--- slug: /1007/kubernetes/ --- # Deploy to Kubernetes with Dagger This tutorial illustrates how to use Dagger to build, push and deploy Docker images to Kubernetes. import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; ## Prerequisites For this tutorial, you will need a Kubernetes cluster. <Tabs defaultValue="kind" groupId="provider" values={[ {label: 'kind', value: 'kind'}, {label: 'GKE', value: 'gke'}, {label: 'EKS', value: 'eks'}, ]}> <TabItem value="kind"> [Kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start) is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker. 1\. Install kind Follow [these instructions](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start) to install Kind. Alternatively, on macOS using [homebrew](https://brew.sh/): ```shell brew install kind ``` 2\. Start a local registry ```shell docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2 ``` 3\. Create a cluster with the local registry enabled in containerd ```shell cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --config=- kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 containerdConfigPatches: - |- [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.mirrors."localhost:5000"] endpoint = ["http://registry:5000"] EOF ``` 4\. Connect the registry to the cluster network ```shell docker network connect kind registry ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="gke"> This tutorial can be run against a [GCP GKE](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine) cluster and [GCR](https://cloud.google.com/container-registry). You can follow this [GCP documentation](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart) to create a GKE cluster. You will also need to create a [kubeconfig](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart#get_authentication_credentials_for_the_cluster) . </TabItem> <TabItem value="eks"> This tutorial can be run against a [AWS EKS](https://aws.amazon.com/eks/) cluster and [ECR](https://aws.amazon.com/ecr/) . You can follow this [AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-started-console.html) to create an EKS cluster. You will also need to create a [kubeconfig](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/create-kubeconfig.html). </TabItem> </Tabs> ## Initialize a Dagger Project and Environment ### (optional) Setup example app You will need the local copy of the [Dagger examples repository](https://github.com/dagger/examples) used in previous guides ```shell git clone https://github.com/dagger/examples ``` Make sure that all commands are run from the todoapp directory: ```shell cd examples/todoapp ``` ### Organize your package Let's create a new directory for our Cue package: ```shell mkdir kube ``` ### Deploy using Kubectl Kubernetes objects are located inside the `k8s` folder: ```shell ls -l k8s # k8s # ├── deployment.yaml # └── service.yaml # 0 directories, 2 files ``` As a starting point, let's deploy them manually with `kubectl`: ```shell kubectl apply -f k8s/ # deployment.apps/todoapp created # service/todoapp-service created ``` Verify that the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 10m kubectl get service # NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE # todoapp-service NodePort <none> 80:32658/TCP 11m ``` The next step is to transpose it in Cue. Before continuing, clean everything: ```shell kubectl delete -f k8s/ # deployment.apps "todoapp" deleted # service "todoapp-service" deleted ``` ## Create a basic plan Create a file named `todoapp.cue` and add the following configuration to it. ```cue file=tests/kube-kind/basic/todoapp.cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" ``` This defines a `todoApp` variable containing the Kubernetes objects used to create a todoapp deployment. It also references a `kubeconfig` value defined below: <Tabs defaultValue="kind" groupId="provider" values={[ {label: 'kind', value: 'kind'}, {label: 'GKE', value: 'gke'}, {label: 'EKS', value: 'eks'}, ]}> <TabItem value="kind"> The following `config.cue` defines: - `kubeconfig` a generic value created to embed this string `kubeconfig` value ```cue file=tests/kube-kind/config.cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="gke"> The below `config.cue` defines: - `kubeconfig` a generic value created to embbed this `gke.#KubeConfig` value - `gcpConfig`: connection to Google using `alpha.dagger.io/gcp` - `gkeConfig`: transform a `gcpConfig` to a readable format for `kubernetes.#Resources.kubeconfig` using `alpha.dagger.io/gcp/gke` ```cue file=tests/kube-gcp/basic/config.cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="eks"> The below `config.cue` defines: - `kubeconfig`, a generic value created to embbed this `eksConfig.kubeconfig` value - `awsConfig`, connection to Amazon using `alpha.dagger.io/aws` - `eksConfig`, transform a `awsConfig` to a readable format for `kubernetes.#Resources.kubeconfig` using `alpha.dagger.io/aws/eks` ```cue file=tests/kube-aws/basic/config.cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" ``` </TabItem> </Tabs> ### Setup the environment #### Create a new environment Let's create a project: ```shell dagger init ``` Let's create an environment to run it: ```shell dagger new 'kube' -p kube ``` ### Configure the environment Before we can bring up the deployment, we need to provide the `kubeconfig` input declared in the configuration. Otherwise, Dagger will complain about a missing input: ```shell dagger up -e kube # 5:05PM ERR system | required input is missing input=kubeconfig # 5:05PM ERR system | required input is missing input=manifest # 5:05PM FTL system | some required inputs are not set, please re-run with `--force` if you think it's a mistake missing=0s ``` You can inspect the list of inputs (both required and optional) using `dagger input list`: <Tabs defaultValue="kind" groupId="provider" values={[ {label: 'kind', value: 'kind'}, {label: 'GKE', value: 'gke'}, {label: 'EKS', value: 'eks'}, ]}> <TabItem value="kind"> ```shell dagger input list -e kube # Input Value Set by user Description # kubeconfig string false set with `dagger input text kubeconfig -f "$HOME"/.kube/config -e kube` # manifest dagger.