--- slug: /1202/plan displayed_sidebar: europa --- # It all starts with a plan ## Plan structure A config declared in Dagger starts with a plan, specifically `dagger.#Plan` Within this plan we can: - interact with the `client` filesystem - read files, usually the current directory as `.` - write files, usually the build output as `_build` - read `env` variables, such as `NETLIFY_TEAM` in our example - declare a few `actions`, e.g. `deps`, `test` & `build` This is our **Getting Started** todoapp plan structure: ```cue file=../tests/core-concepts/plan/structure.cue.fragment ``` When the above plan gets executed via `dagger do build`, it produces the following output: ```shell [✔] client.filesystem.".".read 0.0s [✔] actions.deps 1.1s [✔] actions.test.script 0.0s [✔] actions.test 0.0s [✔] actions.build.run.script 0.0s [✔] actions.build.run 0.0s [✔] actions.build.contents 0.0s [✔] client.filesystem."./_build".write 0.1s ``` Since these actions have run before, they are cached and take less than 2 seconds to complete. While the names used for the actions above - `deps`, `test` & `build` - are short and descriptive, any other names would have worked. Put differently, action naming does not affect plan execution. Lastly, notice that even if the `deploy` action is defined, we did not run it. Similar to Makefile targets, we have the option of running specific actions. We ran the `dagger do build` command, which only runs the `build` action (and all its dependent actions). This Dagger property enables us to keep the entire CI/CD config in a single file, while keeping the integration execution separate from the deployment one. Separating CI & CD concerns becomes essential as our pipelines grow in complexity, and we learn about operational and security constraints specific to our systems. ## Packages & imports In order to understand the correlation between actions, definitions and packages, let us focus on the following fragment from our **Getting Started** todoapp config: ```cue package todoapp import ( "dagger.io/dagger" "universe.dagger.io/netlify" ) dagger.#Plan & { // ... actions: { // ... deploy: netlify.#Deploy & { // ... } // ... } } ``` We start by declaring the package name, `package todoapp` above. Next, we import the packages that we use in our plan. The first import is needed for the `dagger.#Plan` definition to be available. The second import is for `netlify.#Deploy` to work. :::info Which other imports we are missing? Look at all the actions in the plan structure at the top of this page. Now check all the available packages in [universe.dagger.io](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/v0.2.4/pkg/universe.dagger.io). ::: We now understand that the `deploy` action is the deploy definition from the netlify package, written as `deploy: netlify.#Deploy` Each definition has default values that can be modified via curly brackets. This is what that looks like in practice for our deploy action: ```cue // ... deploy: netlify.#Deploy & { contents: build.contents.output site: client.env.APP_NAME token: client.env.NETLIFY_TOKEN team: client.env.NETLIFY_TEAM } // ... ``` We can build complex pipelines efficiently by referencing any definition, from any package in our actions. This is one of the fundamental concepts that makes Dagger a powerful language for building CI/CD pipelines. If you want to learn more packages in the context of CUE, the config language used by Dagger configs, check out the [Packages](1215-what-is-cue.md#packages) section on the **What is CUE?** page. :::tip Now that we understand the basics of a Dagger plan, we are ready to learn more about how to interact with the client environment. We can read the env (including secrets), run commands, use local sockets, etc. :::