package docker import ( "strconv" "" "" ) // Build a Docker image from source, using included Dockerfile #Build: { source: dagger.#Artifact @dagger(input) #up: [ op.#DockerBuild & { context: source }, ] } // Pull a docker container #Pull: { // Remote ref (example: "") from: string @dagger(input) #up: [ op.#FetchContainer & {ref: from}, ] } // Push a docker image #Push: { // Remote ref (example: "") ref: string @dagger(input) // Image source: dagger.#Artifact @dagger(input) #up: [ op.#Load & {from: source}, op.#PushContainer & {"ref": ref}, ] } #Run: { // Connect to a remote SSH server ssh: { // ssh host host: string @dagger(input) // ssh user user: string @dagger(input) // ssh port port: *22 | int @dagger(input) // private key key: dagger.#Secret @dagger(input) // fingerprint fingerprint?: string @dagger(input) // ssh key passphrase keyPassphrase?: dagger.#Secret @dagger(input) } // Image reference (e.g: nginx:alpine) ref: string @dagger(input) // Container name name?: string @dagger(input) // Image registry registry?: { target: string username: string secret: dagger.#Secret } @dagger(input) #code: #""" if [ -n "$DOCKER_HOSTNAME" ]; then export DOCKER_HOST="ssh://$DOCKER_USERNAME@$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$DOCKER_PORT" # Start ssh-agent eval $(ssh-agent) > /dev/null # Add key if [ -f "/key" ]; then message="$(ssh-keygen -y -f /key < /dev/null 2>&1)" || { >&2 echo "$message" exit 1 } ssh-add /key > /dev/null if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then exit 1 fi fi if [[ ! -z $FINGERPRINT ]]; then mkdir -p "$HOME"/.ssh # Add user's fingerprint to known hosts echo "$FINGERPRINT" >> "$HOME"/.ssh/known_hosts else # Add host to known hosts ssh -i /key -o "UserKnownHostsFile "$HOME"/.ssh/known_hosts" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking accept-new" -p "$DOCKER_PORT" "$DOCKER_USERNAME"@"$DOCKER_HOSTNAME" /bin/true > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi # Run detach container OPTS="" if [ ! -z "$CONTAINER_NAME" ]; then OPTS="$OPTS --name $CONTAINER_NAME" fi docker container run -d $OPTS "$IMAGE_REF" """# #up: [ op.#Load & {from: #Client}, if registry != _|_ { op.#DockerLogin & {registry} }, if ssh.keyPassphrase != _|_ { op.#WriteFile & { content: #""" #!/bin/bash cat /passphrase """# dest: "/get_passphrase" mode: 0o500 } }, op.#WriteFile & { content: #code dest: "/" }, op.#Exec & { always: true args: [ "/bin/sh", "--noprofile", "--norc", "-eo", "pipefail", "/", ] env: { IMAGE_REF: ref if ssh != _|_ { DOCKER_HOSTNAME: DOCKER_USERNAME: ssh.user DOCKER_PORT: strconv.FormatInt(ssh.port, 10) if ssh.keyPassphrase != _|_ { SSH_ASKPASS: "/get_passphrase" DISPLAY: "1" } if ssh.fingerprint != _|_ { FINGERPRINT: ssh.fingerprint } } if name != _|_ { CONTAINER_NAME: name } } mount: { if ssh.key != _|_ { "/key": secret: ssh.key } if ssh.keyPassphrase != _|_ { "/passphrase": secret: ssh.keyPassphrase } } }, ] } // Build a Docker image from the provided Dockerfile contents // FIXME: incorporate into #Build #ImageFromDockerfile: { dockerfile: string @dagger(input) context: dagger.#Artifact @dagger(input) #up: [ op.#DockerBuild & { "context": context "dockerfile": dockerfile }, ] }