package aws import ( "" "" "" ) // Base AWS Config #Config: { // AWS region region: string @dagger(input) // AWS access key accessKey: dagger.#Secret @dagger(input) // AWS secret key secretKey: dagger.#Secret @dagger(input) } // Re-usable aws-cli component #CLI: { package: [string]: string | bool #up: [ op.#Load & { from: alpine.#Image & { "package": package "package": bash: "=~5.1" "package": jq: "=~1.6" "package": curl: true "package": "aws-cli": "=~1.18" } }, ] } // Helper for writing scripts based on AWS CLI #Script: { // AWS code config: #Config // Script code (bash) code: string // Extra pkgs to install package: [string]: string | bool // Files to mount files: [string]: string // Env variables env: [string]: string // Export file export: string // Always execute the script? always?: bool // Directory dir?: dagger.#Artifact out: { string #up: [ op.#Load & { from: #CLI & { "package": package } }, op.#Mkdir & { path: "/inputs" }, for k, v in files { op.#WriteFile & { dest: k content: v } }, op.#WriteFile & { dest: "/" content: code }, op.#Exec & { if always != _|_ { "always": always } args: [ "/bin/bash", "--noprofile", "--norc", "-eo", "pipefail", "/", ] "env": env "env": { AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: config.accessKey AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: config.secretKey AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: config.region AWS_REGION: config.region AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT: "json" AWS_PAGER: "" } if dir != _|_ { mount: "/inputs/source": from: dir } }, op.#Export & { source: export format: "string" }, ] } }