - expression
# Returns:
# 0 - expression evaluates to FALSE
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
refute() {
if "$@"; then
batslib_print_kv_single 10 'expression' "$*" \
| batslib_decorate 'assertion succeeded, but it was expected to fail' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if the expected and actual values do not
# equal. Details include both values.
# Globals:
# none
# Arguments:
# $1 - actual value
# $2 - expected value
# Returns:
# 0 - values equal
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert_equal() {
if [[ $1 != "$2" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 8 \
'expected' "$2" \
'actual' "$1" \
| batslib_decorate 'values do not equal' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if `$status' is not 0. Details include
# `$status' and `$output'.
# Globals:
# status
# output
# Arguments:
# none
# Returns:
# 0 - `$status' is 0
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert_success() {
if (( status != 0 )); then
{ local -ir width=6
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" 'status' "$status"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" 'output' "$output"
} | batslib_decorate 'command failed' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if `$status' is 0. Details include `$output'.
# Optionally, when the expected status is specified, fail when it does
# not equal `$status'. In this case, details include the expected and
# actual status, and `$output'.
# Globals:
# status
# output
# Arguments:
# $1 - [opt] expected status
# Returns:
# 0 - `$status' is not 0, or
# `$status' equals the expected status
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
assert_failure() {
(( $# > 0 )) && local -r expected="$1"
if (( status == 0 )); then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'command succeeded, but it was expected to fail' \
| fail
elif (( $# > 0 )) && (( status != expected )); then
{ local -ir width=8
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" \
'expected' "$expected" \
'actual' "$status"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" \
'output' "$output"
} | batslib_decorate 'command failed as expected, but status differs' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if `$output' does not match the expected
# output. The expected output can be specified either by the first
# parameter or on the standard input.
# By default, literal matching is performed. The assertion fails if the
# expected output does not equal `$output'. Details include both values.
# Option `--partial' enables partial matching. The assertion fails if
# the expected substring cannot be found in `$output'.
# Option `--regexp' enables regular expression matching. The assertion
# fails if the extended regular expression does not match `$output'. An
# invalid regular expression causes an error to be displayed.
# It is an error to use partial and regular expression matching
# simultaneously.
# Globals:
# output
# Options:
# -p, --partial - partial matching
# -e, --regexp - extended regular expression matching
# -, --stdin - read expected output from the standard input
# Arguments:
# $1 - expected output
# Returns:
# 0 - expected matches the actual output
# 1 - otherwise
# Inputs:
# STDIN - [=$1] expected output
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
# error message, on error
assert_output() {
local -i is_mode_partial=0
local -i is_mode_regexp=0
local -i is_mode_nonempty=0
local -i use_stdin=0
# Handle options.
if (( $# == 0 )); then
while (( $# > 0 )); do
case "$1" in
-p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;;
-e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;;
-|--stdin) use_stdin=1; shift ;;
--) shift; break ;;
*) break ;;
if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then
echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_output' \
| fail
return $?
# Arguments.
local expected
if (( use_stdin )); then
expected="$(cat -)"
# Matching.
if (( is_mode_nonempty )); then
if [ -z "$output" ]; then
echo 'expected non-empty output, but output was empty' \
| batslib_decorate 'no output' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_regexp )); then
if [[ '' =~ $expected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then
echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$expected'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_output' \
| fail
elif ! [[ $output =~ $expected ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \
'regexp' "$expected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression does not match output' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ $output != *"$expected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 9 \
'substring' "$expected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output does not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ $output != "$expected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 8 \
'expected' "$expected" \
'actual' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output differs' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if `$output' matches the unexpected output.