#Artifact false input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` # todoApp.namespace *"default" | string false Kubernetes Namespace to deploy to # todoApp.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Version of kubectl client ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="gke"> ```shell dagger input list -e kube # Input Value Set by user Description # gcpConfig.region string false GCP region # gcpConfig.project string false GCP project # gcpConfig.serviceKey dagger.#Secret false GCP service key # manifest dagger.#Artifact false input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` # gkeConfig.clusterName string false GKE cluster name # gkeConfig.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Kubectl version # todoApp.namespace *"default" | string false Kubernetes Namespace to deploy to # todoApp.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Version of kubectl client ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="eks"> ```shell dagger input list -e kube # Input Value Set by user Description # awsConfig.region string false AWS region # awsConfig.accessKey dagger.#Secret false AWS access key # awsConfig.secretKey dagger.#Secret false AWS secret key # manifest dagger.#Artifact false input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` # eksConfig.clusterName string false EKS cluster name # eksConfig.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Kubectl version # todoApp.namespace *"default" | string false Kubernetes Namespace to deploy to # todoApp.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Version of kubectl client ``` </TabItem> </Tabs> Let's provide the missing inputs: <Tabs defaultValue="kind" groupId="provider" values={[ {label: 'kind', value: 'kind'}, {label: 'GKE', value: 'gke'}, {label: 'EKS', value: 'eks'}, ]}> <TabItem value="kind"> ```shell # we'll use the "$HOME"/.kube/config created by `kind` dagger input text kubeconfig -f "$HOME"/.kube/config -e kube # Add as an artifact the k8s folder dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="gke"> ```shell # Add as an artifact the k8s folder dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube # Add Google credentials dagger input text gcpConfig.project <PROJECT> -e kube dagger input text gcpConfig.region <REGION> -e kube dagger input secret gcpConfig.serviceKey -f <PATH TO THE SERVICEKEY.json> -e kube # Add GKE clusterName dagger input text gkeConfig.clusterName <GKE CLUSTER NAME> -e kube ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="eks"> ```shell # Add as an artifact the k8s folder dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube # Add Amazon credentials dagger input text awsConfig.region <REGION> -e kube dagger input secret awsConfig.accessKey <ACCESS KEY> -e kube dagger input secret awsConfig.secretKey <SECRET KEY> -e kube # Add EKS clustername dagger input text eksConfig.clusterName <EKS CLUSTER NAME> -e kube ``` </TabItem> </Tabs> ### Deploying Now is time to deploy to Kubernetes. ```shell dagger up -e kube # deploy | computing # deploy | #26 0.700 deployment.apps/todoapp created # deploy | #27 0.705 service/todoapp-service created # deploy | completed duration=1.405s ``` Let's verify if the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 1m ``` Before continuing, cleanup deployment: ```shell kubectl delete -f k8s/ # deployment.apps "todoapp" deleted # service "todoapp-service" deleted ``` ## Building, pushing, and deploying Docker images Rather than deploying an existing (`todoapp`) image, we're going to build a Docker image from the source, push it to a registry, and update the Kubernetes configuration. ### Update the plan <Tabs defaultValue="kind" groupId="provider" values={[ {label: 'kind', value: 'kind'}, {label: 'GKE', value: 'gke'}, {label: 'EKS', value: 'eks'}, ]}> <TabItem value="kind"> Let's see how to deploy an image locally and push it to the local cluster `kube/todoapp.cue` faces these changes: - `repository`, source code of the app to build. It needs to have a Dockerfile - `registry`, URI of the registry to push to - `image`, build of the image - `remoteImage`, push an image to the registry - `kustomization`, apply kustomization to image ```cue file=tests/kube-kind/deployment/todoapp.cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="gke"> Let's see how to leverage [GCR](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/gcp/gcr) and [GKE](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/gcp/gke) packages. The two files have to be edited to do so. `kube/config.cue` configuration has following change: - definition of a new `gcrCreds` value that contains ecr credentials for remote image push to GCR ```cue file=tests/kube-gcp/deployment/config.cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" ``` `kube/todoapp.cue`, on the other hand, faces these changes: - `repository`, source code of the app to build. It needs to have a Dockerfile - `registry`, URI of the registry to push to - `image`, build of the image - `remoteImage`, push an image to the registry - `kustomization`, apply kustomization to image ```cue file=tests/kube-gcp/deployment/todoapp.cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="eks"> Let's see how to leverage [ECR](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/aws/ecr) and [EKS](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/aws/eks) packages. The two files have to be edited to do so. `kube/config.cue` configuration has following change: - definition of a new `ecrCreds` value that contains ecr credentials for remote image push to ECR ```cue