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Andrea Luzzardi 4e04bf9d22 update europa dagger import path to
Signed-off-by: Andrea Luzzardi <>
2022-01-11 16:40:26 -08:00

172 lines
3.6 KiB

package main
import (
runtime_image_ref: string | *"thechangelog/runtime:2021-05-29T10.17.12Z"
engine.#Plan & {
inputs: directories: app: {
path: "."
exclude: [
inputs: directories: docker: {
path: "."
include: [
actions: {
runtimeImage: engine.#Pull & {
source: runtime_image_ref
depsCache: engine.#CacheDir & {
id: "depsCache"
depsCacheMount: "depsCache": {
dest: *"/app/deps/" | string
contents: depsCache
buildCacheTest: engine.#CacheDir & {
id: "buildCacheTest"
buildCacheTestMount: "buildCacheTest": {
dest: *"/app/_build/test" | string
contents: buildCacheTest
buildCacheProd: engine.#CacheDir & {
id: "buildCacheProd"
buildCacheProdMount: "buildCacheProd": {
dest: *"/app/_build/prod" | string
contents: buildCacheProd
nodeModulesCache: engine.#CacheDir & {
id: "nodeModulesCache"
nodeModulesCacheMount: "nodeModulesCache": {
dest: *"/app/assets/node_modules" | string
contents: nodeModulesCache
appImage: engine.#Copy & {
input: runtimeImage.output
source: root:
dest: "/app"
deps: engine.#Exec & {
input: appImage.output
mounts: depsCacheMount
workdir: "/app"
args: ["bash", "-c", " mix deps.get"]
assetsCompile: engine.#Exec & {
input: depsCompileProd.output
mounts: depsCacheMount & nodeModulesCacheMount
workdir: "/app/assets"
env: PATH: "/usr/local/lib/nodejs/node-v14.17.0-linux-x64/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
args: ["bash", "-c", "yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn run compile"]
#depsCompile: engine.#Exec & {
input: deps.output
mounts: depsCacheMount
workdir: "/app"
args: ["bash", "-c", "mix do deps.compile, compile"]
depsCompileTest: #depsCompile & {
env: MIX_ENV: "test"
mounts: buildCacheTestMount
depsCompileProd: #depsCompile & {
env: MIX_ENV: "prod"
mounts: buildCacheProdMount
assetsDigest: engine.#Exec & {
input: assetsCompile.output
mounts: depsCacheMount & buildCacheProdMount & nodeModulesCacheMount
env: MIX_ENV: "prod"
workdir: "/app"
args: ["bash", "-c", "mix phx.digest"]
imageProdCacheCopy: engine.#Exec & {
input: assetsDigest.output
mounts: (depsCacheMount & {depsCache: dest: "/mnt/app/deps/"} )
mounts: (buildCacheProdMount & {buildCacheProd: dest: "/mnt/app/_build/prod"} )
args: ["bash", "-c", "cp -Rp /mnt/app/deps/* /app/deps/ && cp -Rp /mnt/app/_build/prod/* /app/_build/prod/"]
imageProdDockerCopy: engine.#Copy & {
input: imageProdCacheCopy.output
source: root: inputs.directories.docker.contents
dest: "/"
imageProd: engine.#Build & {
source: imageProdDockerCopy.output
dockerfile: path: "/docker/Dockerfile.production"
buildArg: {
GIT_AUTHOR: "joel"
GIT_SHA: "abcdef"