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Gerhard Lazu c9a8159f28
Set the version when installing via make install
    dagger devel () darwin/amd64

    dagger devel (1d1b9083) darwin/amd64

Also removed the dependency on the dagger target, since go install is
very similar to go build, the only difference in this context is that it
places the binary in $GOPATH/bin.

Signed-off-by: Gerhard Lazu <>
2022-02-04 11:59:50 +00:00

93 lines
3.2 KiB

SHELL := bash# we want bash behaviour in all shell invocations
BOLD := \033[1m
NORMAL := \033[0m
GREEN := \033[1;32m
.PHONY: help
help: # Show how to get started & what targets are available
@printf "This is a list of all the make targets that you can run, e.g. $(BOLD)make dagger$(NORMAL) - or $(BOLD)m dagger$(NORMAL)\n\n"
@awk -F':+ |$(HELP_TARGET_DEPTH)' '/^[0-9a-zA-Z._%-]+:+.+$(HELP_TARGET_DEPTH).+$$/ { printf "$(GREEN)%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$3 }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort
GIT_REVISION := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
.PHONY: dagger
dagger: # Build a dev dagger binary
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ./cmd/dagger/ -ldflags '-s -w -X$(GIT_REVISION)' ./cmd/dagger/
.PHONY: dagger-debug
dagger-debug: # Build a debug version of the dev dagger binary
go build -race -o ./cmd/dagger/dagger-debug -ldflags '-X$(GIT_REVISION)' ./cmd/dagger/
.PHONY: install
install: # Install a dev dagger binary
go install -ldflags '-X$(GIT_REVISION)' ./cmd/dagger
.PHONY: test
test: # Run all tests
go test -race -v ./...
.PHONY: golint
golint: # Go lint
golangci-lint run --timeout 3m
.PHONY: cuefmt
cuefmt: # Format all cue files
find . -name '*.cue' -not -path '*/cue.mod/*' -print | time xargs -n 1 -P 8 cue fmt -s
.PHONY: cuelint
cuelint: cuefmt # Lint and format all cue files
@test -z "$$(git status -s . | grep -e "^ M" | grep .cue | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tee /dev/stderr)"
.PHONY: shellcheck
shellcheck: # Run shellcheck
shellcheck $$(find . -type f \( -iname \*.bats -o -iname \*.bash -o -iname \*.sh \) -not -path "*/node_modules/*" -not -path "*/bats-*/*")
.PHONY: lint
lint: shellcheck cuelint golint docslint # Lint everything
.PHONY: integration
integration: core-integration universe-test doc-test # Run all integration tests
.PHONY: core-integration
core-integration: dagger-debug # Run core integration tests
yarn --cwd "./tests" install
DAGGER_BINARY="$(shell pwd)/cmd/dagger/dagger-debug" yarn --cwd "./tests" test
.PHONY: universe-test
universe-test: dagger-debug # Run universe tests
yarn --cwd "./universe" install
DAGGER_BINARY="$(shell pwd)/cmd/dagger/dagger-debug" yarn --cwd "./universe" test
.PHONY: europa-universe-test
europa-universe-test: dagger-debug # Run Europa universe tests
yarn --cwd "./pkg/" install
DAGGER_BINARY="$(shell pwd)/cmd/dagger/dagger-debug" yarn --cwd "./pkg/" test
.PHONY: doc-test
doc-test: dagger-debug # Test docs
yarn --cwd "./docs/learn/tests" install
DAGGER_BINARY="$(shell pwd)/cmd/dagger/dagger-debug" yarn --cwd "./docs/learn/tests" test
.PHONY: docs
docs: dagger # Generate docs
./cmd/dagger/dagger doc --output ./docs/reference --format md
.PHONY: docslint
docslint: docs # Generate & lint docs
@test -z "$$(git status -s . | grep -e "^ M" | grep docs/reference | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tee /dev/stderr)"
.PHONY: web
web: # Run the website locally
yarn --cwd "./website" install
yarn --cwd "./website" start
.PHONY: todo
todo: # Find all TODO items
grep -r -A 1 "TODO:" $(CURDIR)