I found an issue when during tests execution : there was orphan. It's because #App doesn't give way to specify the compose project, by default it's the directory where you launch your app but in our definition, it will always be source. The problem is that if we launch two differents docker-compose in the same server, his project name will be source for both and it will create orphans problems on cleanup (by docker-compose down). This case is exactly what we do in tests so I've add the field name to specify the projet name and avoid that issue. Signed-off-by: Tom Chauveau <tom.chauveau@epitech.eu>
- alpine - Base package for Alpine Linux
- aws - AWS base package
- aws/cloudformation - AWS CloudFormation
- aws/ecr - Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
- aws/ecs - AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)
- aws/eks - AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
- aws/elb - AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELBv2)
- aws/rds - AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)
- aws/s3 - AWS Simple Storage Service
- dagger - Dagger core types
- dagger/op - op: low-level operations for Dagger processing pipelines
- docker - Docker container operations
- docker/compose - Docker-compose operations
- gcp - Google Cloud Platform
- gcp/gcr - Google Container Registry
- gcp/gke - Google Kubernetes Engine
- git - Git operations
- go - Go build operations
- io - IO operations
- js/yarn - Yarn is a package manager for Javascript applications
- kubernetes - Kubernetes client operations
- kubernetes/helm - Helm package manager
- kubernetes/kustomize - Kustomize config management
- netlify - Netlify client operations
- os - OS operations
- random - Random generation utilities
- terraform - Terraform operations