package eks

import (

// KubeConfig config outputs a valid kube-auth-config for kubectl client
#KubeConfig: {
	// AWS Config
	config: aws.#Config

	// EKS cluster name
	clusterName: string

	// Kubectl version
	version: *"v1.19.9" | string

	// kubeconfig is the generated kube configuration file
	kubeconfig: {
		// FIXME There is a problem with dagger.#Secret type

		#up: [
			op.#Load & {
				from: aws.#CLI

			op.#WriteFile & {
				dest:    "/"
				content: #Code

			op.#Exec & {
				always: true
				args: [
				env: {
					AWS_CONFIG_FILE:       "/cache/aws/config"
					AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:     config.accessKey
					AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: config.secretKey
					AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:    config.region
					AWS_REGION:            config.region
					AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT:    "json"
					AWS_PAGER:             ""
					EKS_CLUSTER:           clusterName
					KUBECTL_VERSION:       version
				mount: {
					"/cache/aws": "cache"
					"/cache/bin": "cache"
			op.#Export & {
				source: "/kubeconfig"
				format: "string"