package staticwebapp import ( "" "" "" ) // Create a static web app #StaticWebApp: { // Azure Config config: azure.#Config // ResourceGroup name in which to create static webapp rgName: string & dagger.#Input // StaticWebApp location stappLocation: string & dagger.#Input // StaticWebApp name stappName: string & dagger.#Input // GitHubRepository URL remote: string & dagger.#Input // GitHub Branch ref: *"main" | string & dagger.#Input // Location of your application code appLocation: *"/" | string & dagger.#Input // Location of your build artifacts buildLocation: *"build" | string & dagger.#Input // GitHub Personal Access Token authToken: dagger.#Secret & dagger.#Input // DefaultHostName generated by Azure defaultHostName: string & dagger.#Output // Container image ctr: os.#Container & { image: azure.#CLI & { "config": config } always: true command: #""" az staticwebapp create -n "$AZURE_STATICWEBAPP_NAME" \ -g "$AZURE_DEFAULTS_GROUP" \ -l "$AZURE_DEFAULTS_LOCATION" \ -s "$GIT_URL" \ -b "$GIT_BRANCH" \ -t "$(cat /run/secrets/git_pat)" \ --app-location "$APP_LOCATION" \ --output-location "$BUILD_LOCATION" | jq -r '.defaultHostname' | tr -d "\n" > /defaultHostName """# secret: "/run/secrets/git_pat": authToken env: { AZURE_DEFAULTS_GROUP: rgName AZURE_DEFAULTS_LOCATION: stappLocation AZURE_STATICWEBAPP_NAME: stappName GIT_URL: remote GIT_BRANCH: ref APP_LOCATION: appLocation BUILD_LOCATION: buildLocation } } // DefaultHostName generated by Azure defaultHostName: ({ os.#File & { from: ctr path: "/defaultHostName" } }).contents }