setup() { load 'helpers' common_setup } @test "dagger list" { run "$DAGGER" list assert_success assert_output "" "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/simple simple run "$DAGGER" list assert_success assert_output --partial "simple" } @test "dagger new --plan-dir" { run "$DAGGER" list assert_success assert_output "" "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/simple simple # duplicate name run "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/simple simple assert_failure # verify the plan works "$DAGGER" up -e "simple" # verify we have the right plan run "$DAGGER" query -f cue -e "simple" -c -f json assert_success assert_output --partial '{ "bar": "another value", "computed": "test", "foo": "value" }' } @test "dagger new --plan-git" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-git simple "$DAGGER" up -e "simple" run "$DAGGER" query -f cue -e "simple" -c assert_success assert_output --partial '{ foo: "value" bar: "another value" }' } @test "dagger query" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/simple simple run "$DAGGER" query -l error -e "simple" assert_success assert_output '{ "bar": "another value", "foo": "value" }' # concrete should fail at this point since we haven't up'd run "$DAGGER" query -e "simple" -c assert_failure # target run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "simple" foo assert_success assert_output '"value"' # ensure computed values show up "$DAGGER" up -e "simple" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "simple" assert_success assert_output --partial '"computed": "test"' # concrete should now work "$DAGGER" query -e "simple" -c # --no-computed should yield the same result as before run "$DAGGER" query -l error --no-computed -e "simple" assert_success assert_output '{ "bar": "another value", "foo": "value" }' # --no-plan should give us only the computed values run "$DAGGER" query -l error --no-plan -e "simple" assert_success assert_output '{ "computed": "test" }' } @test "dagger plan" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/simple simple # plan dir "$DAGGER" -e "simple" plan dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/simple run "$DAGGER" -e "simple" query assert_success assert_output --partial '"foo": "value"' # plan git "$DAGGER" -e "simple" plan git run "$DAGGER" -e "simple" query assert_success assert_output --partial '"foo": "value"' } @test "dagger input text" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/simple "input" # simple input "$DAGGER" input -e "input" text "input" "my input" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" input assert_success assert_output '"my input"' # unset simple input "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "input" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" input assert_success assert_output 'null' # nested input "$DAGGER" input -e "input" text "nested.input" "nested input" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" nested assert_success assert_output '{ "input": "nested input" }' # unset nested input "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "nested.input" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" nested assert_success assert_output 'null' # file input "$DAGGER" input -e "input" text "input" -f "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/simple/testdata/input.txt "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" input assert_success assert_output '"from file\n"' # unset file input "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "input" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" input assert_success assert_output 'null' # invalid file run "$DAGGER" input -e "input" text "input" -f "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/simple/testdata/notexist assert_failure # stdin input echo -n "from stdin" | "$DAGGER" input -e "input" text "input" -f - "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" input assert_success assert_output '"from stdin"' # unset stdin input "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "input" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" input assert_success assert_output 'null' } @test "dagger input json" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/simple "input" # simple json "$DAGGER" input -e "input" json "structured" '{"a": "foo", "b": 42}' "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output '{ "a": "foo", "b": 42 }' # unset simple json "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "structured" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output 'null' # json from file "$DAGGER" input -e "input" json "structured" -f "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/simple/testdata/input.json "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output '{ "a": "from file", "b": 42 }' # unset json from file "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "structured" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output 'null' } @test "dagger input yaml" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/simple "input" # simple yaml "$DAGGER" input -e "input" yaml "structured" '{"a": "foo", "b": 42}' "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output '{ "a": "foo", "b": 42 }' # unset simple yaml "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "structured" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output 'null' # yaml from file "$DAGGER" input -e "input" yaml "structured" -f "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/simple/testdata/input.yaml "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output '{ "a": "from file", "b": 42 }' # unset yaml from file "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "structured" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" structured assert_success assert_output 'null' } @test "dagger input dir" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/artifact "input" # input dir "$DAGGER" input -e "input" dir "source" "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/artifact/testdata "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" assert_success assert_output '{ "bar": "thisisatest\n", "foo": "bar", "source": {} }' # unset dir "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "source" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" assert_success assert_output '{ "foo": "bar" }' } @test "dagger input git" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/artifact "input" # input git "$DAGGER" input -e "input" git "source" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" assert_output '{ "bar": "testgit\n", "foo": "bar", "source": {} }' # unset input git "$DAGGER" input -e "input" unset "source" "$DAGGER" up -e "input" run "$DAGGER" -l error query -e "input" assert_output '{ "foo": "bar" }' } @test "dagger input scan" { "$DAGGER" new --plan-dir "$TESTDIR"/cli/input/scan "scan" # TODO "scan" option isn't implemented run "$DAGGER" input scan -e "input" assert_success }