file=tests/kube-aws/deployment/config.cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" ``` `kube/todoapp.cue`, on the other hand, faces these changes: - `repository`, source code of the app to build. It needs to have a Dockerfile - `registry`, URI of the registry to push to - `image`, build of the image - `remoteImage`, push an image to the registry - `kustomization`, apply kustomization to image ```cue file=tests/kube-aws/deployment/todoapp.cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" ``` </TabItem> </Tabs> ### Connect the Inputs <Tabs defaultValue="kind" groupId="provider" values={[ {label: 'kind', value: 'kind'}, {label: 'GKE', value: 'gke'}, {label: 'EKS', value: 'eks'}, ]}> <TabItem value="kind"> Next, we'll provide the two new inputs, `repository` and `registry`. ```shell # A name after `localhost:5000/` is required to avoid error on push to the local registry dagger input text registry "localhost:5000/kind" -e kube # Add todoapp (current folder) to repository value dagger input dir repository . -e kube ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="gke"> Next, we'll provide the two new inputs, `repository` and `registry`. ```shell # Add registry to export built image to dagger input text registry <URI> -e kube # Add todoapp (current folder) to repository value dagger input dir repository . -e kube ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="eks"> Next, we'll provide the two new inputs, `repository` and `registry`. ```shell # Add registry to export built image to dagger input text registry <URI> -e kube # Add todoapp (current folder) to repository value dagger input dir repository . -e kube ``` </TabItem> </Tabs> ### Bring up the changes ```shell dagger up -e kube # 4:09AM INF manifest | computing # 4:09AM INF repository | computing # ... # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.858 service/todoapp-service created # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.879 deployment.apps/todoapp created # Output Value Description # todoApp.remoteImage.ref "localhost:5000/kind:test-kind@sha256:cb8d92518b876a3fe15a23f7c071290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f20cefee6" Image ref # todoApp.remoteImage.digest "sha256:cb8d92518b876a3fe15a23f7c071290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f20cefee6" Image digest ``` Let's verify if the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 50s ``` Before continuing, cleanup deployment: ```shell kubectl delete -f k8s/ # deployment.apps "todoapp" deleted # service "todoapp-service" deleted ``` ## CUE Kubernetes manifest This section will convert Kubernetes YAML manifest from `k8s` directory to [CUE](https://cuelang.org/) to take advantage of the language features. > For a more advanced example, see the [official CUE Kubernetes tutorial](https://github.com/cue-lang/cue/blob/v0.4.0/doc/tutorial/kubernetes/README.md) ### Convert Kubernetes objects to CUE First, let's create re-usable definitions for the `deployment` and the `service` to remove a lot of boilerplate and repetition. Let's define a re-usable `#Deployment` definition in `kube/deployment.cue`. ```cue file=tests/kube-kind/cue-manifest/deployment.cue title="todoapp/kube/deployment.cue" ``` Indeed, let's also define a re-usable `#Service` definition in `kube/service.cue`. ```cue file=tests/kube-kind/cue-manifest/service.cue title="todoapp/kube/service.cue" ``` ### Generate Kubernetes manifest Now that you have generic definitions for your Kubernetes objects. You can use them to get back your YAML definition without having boilerplate nor repetition. Create a new definition named `#AppManifest` that will generate the YAML in `kube/manifest.cue`. ```cue file=tests/kube-kind/cue-manifest/manifest.cue title="todoapp/kube/manifest.cue" ``` ### Update manifest You can now remove the `manifest` input in `kube/todoapp.cue` and instead use the manifest created by `#AppManifest`. `kube/todoapp.cue` configuration has following changes: - removal of unused imported `encoding/yaml` and `kustomize` packages. - removal of `manifest` input that is doesn't need anymore. - removal of `kustomization` to replace it with `#AppManifest` definition. - Update `kubeSrc` to use `manifest` field instead of `source` because we don't send Kubernetes manifest of `dagger.#Artifact` type anymore. <Tabs defaultValue="kind" groupId="provider" values={[ {label: 'kind', value: 'kind'}, {label: 'GKE', value: 'gke'}, {label: 'EKS', value: 'eks'}, ]}> <TabItem value="kind"> ```cue file=tests/kube-kind/cue-manifest/todoapp.cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="gke"> ```cue file=tests/kube-gcp/cue-manifest/todoapp.cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="eks"> ```cue file=tests/kube-aws/cue-manifest/todoapp.cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" ``` </TabItem> </Tabs> ### Remove unused input Now that we manage our Kubernetes manifest in CUE, we don't need `manifest` anymore. ```shell # Remove `manifest` input dagger input unset manifest -e kube ``` ### Deployment ```shell dagger up -e kube # 4:09AM INF manifest | computing # 4:09AM INF repository | computing # ... # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.858 service/todoapp-service created # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.879 deployment.apps/todoapp created # Output Value Description # todoApp.remoteImage.ref "localhost:5000/kind:test-kind@sha256:cb8d91518b076a3fe15a33f7c171290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f33cefag7" Image ref # todoApp.remoteImage.digest "sha256:cb8d91518b076a3fe15a33f7c171290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f33cefag7" Image digest ``` Let's verify that the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 37s ``` ## Next Steps Integrate Helm with Dagger: - [Helm](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/kubernetes/helm)