# The unexpected output can be specified either by the first parameter
# or on the standard input.
# By default, literal matching is performed. The assertion fails if the
# unexpected output equals `$output'. Details include `$output'.
# Option `--partial' enables partial matching. The assertion fails if
# the unexpected substring is found in `$output'. The unexpected
# substring is added to details.
# Option `--regexp' enables regular expression matching. The assertion
# fails if the extended regular expression does matches `$output'. The
# regular expression is added to details. An invalid regular expression
# causes an error to be displayed.
# It is an error to use partial and regular expression matching
# simultaneously.
# Globals:
# output
# Options:
# -p, --partial - partial matching
# -e, --regexp - extended regular expression matching
# -, --stdin - read unexpected output from the standard input
# Arguments:
# $1 - unexpected output
# Returns:
# 0 - unexpected matches the actual output
# 1 - otherwise
# Inputs:
# STDIN - [=$1] unexpected output
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
# error message, on error
refute_output() {
local -i is_mode_partial=0
local -i is_mode_regexp=0
local -i is_mode_empty=0
local -i use_stdin=0
# Handle options.
if (( $# == 0 )); then
while (( $# > 0 )); do
case "$1" in
-p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;;
-e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;;
-|--stdin) use_stdin=1; shift ;;
--) shift; break ;;
*) break ;;
if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then
echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_output' \
| fail
return $?
# Arguments.
local unexpected
if (( use_stdin )); then
unexpected="$(cat -)"
if (( is_mode_regexp == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then
echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$unexpected'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_output' \
| fail
return $?
# Matching.
if (( is_mode_empty )); then
if [ -n "$output" ]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output non-empty, but expected no output' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_regexp )); then
if [[ $output =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 0 )); then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \
'regexp' "$unexpected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression should not match output' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ $output == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 9 \
'substring' "$unexpected" \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output should not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ $output == "$unexpected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \
'output' "$output" \
| batslib_decorate 'output equals, but it was expected to differ' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if the expected line is not found in the
# output (default) or in a specific line of it.
# By default, the entire output is searched for the expected line. The
# expected line is matched against every element of `${lines[@]}'. If no
# match is found, the assertion fails. Details include the expected line
# and `${lines[@]}'.
# When `--index <idx>' is specified, only the <idx>-th line is matched.
# If the expected line does not match `${lines[<idx>]}', the assertion
# fails. Details include <idx> and the compared lines.
# By default, literal matching is performed. A literal match fails if
# the expected string does not equal the matched string.
# Option `--partial' enables partial matching. A partial match fails if
# the expected substring is not found in the target string.
# Option `--regexp' enables regular expression matching. A regular
# expression match fails if the extended regular expression does not
# match the target string. An invalid regular expression causes an error
# to be displayed.
# It is an error to use partial and regular expression matching
# simultaneously.
# Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options
# too.
# Globals:
# output
# lines
# Options:
# -n, --index <idx> - match the <idx>-th line
# -p, --partial - partial matching
# -e, --regexp - extended regular expression matching
# Arguments:
# $1 - expected line
# Returns:
# 0 - match found
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
# error message, on error
# FIXME(ztombol): Display `${lines[@]}' instead of `$output'!
assert_line() {
local -i is_match_line=0
local -i is_mode_partial=0
local -i is_mode_regexp=0
# Handle options.
while (( $# > 0 )); do
case "$1" in
if (( $# < 2 )) || ! [[ $2 =~ ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]]; then
echo "\`--index' requires an integer argument: \`$2'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_line' \
| fail
return $?
local -ri idx="$2"
shift 2
-p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;;
-e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;;
--) shift; break ;;
*) break ;;
if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then
echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_line' \
| fail
return $?
# Arguments.
local -r expected="$1"
if (( is_mode_regexp == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $expected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then
echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$expected'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_line' \
| fail
return $?
# Matching.
if (( is_match_line )); then
# Specific line.
if (( is_mode_regexp )); then
if ! [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $expected ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 6 \
'index' "$idx" \
'regexp' "$expected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression does not match line' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} != *"$expected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 9 \
'index' "$idx" \
'substring' "$expected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line does not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} != "$expected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 8 \
'index' "$idx" \
'expected' "$expected" \
'actual' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line differs' \
| fail
# Contained in output.
if (( is_mode_regexp )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
[[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $expected ]] && return 0
{ local -ar single=(
'regexp' "$expected"
local -ar may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no output line matches regular expression' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
[[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$expected"* ]] && return 0
{ local -ar single=(
'substring' "$expected"
local -ar may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no output line contains substring' \
| fail
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
[[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$expected" ]] && return 0
{ local -ar single=(
'line' "$expected"
local -ar may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'output does not contain line' \
| fail
# Fail and display details if the unexpected line is found in the output
# (default) or in a specific line of it.
# By default, the entire output is searched for the unexpected line. The
# unexpected line is matched against every element of `${lines[@]}'. If
# a match is found, the assertion fails. Details include the unexpected
# line, the index of the first match and `${lines[@]}' with the matching
# line highlighted if `${lines[@]}' is longer than one line.
# When `--index <idx>' is specified, only the <idx>-th line is matched.
# If the unexpected line matches `${lines[<idx>]}', the assertion fails.
# Details include <idx> and the unexpected line.
# By default, literal matching is performed. A literal match fails if
# the unexpected string does not equal the matched string.
# Option `--partial' enables partial matching. A partial match fails if
# the unexpected substring is found in the target string. When used with
# `--index <idx>', the unexpected substring is also displayed on
# failure.
# Option `--regexp' enables regular expression matching. A regular
# expression match fails if the extended regular expression matches the
# target string. When used with `--index <idx>', the regular expression
# is also displayed on failure. An invalid regular expression causes an
# error to be displayed.
# It is an error to use partial and regular expression matching
# simultaneously.
# Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options
# too.
# Globals:
# output
# lines
# Options:
# -n, --index <idx> - match the <idx>-th line
# -p, --partial - partial matching
# -e, --regexp - extended regular expression matching
# Arguments:
# $1 - unexpected line
# Returns:
# 0 - match not found
# 1 - otherwise
# Outputs:
# STDERR - details, on failure
# error message, on error
# FIXME(ztombol): Display `${lines[@]}' instead of `$output'!
refute_line() {
local -i is_match_line=0
local -i is_mode_partial=0
local -i is_mode_regexp=0
# Handle options.
while (( $# > 0 )); do
case "$1" in
if (( $# < 2 )) || ! [[ $2 =~ ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]]; then
echo "\`--index' requires an integer argument: \`$2'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_line' \
| fail
return $?
local -ri idx="$2"
shift 2
-p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;;
-e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;;
--) shift; break ;;
*) break ;;
if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then
echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_line' \
| fail
return $?
# Arguments.
local -r unexpected="$1"
if (( is_mode_regexp == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then
echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$unexpected'" \
| batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_line' \
| fail
return $?
# Matching.
if (( is_match_line )); then
# Specific line.
if (( is_mode_regexp )); then
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 0 )); then
batslib_print_kv_single 6 \
'index' "$idx" \
'regexp' "$unexpected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'regular expression should not match line' \
| fail
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 9 \
'index' "$idx" \
'substring' "$unexpected" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line should not contain substring' \
| fail
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$unexpected" ]]; then
batslib_print_kv_single 5 \
'index' "$idx" \
'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \
| batslib_decorate 'line should differ' \
| fail
# Line contained in output.
if (( is_mode_regexp )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $unexpected ]]; then
{ local -ar single=(
'regexp' "$unexpected"
'index' "$idx"
local -a may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" \
| batslib_prefix \
| batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )"
batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no line should match the regular expression' \
| fail
return $?
elif (( is_mode_partial )); then
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then
{ local -ar single=(
'substring' "$unexpected"
'index' "$idx"
local -a may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" \
| batslib_prefix \
| batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )"
batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'no line should contain substring' \
| fail
return $?
local -i idx
for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do
if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$unexpected" ]]; then
{ local -ar single=(
'line' "$unexpected"
'index' "$idx"
local -a may_be_multi=(
'output' "$output"
local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width \
"${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )"
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}"
if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then
batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}"
may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" \
| batslib_prefix \
| batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )"
batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}"
} | batslib_decorate 'line should not be in output' \
| fail
return $?